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The Daily Dispatch: January 18, 1862., [Electronic resource] 2 0 Browse Search
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Hustings Court. --The following is a summary of the business of yesterday: J. B. Godsey and A. A. Raine, indicted for a conspiracy to defraud, were discharged on the payment of costs. John A. Worsham, presented for permitting a faro bank to be kept on his premises, was admitted to bail in the sum of $3,000 in each case, for his appearance next term. An attachment was issued against absent witnesses. R. H. Vest and Robert B. Tyne, indicted for issuing small notes, were each fined $10 and costs. S. Mason, indicted in two cases for issuing small notes, was discharged by nolle prosequi, on the payment of costs. Sylvester P. Cocke, indicted in four cases for issuing small notes, paid a fine of $10 in the first case, and a nolle prosequi was entered in the others, on payment of costs. Dillon McCormack was tried for an assault upon Peter Doyle, found guilty, and fined $5 and costs. John Harper and John Williams, charged with breaking into the Columbia