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prisoners. He had thus far been fighting a part of our forces with all of his own, and had only gained ground where his preponderance of numbers was overwhelming. Curtis reports his entire command in Arkansas at 10,500, cavalry and infantry — of whom 250 were absent after forage throughout the battle — and 48 pieces of artillery. He estimates the Rebel force in battle at 30,000, including 5,000 Indians. The Richmond Whig of April 9th, 1862, has a Rebel letter from one present to Hon. G. G. Vest, which says: When the enemy left Gove creek, which is south of Boston Mountain, Gens. Price, McCulloch, Pike, and McIntosh seemed to think — at least camp-talk amongst officers high in command so represented — that our united forces would carry into action nearly 30,000 men, more frequently estimated at 35.000 than a lower figure. I believe Gen. Van Dorn was confident that not a man less than 25,000 were panting to follow his victorious plume to a field where prouder honors awaite
if no satisfaction is given by the commander of the confederate army. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, F. Sigel, Brig.-Gen. Commanding First and Second Divisions. To Brig.-Gen. Curtis, Commanding Army of the South-west. A rebel narrative. The Richmond Whig of April ninth, contains the following account of the battle of Pea Ridge, which they call the battle of Elkhorn: The following interesting and reliable account of the late battle in Askansas was addressed to the Hon. G. G. Vest, through whose courtesy we are enabled to lay it before our readers this morning. The letter is from an officer of Price's army, who was in the engagement: The battle's fought, but whether or not won, neither confederates nor Federals can tell. Yet all can understand. We have abandoned the field, and have had to ask permission of them to bury our dead. Capt. Schonburg, who went up with our flag, reports that he superintended the interment of eighty-eight bodies, and the enemy c
xas. P. W. Gray, T. B. Cexton, J. C. Atkins,Tenn. W. G. Swan, H. S. Foote, T. B. Handle,Ark. H. W. Bruce,Ky. R. J. Breckinridge, W. R. Smith,Ala. E. L. Gardenshire,Tenn. J. W. Moore,Ky. D. F. Kenner,La. L. C. Dupre, E. S. Dargan,Ala. F. J. Batson,Ark. J. B. Heiskell,Tenn. G. B. Hodge, Ky. T. A. Harris,Mo. H. E. Reid, C. C. Herbert,Texas. Wm. H. Tibbs,Tenn. F. J. Foster,Ala. J. L. M. Curry,Ala. E. M. Bruce,Ky. A. W. Conrow,Mo. A. H. Garland,Ark. F. W. Freeman, G. G. Vest, Mo. Wm. Porcher Miles,S. C. J. D. Crocket,Ky. M. L. Bonham, W. R. Machen, W. W. Boyce, H. R. Wright,Ga. F. Farrow, M. D. Graham,Texas. J. McQueen, D. M. Currin,Tenn. A true copy. Charles J. Villere, Representative in Congress. President Davis's answer to this earnest appeal, supported by such an imposing array of representative names, was truly characteristic. The reader will judge of it after reading the following paper: Notes of an Interview with the President re
experience who served with such distine tties of Springfield, Lexington, shot gun and the rifle are, as we maintained, among the most ef that can be used in war.-- Missouri has fully demonstrated which we have often endeavored to upon the public, and it is everywhere another preposition which the of the South ought never to forget that is the man, and not the weapon, that make formidable. Advices by way of Fort Smith inform us other important acts passed by Legislature of Missouri at its late session, encourage the enlistment of in the Confederate service; an the militia laws of the State; appropriating ten million dollars for of the war; and electing dele to the Confederate Congress, viz: Senate--Gen. John B. Clarke, Col. R. Lypry Representatives — W. Cook; General Thomas C. Harris, Casper W. Bell, Adam H G. G. Vest, L. W. Freeman, Dr. A telegraphic dispatch announces that Governor refused to sign the bill sending to Richmond, but upon what ground .