Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: January 20, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for John Tyler or search for John Tyler in all documents.

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ll Run. The following are the names of the returned prisoners; Serg't Chas W. Fairfield, company D; Frederick Hoefer company C; W, H. Millett, company G; Patrick McGinnley and John Hirst, company C; Michael Dowting, company F; Adolphus Keller, company C; Jas. H. Hart, company B; Ferd. Kelley, company B; Michael McGrain, company B; Luther L. Mills, company A; Jas. A. Coburn, company K; Ed. Sweeney, company G; Henry Hege, company G; Hugh F. Dunnigan, company H; Chas Redecker, company G; John Tyler, company D; Samuel Van Duger, company I; Wm. Fielding, company F; Wm. H. Brees, company l; Henry Van Orman, company K; Augustus Gauss, company C; Ed. N. Kellogg, company B, and Edw. L. Marsh, company E. Total, twenty-four. Another letter from Dempsey, the Yankee prisoner. From the New York Herald, of the 15th instant, we copy the following letter, from J. W. Dempsey, who, it will be remembered, wrote a letter from the Charleston prison some time since, in which he took occasion t
Death of John Tyler. Saturday's telegraph heralded through the South the most afflicting intelany public emergency or at any crisis, where John Tyler stood. Long connected with public affaiogenitor, and faithful to his golden tenets, Mr. Tyler's life has been a barometer, in some sort, o eye, most fortunate, in their public life. Mr. Tyler was a distinguished illustration of this true subjected so thorough a State-rights man as Mr.Tyler to no embarrassment, if events had permitted , and quarrelled, may be unable to look upon Mr. Tyler as any other than a traitor to the Whig parttisan aspects of his administration, that of John Tyler was one of the most illustrious that has marannuals of America. It was a peculiarity of Mr. Tyler, that though not pretending to, himself, norwas it for the good cause of the South, that John Tyler held the Federal reins of power in the eventpast the allotted three score years and ten, Mr. Tyler again appeared upon the stage of public affa
l a vacancy appeared and took his seat. Death of Ex-President Tyler. The President laid before the Senate the follow2. Gentlemen of the Senate and House of Delegates: John Tyler departed this life at his lodgings, in this city, after a brief illness, at 12 o'clock last night. Mr. Tyler has served the people of Virginia with ability and distinction, in varinicating resolutions commemorating the death of Hon. John. Tyler. The preamble and resolutions were read by the Clerk of thellows: The mournful intelligence of the decease of John Tyler, after a brief illness, has cast a gloom over this GenerHimself. Such is the brief outline of the career of John Tyler. In private he was the perfect gentleman, the warm-heart. On my way to the Capitol this morning, I learned that John Tyler, late President of the United States, had paid that debs presented a series of joint resolutions in reference to Mr. Tyler's death, which were unanimously adopted. [The resolution
The memory of Ex-President Tyler. --In addition to the public observances else where noticed, it is proper to say that all the State offices were closed on Saturday by the Governor's order, and will be closed on the day of the funeral. The following is an extract from the proceedings of the Hustings Court. It being announced to the Court by R. T. Daniel, Attorney for the Commonwealth, that the Hon. John Tyler, representative of this district in the Congress of the Confederate States,John Tyler, representative of this district in the Congress of the Confederate States, had departed this life, the Court desire to give enduring expression to their deep regret for the lose of a fellow citizen as distinguished for long and eminent public services as for the virtues that adorned his private life-- Resolved,That the sympathy and condolence of the members of the Court and its officers are tendered to the family of the deceased in this afflicting event. Resolved, That these proceedings be entered of record and published in the city papers, and that the Cour
Ex-President Tyler. Congress adjourned on Saturday without transacting any business, and the Virginia delegation immediately held a meeting to make arrangements for paying suitable respect to the memory of Hon. John Tyler, deceased. The Legislature adopted resolutions in regard to the sad event, and several appropriate eulogies were delivered. The committees appointed by the Senate and House will, it is understood, co-operate with the Virginia Congressional delegation in making arranements for paying suitable respect to the memory of Hon. John Tyler, deceased. The Legislature adopted resolutions in regard to the sad event, and several appropriate eulogies were delivered. The committees appointed by the Senate and House will, it is understood, co-operate with the Virginia Congressional delegation in making arrangements for the obsequies. The flags on the public buildings were displayed at half-mast, and the Capitol bell tolled during a large portion of the day.