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The Daily Dispatch: October 31, 1862., [Electronic resource] 2 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: October 31, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Westerns Virginia or search for Westerns Virginia in all documents.

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The Daily Dispatch: October 31, 1862., [Electronic resource], Affairs in Western Virginia--Arrest of Judge Summers--order of Gen'l Schols. (search)
Affairs in Western Virginia--Arrest of Judge Summers--order of Gen'l Schols. Gen. Schols had discarded the central idea in the Kanawha Valley. Judge Summers and Dr. Patrich prominent "centrals," it is reported, have been arrested. The following order relative to taking Confederate money in the banks thus has been ordered: Hdq'rs Dep't of Westerns Virginia,Charleston, Oct. 23, 1862. It is ordered that all banks of discount and deport, within this military district, at once resume their legitimate and usual business; and it is announced that the Treasury notes of the Confederate States Government, as of the separates States of the Confederacy, will be received on deport and in payment of all debts, and in all of the ordinary bank transactions, upon the same back as any other currency which may heretofore have been received by them. By order of Brig. Gen. Echois, con'g. R. H. Catlett. A. A. G. I concur in the propriety of the above order. J. C. McFarland, President