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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., McDowell's advance to Bull Run. (search)
he men of which were mostly shot down where they bravely stood by their guns. Having become separated from McDowell, I fell in with Barnard, his chief engineer, and while together we observed the New York Fire Zouaves, who had been supporting Griffin's battery, fleeing to the rear in their gaudy uniforms, in utter confusion. Thereupon Captain James B. Ricketts, afterward Major-General. The contest for the Henry Hill. Colonel William T. Sherman, who commanded the Third Brigade of Tyler's division, describes as follows some of the efforts to regain the Henry Hill after the capture of Griffin's and Ricketts's batteries: Before reaching the crest of this [Henry] hill, the roadway [see picture, page 186] was worn deep enough to afford shelter, and I kept the several regiments in it as long as possible; but when the Wisconsin 2d was abreast of the enemy, by order of Major Wadsworth, of General McDowell's staff, I ordered it to leave the roadway by the left flank, and to attack
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., The opposing armies at the first Bull Run. (search)
The opposing armies at the first Bull Run. [The composition and losses of each army as here stated give the gist of all the data obtainable in the Official Records. K stands for killed; w for wounded; m for captured or missing; c for captured.-editors.] Composition and losses of the Union army. Brig.-Gen. Irvin McDowell. Staff loss: w, 1. (Capt. O. H. Tillinghast, mortally wounded.) First division Brig.-Gen. Daniel Tyler. Staff loss: w, 2. First Brigade, Col. Erasmus D. Keyes 2d Me., Col. C. D. Jameson 1st Conn., Col. G. S. Burnham 2d Conn., Col. A. H. Terry 3d Conn., Col. John L. Chatfield. Brigade loss: k, 19; w, 50; m, 154 = 223. Second Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Robert C. Schenck 2d N. Y. (militia), Col. G. W. B. Tompkins 1st Ohio, Col. A. McD. McCook 2d Ohio, Lieut.-Col. Rodney Mason E, 2d U. S. Arty., Capt. J. H. Carlisle. Brigade loss: k, 21; w, 25; m, 52 = 98. Third Brigade, Col. W. T. Sherman 13th N. Y., Col. I. F. Quinby 69th
John G. Nicolay, The Outbreak of Rebellion, Chapter 14: Manassas. (search)
afternoon. His army was organized as follows: First Division, commanded by Tyler: an aggregate of 9,936 men, divided into four brigades, respectively under Keyen turnpike. On Thursday morn- Bull Run-the field of strategy. ing, July 18th, Tyler moved upon Centreville, but, arriving there at nine o'clock, he found that it, egard's entire army was behind Bull Run. Centreville being situated on a hill, Tyler could see the whole valley spread out before him, with Manassas on the high pltoward that point, crossing the stream at Mitchell's and Blackburn's fords. Tyler's unopposed advance had perhaps inspired him and his officers with an over-confovercame discretion. Accompanied by Richardson, one of his brigade commanders, Tyler first went out with a squadron of cavalry and two companies of light infantry. and the other three were deployed in line of battle to make a new charge, that Tyler heeded his instructions, and withdrew his reluctant officers and men from the f
John G. Nicolay, The Outbreak of Rebellion, Chapter 15: Bull Run. (search)
nd crossed by an attacking column. McDowell therefore ordered that Tyler, with the heaviest division, should advance from Centreville directthe batteries at the stone bridge by a rear attack, and thus enable Tyler's division to cross and join in the combined march on Gainesville, hese orders, on which the ink was scarcely dry. At sunrise he heard Tyler's signal-guns, and soon received notice that McDowell had taken th only a regiment and a half, with four guns, for his entire guard. Tyler appeared in force before the bridge, and began his demonstration; by of Sudley Ford as the battle began, had already sent back word to Tyler to press his attack at the stone bridge. Such an attack, however, had also retired southward. Avoiding the bridge with its abattis, Tyler led Sherman's and Keyes' brigades across Bull Run half a mile aboveting his march to the right. Keyes remained on the left, and under Tyler's personal orders; and thus it turned out that this single brigade
John G. Nicolay, The Outbreak of Rebellion, Appendix A. (search)
Abbot, Topographical Engineer. Lieutenant H. S. Putnam, Topographical Engineer. Lieutenant George C. Strong, Ordnance Officer. Major A. J. Myer, Signal Officer. Major William F. Barry, 5th Artillery, Chief of Artillery. Major James S. Wadsworth, Volunteer Aid-de-Camp. Majcr Clarence S. Brown, Volunteer Aid-de-Camp. Lieutenant H. W. Kingsbury, 5th Artillery, Aid-de-Camp. Lieutenant Guy V. Henry, Aid-de-Camp. Major Malcolm McDOWELL, Acting Aid-de-Camp. first Division. Brigadier-General Daniel Tyler. First Brigade. Colonel Erasmus D. Keyes. 2d Maine, Colonel Charles D. Jameson. 1st Connecticut, Colonel George S. Burnham. 2d Connecticut, Colonel Alfred H. Terry. 3d Connecticut, Colonel John L. Chatfield. Second Brigade. Brigadier-General Robert C. Schence. 2d New York (militia), Colonel George W. B. Tompkins 1st Ohio, Colonel A. McD. McCook. 2d Ohio, Lieut.-Colonel Rodney Mason. Company E, 2d U. S. Artillery, Captain J. H. Carlisle. Third Brigade. Colonel Will
John G. Nicolay, The Outbreak of Rebellion, Index. (search)
attack on, 72 T. Taylor, Fort, at Key West, 16 Tennessee, 80, 133 et seq.; East, 135 Texas, course of the conspirators in, 13; ordinance of secession submitted to popular vote, 13; attitude of, with regard to secession, 13 et seq.; secession of, 14 Thomas, Secretary, 26 Thomas, Colonel, 166 Thompson, Jeff., 118 Thompson, Secretary, 17, 20, 30, 33 Toombs, Senator, 12, 42 Toucey, Secretary, 33 Townsend, Colonel, 153 Twiggs, General, treachery of, 14 Tyler, General, Daniel, commands First Division in the advance on Manassas, 174; his advance, 177, 178 U. Union Mills Ford, 176, note V. Varian, Captain, 174 Vernon, Mount, Va, 102 Vienna Station, Va., ambush at, 172 Virginia, attitude of,with regard to secession, 51 et seq., 80; secession, 98; extent and character of, 137 et seq., 169 Virginia, East, 137; vote on Secession Ordinance, 142 Virginia, West, 131, 133, 137, 141; vote on Secession Ordinance, 142; organized as sep
he Government upon said contracts. Gen. Halleck, at St. Louis, Mo., issued an order assuming the command of the Department of the Mississippi, which includes the present Department of Kansas and Missouri, and the Department of Ohio and country west of a north and south line drawn through Knoxville, Tenn., and east of the western boundaries of the States of Missouri and Arkansas. The headquarters of the Department of the Mississippi will remain until further orders at St. Louis. Daniel Tyler, of Connecticut, was this day confirmed by the United States Senate, a Brigadier-General of Volunteers in the National army. In the House of Representatives of the United States, a resolution was passed tendering the thanks of Congress to Gen. Curtis, and the officers and men under his command, for the brilliant victory at Pea Ridge, in Arkansas. The bridge of the Mobile and Ohio Railroad, at a point twenty miles from Jackson, Tenn., was totally destroyed by the third battalion
Gen. Shields near Kearnstown. The enemy's force consisted of five hundred cavalry, five thousand infantry, and nine pieces of artillery, with a reserve of eighteen pieces. The fight was continued until noon, when a charge, made by one regiment of infantry and two of cavalry, on their right, drove them back half a mile, when they got their guns in position again in a dense wood, flanked by infantry, and drove the Union forces back. A short artillery duel ensued, when Gen. Shields ordered Col. Tyler to turn their left flank, which was executed with great loss, the enemy being protected by a stone-ledge. The Eighty-fourth Pennsylvania and Thirteenth Indiana charged their centre and the fight became general, with great massacre on both sides. Col. Murray, of the Eighty-fourth Penn sylvania, was killed. The enemy retired slowly, bringing their guns to bear at every opportunity. The Nationals rushed forward with yells, when a panic occurred among the enemy, and troops followed and dro
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 25: the battle of Bull's Run, (search)
on--David L. Magruder. First Division.--General Tyler. Four brigades. The First Brigade, comman Beauregard's Headquarters at Manassas. Tyler, with the right wing, moved along the Georgetor the Court House. The Commanding General and Tyler's division moved on two miles farther to the James Longstreet was watching. Toward noon, Tyler went out on a reconnaissance toward Blackburn'h Friend: by Major J. G. Barnard, who was with Tyler's division. The Nationals lost nineteen killeen Beauregard and Johnston. For this purpose, Tyler was to move along the Warrenton Turnpike, and he first bullets fired by the Confederates. Tyler placed Schenck's brigade on the left of the tu nine o'clock, Evans had become satisfied that Tyler's attack, as well as the cannonade below, was turn or silence a Confederate battery opposite Tyler's extreme right. In this attempt the Second Nem from the National batteries on their left. Tyler ordered him to capture it. Black horse Caval[16 more...]
m northwest to southeast. The first division (Tyler's) was stationed on the north side of the Warrwe having the obtuse angle on our side. General Tyler commenced with his artillery at half-past tre and up the road, whilst Keyes's brigade of Tyler's division was on the left, attacking the battat once to the high ground, and, by order of Gen. Tyler, came into line on Sherman's left. The ordes further, I was met by Lieut. Upton, aid to Gen. Tyler, and ordered to file to the right, as our trville at about 10 o'clock P. M., by order of Gen. Tyler, and arrived at Camp McDowell, six and a halght before him. Riding to the front I joined Gen. Tyler and Col. Richardson. Proceeding with them a spot shortly before this,) and presume that Gen. Tyler concurred in this opinion, as the firing soope with us. It now became necessary to have Tyler's division force the passage of the bridge. IThe commanding general promptly sent orders to Tyler to press his attack with all vigor. I had y[35 more...]