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Jefferson Davis, The Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government 2 2 Browse Search
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 3. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.) 2 0 Browse Search
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary 1 1 Browse Search
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J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 49 (search)
still extensively indulged; and although the insecurity of slave property is so manifest, yet a negro man will bring $10,000 at auction. This, however, is only equivalent to about $100. Land, when the price is reduced to the gold standard, is similarly diminished in price. March 23 Clear, with high wind. Nothing further from North Carolina. A dispatch from Gen. Lee states that he has directed Gen. Cobb to organize an expedition into Tennessee, to cut the enemy's communications. Gen. Wafford, of Kentucky, is in Georgia, with 2000 mounted men, etc. Beef in market this morning sold at $12 to $15 per pound; bacon at $20, and butter at $20. The parade of a few companies of negro troops yesterday was rather a ridiculous affair. The owners are opposed to it. Gen. Rains sends in an indorsement, alleging that owing to the deception of Quartermaster Rhett (not furnishing transportation), he failed to arrest the approach of the enemy on a narrow causeway; and Columbia, S.
you come at once to his support. To arms! was instantly sounded, and quite a large number of my brave soldiers were again obliged to march to the front, leaving their uncooked rations in camp. Not far distant in our front were drawn up, in close array, heavy columns of Federal infantry; not less than two corps were in sight to oppose my small command, numbering approximately two thousand effectives. However, with the trusty Law on my right, in the edge of the wood, and the gallant Colonel Wafford in command of the Texas Brigade on the left, near the pike, we moved forward to the assault. Notwithstanding the overwhelming odds of over ten to one against us, we drove the enemy from the wood and corn-field back upon his reserves, and forced him to abandon his guns on our left. This most deadly combat raged till our last round of ammunition was expended. The First Texas Regiment had lost in the corn-field fully two thirds of its number; and whole ranks of brave men, whose deeds we
5. Jackson's activity in the Valley, 90-98. Seven Days Battle, 111-29. Formation of West Virginia, 255-57. Abolition of slavery by so-called government, 258. State government in 1865, 258-59. Reconstruction, 612-14, 619-22. Assembly of convention, 1868, 620. Virginia (frigate), 67, 68, 73, 82, 84-85, 191. Trial trip, 165-66. Battle with Federal ships, 166-67. Fight with the Monitor, 168-69. Destruction, 171. W Wabash (steamer), 63. Wachusett (ship), 219-20, 221. Wafford, Colonel, 285. Waddell, Capt. J. J., 221, 593. Wade, Col., William, 334. Wainwright, Commander, 198. Walker, Colonel, 297. Gen. David S., 632. Gen. J. G., 43, 270, 281, 282, 285, 286, 349, 576. Gen. W. H. T., 359-60, 361, 438, 455, 456. Death, 475. Wallace, Gen., Lew, 52, 57, 446, 496. Waller, General, 277. Walshe, Matthew, 200. Walthall, General E. C., 18, 491. Walton, Col. I. B., 282. War Between the States. Growth, 14. Ward, Col. George T., 72, 131. Description given by Gen
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 3. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book I:—the war on the Rapidan. (search)
Plank Road at the south with the two brigades of Wright and Posey, the first to the left, the second to the right, of the main road; he placed that of Mahone at the north, on the old road, called the Turnpike, and sent orders to Perry and Wilcox, who had remained near Fredericksburg, to come up in all haste. McLaws, placing his three brigades behind Mahone, had command of this portion of the line, which was formed by Kershaw on the left, Semmes in the centre, south of the turnpike, and by Wafford on the right, along the Mine Road, leading from Zoan Church to United States Ford. The whole line was in motion about eleven o'clock. Jackson's corps, whose heads of column reached Tabernacle Church at this moment, followed it at a certain distance. Precisely at this hour the Federals were at last moving forward. Meade, with two divisions, had started by the River Road, which runs in the direction of Banks' Ford, by following the left bank of Mott's Run, through a long range of hills.