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Browsing named entities in Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 5. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones). You can also browse the collection for Wadsworth or search for Wadsworth in all documents.

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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 5. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), A review of the First two days operations at Gettysburg and a reply to General Longstreet by General Fitz. Lee. (search)
e command, I extended the lines. I sent General Wadsworth to the right to take possession of Culp'eft of the Taneytown road. I at once sent Wadsworth's division of the First corps, and a batteryttle mentioned above was shown by the enemy, Wadsworth's division, First corps, and a battery, (thoocum, some distance to the right and rear of Wadsworth's division. Brigadier-General Geary's div At 6 A. M. Culp's Hill was only occupied by Wadsworth's division, First corps, and Stevens' Fifth Maine battery, Wadsworth's command being much shattered by the fight of the 1st. On our extreme left opposed to Wadsworth, were three brigades of Johnson's division, Ewell's corps. One of his brigHill, where they formed on a prolongation of Wadsworth's line, already mentioned. In front of the just before the Fifth corps got up. (Meade.) Wadsworth's division and the Eleventh corps continued heir little difficulty with Ewell and Hill. Wadsworth's division, of that corps, went into the fig[1 more...]
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 5. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Steuart's brigade at the battle of Gettysburg.--a narrative by Rev. Randolph H. McKim, D. D., late First Lieutenant and Aide-de-camp, Confederate army. (search)
ld have promised success. A Federal historian (B. J. Lossing, in his Pictorial history of the civil war,) gives the following account of this night conflict: Johnson moved under cover of the woods and deepening twilight, and expected an easy conquest by which a way would be opened for the remainder of Ewell's corps to the National rear; but he found a formidable antagonist in Greene's brigade. The assault was made with great vigor, but for more than two hours Greene, assisted by a part of Wadsworth's command, fought the assailants, strewing the wooded slope in front of the works with the Confederate dead and wounded, and holding his position firmly. Finally, his antagonist penetrated the works near Spangler's Spring, from which the troops had been temporarily withdrawn. --Vol. III, p. 691. This statement needs correction. There is no doubt of the fact that the works taken by Steuart's brigade that night were occupied by Federal troops and that, they poured a deadly fire into its r