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eying a higher and wiser instinct, England happily persisted. We have caught them at last, From oral communications to me by the late Albert Gallatin, confirmed by papers in my possession, relating to periods a little earlier and a litt'e later. said Choiseul to those around him on the definitive surrender of New France; and at once giving up Louisiana to Spain, his eager hopes anticipated the speedy struggle of America for separate existence. So soon as the sagacious and experienced Vergennes, the French ambassador at chap. XX.} 1768. Constantinople, a grave, laborious man, remarkable for a calm temper and moderation of character, heard the conditions of the peace, he also said to his friends, and even openly to a British traveller, Lind's three letters to Price. 137. the consequences of the entire cession of Canada are obvious. I am persuaded, and afterwards he himself recalled his prediction to the notice of the British ministry, Lord Stormont, British Ambassador at