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became inevitable. Yet Floyd, the sunset of whose career as Secretary of War had not appeared brilliant at the North, at once protested that he would never surrender. Buckner — who, for obvious reasons, was scarcely more popular with Kentucky Unionists than was Floyd with those of the Free States--presented no such obstacle. Floyd, therefore, turned the command over to Pillow, who passed it to Buckner, whose late superiors now devoted their attention to the means of escape. Two Rebel steamb four other divisions had been crowded in between, as they arrived. Low but ominous whispers and meaning glances of exultation among the Rebel civilians in our rear had already given indications that a blow was about to be struck ; and alarmed Unionists had sought the tents of our Generals with monitions of danger, which were received with sneering intimations that every one should stick to his trade. Gen. Grant was at Savannah, superintending the reception of supplies. Such was the conditio
Could Franklin but have realized how precious were the moments, he was still in time to have relieved Harper's Ferry; whence, following up his advantage with moderate vigor, he was but six miles distant when it surrendered at 8 next morning. Stonewall Jackson, leaving Frederick on the 10th, had pushed swiftly through Middletown and Boonsborough to Williamsport, where he recrossed the Potomac next day; striking thence at Martinsburg, which was held by Gen. Julius White, with some 2,000 Unionists. But White, warned of Jackson's approach in overwhelming strength, fled during the night of the 11th to Harper's Ferry; where he found Col. D. S. Miles, of Bull Run dishonor, in command of some 10,000 men, partly withdrawn from Winchester and other points up the Valley, but in good part composed of green regiments, hastily levied on tidings of the Chickahominy disasters, and officered by local politicians, who had never yet seen a shot fired at a line of armed men. White ranked Miles, and
te consolidation as one man. We shall then have done that which treason could not do: we ourselves shall then have dissolved the Union ; we shall have rent its sacred charter, and extinguished the last vestige of affection for it in the Slave States by our blind and passionate folly. In the same spirit, but more temperately, the bill was opposed by Messrs. Browning, of 111., Willey, of Va., Henderson, of Mo., and Collamer, of Vt. (the first and last Republicans; the others very decided Unionists), as well as more unsparingly by Messrs. Garret Davis and Powell, of Ky., Saulsbury, of Del., Carlile, of Va., and others of the Opposition; while it was supported by Messrs. Trumbull, of 111., Wilson and Sumner, of Mass., Howard, of Mich., Wade and Sherman, of Ohio, Morrill and Fessenden, of Maine, Clark and Hale, of N. H., and nearly all the more decided Republicans. So intense and formidable was the resistance that the Senate at length May 6, 1862. referred the bill to a Select Comm
of the Bay. It is the natural focus of the commerce of the larger, more fertile, more populous half of Texas, and by far the most considerable place in the State; having had, in 1860, regular lines of steamers running to New York, to New Orleans, and to the smaller Texan ports down the coast, with a population of 5,000, a yearly export of nearly half a million bales of cotton, and a very considerable trade. Plunged, with the rest of the State, into the whirlpool of Secession, it had many Unionists among its people, who welcomed the reappearance of the old flag when their city, after being once idly summoned May 17, 1862. to surrender, was at length occupied, Oct. 8. without resistance, by a naval force consisting of four steam gunboats under Commander Renshaw--the Rebel municipal as well as military authorities retiring to the main land. The possession thus easily acquired was as easily maintained to the close of that year: Gen. Banks, at the request of Renshaw, sending dow
Xvii. Lee's army on free soil-gettysburg. Lee silently flanks Hooker's right, and moves northward cavalry fight near Fairfax Milroy, at Winchester, surprised and driven over the Potomac, with heavy loss cavalry encounters along the Blue Ridge Jenkins raids to Chambersburg Lee crosses the Potomac Hooker and Halleck at odds Hooker relieved Meade in command Ewell at York collision of vanguards at Gettysburg Reynolds killed Unionists outnumbered and driven Howard halts on Cometery Hill Sickles comes up Hancock takes command Meade arrives both armies concentrated Sickles driven back with loss Rebel advance checked night falls Rebel Grand charge led by Pickett terribly repulsed Lee retreats heavy losses feeble pursuit by Sedgwick Lee halts at Williamsport Meade hesitates Lee gets across the Potomac Kilpatrick routs the Rebel rear-guard Meade crosses at Berlin, and moves down to the Rappahannock fight at Manassas Gap Dix's advance on Richmond Pleas
t two days to London, higher up; hoping, thus to save the railroad bridge, 2,000 feet long, over the Holston; which they reached Sept. 1. just in time to see it in flames. Pushing as rapidly to Knoxville — which our cavalry advance had occupied on the 1st--Gen. Burnside was welcomed Sept. 3. with such an outpouring of enthusiastic loyalty and gratitude as had rarely been equaled. But East Tennessee had been overwhelmingly and invincibly loyal throughout, while the sufferings of her Unionists, from Rebel conscription, persecution, and spoliation, had been terrible. Every able-bodied man having been conscripted into the Confederate armies, those who refused to serve were accounted deserters, worthy of death; and the penalty was freely enforced. But the dungeon, the bullet, and the rope, whereby it was mainly hoped to stifle the loyalty of this heroic people, had only served to intensify it; and the longhidden National flags that now waved from almost every house and fluttered
rting soldiers — of the 8th Maine, it was said, though that regiment laid it to the 6th Connecticut--while hundreds of inhabitants, who desired to leave with our forces, were put ashore after they had embarked, and left to meet the vengeance of the Rebels as they might. The beautiful old town was substantially destroyed; though our higher officers did their best to save it — a high wind fanning the flames, which swept all within their reach. The deserted inhabitants — many of them hearty Unionists — were left to famish among their ashes and ruins; though the few families who were brought away to Hilton Head were treated with considerate humanity. Pensacola was likewise abandoned March 3, 1862. and burned — burned by the Rebels, it was asserted — but that would neither be reported nor believed within the lines of the Confederates--so that it may be fairly concluded that by this time whatever Unionism there had been in Florida--that is, among the Whites — was pretty thoroug
fall of Vicksburg, July 4. and Banks in the surrender of Port Hudson. July 9. Our intermediate and subordinate reverses at Galveston, Jan. 1, 1863. and at Chancellorsville, May 3-5, 1863. also tended strongly to sicken the hearts of Unionists and strengthen into confidence the hopes of the Rebels and those who, whether in the loyal States or in foreign lands, were in sympathy, if not also in act, their virtual allies. No one in Europe but those who ardently desired our success spokassachusetts--upon a far lighter vote than in 1862--gave a much larger majority. In 1862, Gov. Andrew, 80,835 Devens, 52,587 In 1863, Gov. Andrew, 70,483 Paine, 29,207 And Maryland filled the measure of National triumph by electing Unionists to Congress in four of her five districts, and, for the first time, a distinctively Emancipation Controller and Legislature by some 20,000 majority. New Jersey chose only a Legislature this year, and hence evinced no essential change; while in
thing to boast of. Still, the prestige of victory was with them, the mortification of high-raised, blasted hopes, with us. We had undertaken to crush the Rebel power west of the Mississippi, and had fitted out costly expeditions — naval as well as military — for that end; and had ingloriously failed. Not only were the Rebels encouraged by this, but the timid and the wavering Louisianians and Texans were attached to the Rebel cause; while the cowering, silent, long-expectant, heart-sick Unionists of the South-west were plunged into a new abyss of bitter anguish and despair. Gen. Banks fell back, unassailed, to Grand Ecore; the enemy now giving more immediate attention to Porter's fleet, which had worked its way slowly and laboriously up the river to Springfield landing; where the Rebels had sunk a large steamboat across the channel to arrest its progress. Just as Porter was commencing operations for its removal, a courier from Gen. Banks brought tidings of the reverse at Sabin
would have been two years earlier. Still, sending forward small parties to purvey as many good horses as possible, he moved, so swiftly as he might, by Paintville, Hazel Green, Owingsville, Flemingsburg, and Maysville, into and through the richest part of the State ; capturing Mount Sterling, Paris, Cynthiana, and Williamstown, burning trains, tearing up railroads, &c., almost without resistance. The most amazing feature of this raid was the capture of Gen. Hobson, with 1,600 well-armed Unionists, by Col. Giltner, one of Morgan's lieutenants, who had 300 only, by crowding him into a bend of the Licking, and then threatening him from the opposite bank so that he was glad to surrender. It is added that the Rebels were nearly out of ammunition. It is to be hoped that they paroled their prisoners not to serve again during the War, unless on their side. Gen. Burbridge, who had promptly started on Morgan's track, had, by a forced march of 90 miles, struck June 9. him heavily at M