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exchanged compliments with genuine Hibernian accent. The Missouri boys were victorious. We arrived here last evening. Raymond is a small town — an exact copy of all Southern burgs of its size. It is the county-seat of Hinds County, and contains a population (in peace times) of about one thousand five hundred. It is distant eighteen miles from Jackson, and eight from the Jackson and Vicksburgh Railroad, with which it is connected by a branch road. Of course we did not expect to find Unionists in a Mississippi village, and were, therefore, not disappointed at the coolness of our reception in Raymond. We obtained Jackson papers of the eleventh (the day previous) in the town, and were a little amused and a good deal instructed, to learn by them that the Yankees had been whipped at Grand Gulf and Port Gibson, and were falling back to seek protection from their gunboats. We were told by the citizens that the confederates had fallen back only a couple of miles, and would give u
Henry Morton Stanley, Dorothy Stanley, The Autobiography of Sir Henry Morton Stanley, part 1.4, chapter 1.11 (search)
, as I mentally revolved the methods to adopt! General Sidney Johnston gave not so much time to the study of inflicting defeat on the Yankees, as I gave to win glory from the mess by my exploits. Half-a-dozen times in December it had been my turn to forage, but, somehow, my return was not greeted with any rapturous applause. However, by Christmas Eve I had a fair knowledge of the country and the temper of the people about, and my mind was stored with information regarding Secessionists, Unionists, and lanes, and farms, to a radius of five miles around the camp. Just on the edge of my circle, there lay one fat farm towards Green River, the owner of which was a Yank, and his neighbour told me he corresponded with the enemy. For a foot-soldier, the distance was somewhat far, but for a horseman, it was nothing. The day before Christmas, through the assistance of a man named Tate, I had the promise of a mule; and having obtained the countersign from Armstrong, I set out, as soon as
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Arkansas, (search)
0. On June 15, 1836, Arkansas was admitted into the Union as a State. In 1861 the people of Arkansas were attached to the Union, but, unfortunately, the governor and most of the leading politicians of the State were disloyal, and no effort was spared by them to obtain the passage of an ordinance of secession. For this purpose a State convention of delegates assembled at the capital (Little Rock) on March 4, 1861. It was composed of seventy-five members, of whom forty were such stanch Unionists that it was evident that no ordinance of secession could be passed. The friends of secession then proposed a plan that seemed fair. A self-constituted committee reported to the convention an ordinance providing for an election to be held on the first Monday in August, at which the legal voters of the State should decide, by ballot, for secession or co-operation. If a majority should appear for secession, that fact would be considered in the light of instructions to the convention to pas
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Baltimore, (search)
sed to do himself, with a few men, at once, what Scott proposed to do with 12.000 men in an indefinite time. On the afternoon of May 4 he issued orders for the 8th New York and 6th Massachusetts regiments, with a battery of the Boston Light Artillery, to proceed from Washington, D. C., to the relay house on the morning of the 5th. They did so, in thirty cars. They seized the railway station at the relay house. Butler accompanied them, and remained there a little more than a week. From Unionists of Baltimore he obtained all desired information. Through Col. Schuyler Hamilton, on Scott's staff, he received permission to arrest Confederates in and out of Baltimore, to prevent armed bodies from joining those at Harper's Ferry, and to look after a quantity of gunpowder said to be stored in a church in Baltimore. Towards the evening of the 13th the entire 6th Massachusetts Regiment, a part of the New York 8th, with the Boston Light Artillery with two cannons — about 1,000 men in all
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Civil War in the United States. (search)
eneral Pope and his officers declared not to be entitled to the consideration of prisoners of war. Confederates attacked Newark, Mo., and captured seventy Union troops; the next day the Unionists recovered everything.— 2. Orange Court-House, Va., taken by Pope's troops. A draft of the militia to serve nine months was ordered by the President. —5. Malvern Hills occupied by National troops.—6. Battle near Kirksville, Mo.; the Union troops victorious.—8. Battle near Fort Fillmore, N. M.; Unionists victorious. The privilege of the writ of habeas corpus, in respect to all persons arrested under it, suspended; also for the arrest and imprisonment of persons who by act, speech, or writing discourage volunteer enlistments.—11. Skirmishes near Williamsport, Tenn., and also at Kinderhook, Tenn.; Confederates defeated. Independence, Mo., surrendered to the Confederates.—12. Gallatin, Tenn., surrendered to Morgan's guerillas. Battle at Yellow Creek, Clinton co., Tenn.; Confederates
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Congress, National (search)
ken accordingly. On Thursday, July 4, 1861, the Thirty-Seventh Congress assembled in extraordinary session, in compliance with the call of President Lincoln, April 15. In the Senate twenty-three States, and in the House of Representatives twenty-two States and one Territory were represented. There were 40 Senators and 154 Representatives. Ten States, in which the political leaders had adopted ordinances of secession, were not represented. In both Houses there was a large majority of Unionists. It was the first session of this Congress, and Galusha A. Grow, of Pennsylvania, was chosen speaker of the House. The President, in his message, confined his remarks to the special object for which the Congress had been called together. He recited the many and grave offences of the conspirators against the life of the nation, such as the seizure of public property, making preparations for war, and seeking the recognition of foreign powers as an independent nation. In the act of firing
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Gettysburg, battle of. (search)
ett's troops that they gave way. Very soon 2,500 of them were made prisoners, and with them twelve battleflags, and three-fourths of his gallant men were dead or captives. Wilcox supported Pickett, and met a similar fate at the hands of the Vermonters. Meanwhile Crawford had advanced upon the Confederate right from near Little Round Top. The Confederates fled; and in this sortie the whole ground lost by Sickles was recovered, with 260 men captives, 7,000 small-arms, a cannon, and wounded Unionists, who had lain nearly twenty-four hours uncared for. Thus, at near sunset, July 3, 1863, ended the battle of Gettysburg. During that night and all the next day Lee's army on Seminary Ridge prepared for flight back to Virginia. His invasion was a failure; and on Sunday morning, July 5, his whole army was moving towards the Potomac. This battle, in its far-reaching effects, was the most important of the war. The National loss in men, from the morning of the 1st until the evening of the 3
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Louisiana, (search)
2, a provisional court for the State was organized by the President. In April, 1863, he appointed judges of the Supreme Court. Late in 1863 an election of State officers was held in a portion of Louisiana. Michael Hahn was elected governor and inaugurated March 4, 1864, and on the 15th was made military governor likewise. In April a convention adopted a constitution abolishing slavery and providing for the education of both races, which was ratified in September, when five Congressmen (Unionists) were chosen. The State seal of Louisiana. legislature ratified the Thirteenth Amendment to the national Constitution, but the Senators and Representatives of Louisiana were not admitted to seats in Congress, and the State was placed under military rule in 1867, Louisiana and Texas constituting one military district. Early in 1868 a convention in New Orleans formed a State constitution, which was ratified on April 17 and 18, and Henry C. Warmouth (Republican) was elected governor. By
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), North Carolina, State of (search)
the lips of commissioners. These efforts were in vain. Thereupon the disloyal Secretary of the Interior, acting as commissioner for Mississippi, went back to Washington convinced that the Confederates of North Carolina were but a handful. The legislature, in authorizing a convention, directed the people, when they elected A tobacco market. delegates for it, to vote on the question of Convention or No convention. Of 128 members of the convention elected Jan. 28, 1861, eighty-two were Unionists. The people, however, had voted against a convention. The legislature appointed delegates to the peace conference (q. v.), and also appointed commissioners to represent the State in the proposed general convention at Montgomery, Ala., but with instructions to act only as mediators to endeavor to bring about a reconciliation. They declared, by resolution, Feb. 4, that if peace negotiations should fail, North Carolina would go with the slave-labor States. They also provided for arming
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), St. Louis, (search)
f the State to assemble their respective commands and go into encampment for a week, the avowed object being to attain a greater degree of efficiency and perfection in discipline. For weeks before the President's call for troops the Confederates of St. Louis were drilled in the use of fire-arms in a building in that city; were furnished with State arms by the governor; received commissions from him, and were sworn into the military service of the State. They were closely watched by a few Unionists, and finally the latter class in St. Louis (who were largely of the German population) were formed into military companies, and drilled in the use of fire-arms. When the President's call for United States arsenal at St. Louis. troops came, they openly drilled, made their place of meeting a citadel, established a perpetual guard, and kept up constant communication with the arsenal. They were denounced by the Confederates as outlaws, incendiaries, and miscreants, preparing to make war on