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res were scattered along the road that followed the old Indian trail across the plain, across the three brooks and over the hill to the fords and fishing places to parting of the ponds. Not until the coming of these neighbors had there been any semblance of a town government, and unlike any other named place in the colony of the Puritans, no church gathered. In fact, the inhabitants of Meadford had in 1684 seemed to think themselves of some importance, and sent Peter Tufts and neighbor Nathaniel Wade to the great and general court to ascertain their status. And they came back with the memorable reply, and the little four-mile hamlet learned that it had been and is peculiar and have power as other towns as to prudentials. Thereafter they began to really be somebody, and began to have town meetings. Peter Tufts was then thirty-six years old and was prominent thereafter in Medford affairs. The dark angel of death had visited the big brick house and taken Peter's wife Elizabeth, an