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Your search returned 14 results in 5 document sections:
The Daily Dispatch: July 22, 1861.., [Electronic resource], Appointment. (search)
--Dr. William R. Vaughan, of Hampton, has been appointed Assistant Surgeon by the Confederate Government, and assigned to Gen. Huger's command at Norfolk.
Dr. Vaughan is now Lieutenant in the Old Dominion Dragoons, and was one of Magruder's staff at the battle of Bethel.
--Dr. William R. Vaughan, of Hampton, has been appointed Assistant Surgeon by the Confederate Government, and assigned to Gen. Huger's command at Norfolk.
Dr. Vaughan is now Lieutenant in the Old Dominion Dragoons, and was one of Magruder's staff at the battle of Bethel.
The Daily Dispatch: July 22, 1861.., [Electronic resource], The recent flag of truce from President Davis to Abraham Lincoln . (search)
Appointment of a Surgeon.
We are pleased to learn that Dr. Wm. R. Vaughan, an accomplished physician of Hampton, and a gallant volunteer officer of Gen. Magruder's command, has received the appointment of Surgeon in the Confederate. Army.
The Daily Dispatch: December 5, 1861., [Electronic resource], Federal reports from Southeastern Kentucky . (search)