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Appointment. --Dr. William R. Vaughan, of Hampton, has been appointed Assistant Surgeon by the Confederate Government, and assigned to Gen. Huger's command at Norfolk. Dr. Vaughan is now Lieutenant in the Old Dominion Dragoons, and was one of Magruder's staff at the battle of Bethel. Appointment. --Dr. William R. Vaughan, of Hampton, has been appointed Assistant Surgeon by the Confederate Government, and assigned to Gen. Huger's command at Norfolk. Dr. Vaughan is now Lieutenant in the Old Dominion Dragoons, and was one of Magruder's staff at the battle of Bethel.
The Daily Dispatch: July 22, 1861.., [Electronic resource], The recent flag of truce from President Davis to Abraham Lincoln. (search)
he hottest, there you were sure to see our brave commanders, cheering and commanding our boys alternately. Company H. fought side by side with the Alexandria Rifles, (of the 11th Regiment,) and vied with each other in the display of courage and intrepidity. They (Company H) deplore the loss of one man, and had two men slightly wounded; but dearly did they make the enemy pay for their loss. Almost out of the very ranks of the enemy they dragged the man who shot their brave comrade, and Lieut Vaughan possessed himself of his arms, (a splendid rifle, by the bye.) The man is now a prisoner. Besides, this one, they took two or three more prisoners, and any quantity of rifles and Minnie muskets, most of which they dropped again, as they obstructed their movements Capt.Sherman and his Washington Volunteers Company E,) had a good chance of wreaking their vengeance upon their foes and grasped at it with both hands. The Captain himself fired both his pistols five times, which we may safely
Appointment of a Surgeon. We are pleased to learn that Dr. Wm. R. Vaughan, an accomplished physician of Hampton, and a gallant volunteer officer of Gen. Magruder's command, has received the appointment of Surgeon in the Confederate. Army.
The Daily Dispatch: December 5, 1861., [Electronic resource], Federal reports from Southeastern Kentucky. (search)
If the noble hearted ladies intend favoring them again with an expression of their kindness and sympathy, no present would be more highly appropriate or cordially received. Being a soldiers on the Peninsula, and observing closely the respective duties of the companies, I am fully confident that no company has done more valuable services, or undergone greater hardships; hence rises my warm interest and solicitude for their good. Permit me likewise to say that the General commanding, so fully sensible of the important and hard services rendered by them, has had the company detached, placing it under his special charge, thus paying them a deserving and distinguished compliment. I hope this may meet the eye of some fair lady whose heart and soul are engaged in the noble cause of adding to the comfort and health of an exiled soldiery. I believe the company numbers sixty men. Any articles sent should be directed to Capt. Wm. R. Vaughan, care of J. B. White, Yorktown, Va. Observer.
squadron, to be composed in part of the "Old Dominion Dragoons," and styled "squadron Old I ominion Dragoons." Of Captain Wm. R. Vaughan's success in raising such a squadron, his untiring efforts leave no room for doubt. For we have been thus early t entirely secured. It is also proposed to increase this body to a battalion, and the hope is foundly cherished that Capt. Vaughan, by pushing forward in this effort will succeed in raising a battalion of "mounted men." Such an organization, mce by force. As a large number are already enlisted in this enterprise, we sincerely trust — indeed, believe — that Captain Vaughan's efforts will secure a battalion of mounted men. We may also say that Capt. Vaughan was born and raised within threCapt. Vaughan was born and raised within three miles of Bethel, has practiced medicine in Hampton and surrounding country for twelve years, and is thoroughly acquainted with the lower peninsula. The gailant men of his command have the same advantages Gen. Magruder has repeatedly acknowledged