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L. P. Brockett, Women's work in the civil war: a record of heroism, patriotism and patience 57 1 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in L. P. Brockett, Women's work in the civil war: a record of heroism, patriotism and patience. You can also browse the collection for Adaline Tyler or search for Adaline Tyler in all documents.

Your search returned 29 results in 2 document sections:

England, and perhaps other parts of Europe. Mrs. Tyler, then a widow, was invited to assume the supto her general superintendence of the order, Mrs. Tyler administered the affairs of the Church Home,ed to one thousand sick and wounded men, and Mrs. Tyler had use enough for the ample stores of comfoand to call for every effort of kindness. Mrs. Tyler procured a number of photographs of these wre which were widely distributed. With these Mrs. Tyler did much good. She had a large number of coork at Annapolis for the returned prisoners, Mrs. Tyler takes great pleasure in expressing her appreors, and the various calls upon her efforts, Mrs. Tyler, in the spring of 1864, was at length obligemily, were to be the traveling companions of Mrs. Tyler. Arrived at Lucerne, she was again prostratrn among the dykes and canals of Holland. Mrs. Tyler spent about eighteen months in Europe, traved fearless in her loyalty to her Government, Mrs. Tyler had ample opportunities, never neglected, to[18 more...]
L. P. Brockett, Women's work in the civil war: a record of heroism, patriotism and patience, Index of names of women whose services are recorded in this book. (search)
409. Stranahan, Mrs. Marianne F., 53. Strong, Mrs. George T., 301. Swayne, Miss, 411. Tannehill, Mrs. Arabella, 407. Taylor, Miss Alice, 77, 78, 239, 240. Taylor, .Mrs. Nellie Maria, 89, 234, 240. Thomas, Mrs. (of New Orleans), 89. Thompson, Miss Kate P., 406. Ticknor, Mrs. George, 323. Tileston, Miss Jennie, 407. Tilton, Miss Catherine, 409. Tilton, Mrs. Lucretia Jane, 409. Titcomb, Miss Louise, 247. Titlow, Mrs. Effie, 76. Trotter, Mrs. Laura, 301. Turchin, Madame, 79, 80. Tyler, Mrs. Adeline, 241-250. Tyson, Miss, 157, 159. Vanderkieeft, Mrs. Dr., 247. Wade, Mrs. Jennie, 62, 84, 85. Wallace, Miss, 209. Wallace, Mrs. Martha A., 47. Ward, Mrs. Anne, 408. Ward, Mrs. S. R., 409. Webber, Mrs. E. M., 408. Wells, Mrs. Shepard, 88. Whetten, Mrs. Harriet Douglas, 301, 316, 322. Wilbrey, Mrs., 89. Willets, Miss Georgiana, 409. Williams, Miss, 245. Wittenmeyer, Miss Annie, 374-379. Wolcott, Miss Ella, 406. Wolfley, Mrs., 89. Wolfley, Miss Carrie, 89. Wood,