Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: June 17, 1863., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Vallandigham or search for Vallandigham in all documents.

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up between him and the Germans of St. Louis, which be would like to see removed. Observing to him that the difference of opinion rotated to facts, men, and measures, I withdrew. A Vallandigham Marting in Brooklyn. On the day that Vallandigham was nominated for Governor of Ohio, (11th inst.) by the Democracy of that State, the Democracy (not the "peace" Democracy) of Brooklyn, N. Y., held a mass meeting to denounce his illegal arrest. Mayor Kabblefleisch made a speech, in which be of habeas corpus, the arbitrary arrest and incarceration of citizens, the suspension of several newspapers, and the detail of mail transmission to others, the military arrest, trial by Court Martial, and banishment from his State of Clement L Vallandigham, and all similar acts, are direct violations of the Constitution of the United States, and are without authority or justification, having no validity except such as they derive from the temporary support of military force without law. Tha
American affairs in Europe. the intervention of England — rebel all Federal Generals Vallandigham and Lincoln's Cabinet — the Confederacy as a Rising power, &c. The mails by the steamer Africa, with European dates of the 30th, give some additional news of interest besides that published in the telegraph summary from On this side of the water no one seems to discover a solution of this difficulty, with a most difficult people; and, I fear, nothing can or will be done. Vallandigham and the Lincoln Cabinet. [From the London Times, May 23.] If we would conceive the earnest longing of the Northern people after their lost Union, we must cgainst the war, and recommending his hearers to agitate constitutionally for the overthrow of the Ministry.--Yet it was for an offence precisely similar that Mr. Vallandigham, one of the most prominent politicians of the West, has been sentenced to two years banishment to a miserable islet — a sentence graciously commuted by the P<