Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 10. (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for Vallandigham or search for Vallandigham in all documents.

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ffectual putting down of this rebellion. Mr. Vallandigham declared he had moved his amendment to beorty-four members only voting for it, and Mr. Vallandigham's amendment was then rejected, only twentdeclared that Mr. Burnett, and especially Mr. Vallandigham, misapprehended the spirit of the countryhould be employed actively in the field. Mr. Vallandigham inquired if he was to understand that thevolunteers. The amendment was agreed to. Mr. Vallandigham moved to strike out the second section, T dare to desecrate it to such base uses. Mr. Vallandigham, of Ohio, moved to lay the bill on the ta table-yeas, forty-four; nays, sixty-one. Mr. Vallandigham demanded the yeas and nays on its passageussion should be confined to amendments. Mr. Vallandigham objected to that mode of proceeding. Mr.ounced the bill as an arbitrary measure. Mr. Vallandigham denounced the bill as a measure to abrogapotism. Mr. Bingham, of Ohio, replied to Mr. Vallandigham in a speech of great power. Mr. Voorhees[1 more...]