Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: March 14, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Tyler or search for Tyler in all documents.

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the Peace Conference propositions to the Committee on Federal Relations. Mr. Tyler, of Charles City, being entitled to the floor, proceeded to address the Conveber from Ohio — a member of the present Cabinet — by the name of Chase ? Mr. Tyler replied that that was a disclosure. He declined a direct answer to the questfor the Crittenden proposition, but accepted the other when that failed. Mr. Tyler said he would in no respect misrepresent him. He had understood him to say ththe two propositions, touching the Territorial question, were then read, and Mr.Tyler proceeded to draw a comparison between them. The measure suggested by Mr. Critt a disciple of Clay's upon the matter of settling the Territorial question. Mr. Tyler proceeded to argue this branch of his subject, but having announced that he went was suggested, in order to give him an opportunity of closing to-morrow. Mr. Tyler therefore yielded the floor, and On motion of Mr. Sheffey, the Conventio
The Convention. Ex-President Tyler commenced his speech yesterday, and will probably conclude to-day. He dissected the Peace Conference propositions, and argued with much force and ability against the policy of accepting them as a basis of settlement, even if it were possible to have them engrafted upon the Constitution of the United States.