Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: April 1, 1863., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Ullman or search for Ullman in all documents.

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Ullman brigade. --The New York correspondent of the Philadelphia Press writes of Ullman's brigade: Brigadier Ullman, with his hundred and odd officers, will probably start for New Orleans in about ten days, designing to astonish the CreoleUllman's brigade: Brigadier Ullman, with his hundred and odd officers, will probably start for New Orleans in about ten days, designing to astonish the Creoles and other aristocrat of the Orleans dynasty with the sable spectacle of an entire division of soldate ed' Afrique for the defence of the city during the summer. Numbers of black volunteers have offered themselves here, but their invariable answer Brigadier Ullman, with his hundred and odd officers, will probably start for New Orleans in about ten days, designing to astonish the Creoles and other aristocrat of the Orleans dynasty with the sable spectacle of an entire division of soldate ed' Afrique for the defence of the city during the summer. Numbers of black volunteers have offered themselves here, but their invariable answer is that no recruiting office will be opened short of New Orleans. Some of Gen. Ullman's officers are veterans of the regular service. e city during the summer. Numbers of black volunteers have offered themselves here, but their invariable answer is that no recruiting office will be opened short of New Orleans. Some of Gen. Ullman's officers are veterans of the regular service.