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The Daily Dispatch: June 10, 1863., [Electronic resource] 2 0 Browse Search
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his judgment, Dixon about the same number; Dixon fell while in the act of cocking his Derringer. On his cross examination witness stated that his attention was drawn to Forde by the remark of O'Donnell. J. W. Robinson deposed: Was not present at the shooting. What he knew of it was what he witnessed from his office window. Saw Forde about three feet from the curb; heard a pistol report from the opposite side of the street, but did not see by whom fired. Forde's pistol snapped, and then he took deliberate aim and fired. Witness saw nothing of the transaction before; that was the last shot fired by Forde. Cross-examined: Knew Forde in Washington city. Was employed in the same office with him, where accused was regarded as a faithful clerk and an honorable man. He was also regarded as a quiet, peaceable man. Geo. E. Vest was the next witness called, but was found not to be present. After some controversy the Court adjourned to meet at 10 o'clock this morning.