Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: May 28, 1863., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Vallandigham or search for Vallandigham in all documents.

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Vallandigham and Lincoln. The arrest and exile of Vallandigham was prompted by the idea that he was the bright particular star of the opVallandigham was prompted by the idea that he was the bright particular star of the opposition in the Northwest, and to extinguish him would leave the opposition sky in darkness. Thus far the calculation is not disappointed. T, content themselves with words merely he can let them subside. Vallandigham and his case will in that way disappear like something beneath t waned. What reason has he to fear them now? The arrest of Vallandigham is evidently intended to crush the spirit of opposition in the Nefore him. He can yield to the New York remonstrances and pardon Vallandigham, or he can, pursuing the policy of arbitrary arrests, seize the persons of those leaders who have reprobated the proceedings in Vallandigham's case, or he may, just for the present, be content with having p If the party who, with Governor Seymour, think that the case of Vallandigham proves the existence of a grinding military despotism at the Nor
ippi river, and has crossed the Arkansas. Marmaduke had joined him. A position is circulating in Ohio declaring that the most sacred rights of citizens under the Constitution have been violated in the arrest, trial, and imprisonment of Mr. Vallandigham, and demanding his immediate and unconditional release by the President. A citizen was shot in Morgan county, Indiana, for collecting evidence against the K. G. C. s. Thirty rebel prisoners will be sent South with Vallandigham. Vallandigham. The siege of Puebla, Mexico, has been suspended until the arrival of heavier guns and reinforcements. Guerillas had captured $1,630,660 in French currency. It was further reported that the French had been defeated, and were retreating in the direction of Orizaba. Three hundred thousand men, it is expected, will be called into the field by the War Department. The enrolling officers in the First District of Pennsylvania began their labors on the 25th. Admiral Farragut is said to be