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Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 5. (ed. Frank Moore) 68 2 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3. 28 6 Browse Search
Maj. Jed. Hotchkiss, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 3, Virginia (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 23 5 Browse Search
Benjamnin F. Butler, Butler's Book: Autobiography and Personal Reminiscences of Major-General Benjamin Butler 16 2 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Cheerful Yesterdays 11 1 Browse Search
Waitt, Ernest Linden, History of the Nineteenth regiment, Massachusetts volunteer infantry , 1861-1865 10 2 Browse Search
The Photographic History of The Civil War: in ten volumes, Thousands of Scenes Photographed 1861-65, with Text by many Special Authorities, Volume 10: The Armies and the Leaders. (ed. Francis Trevelyan Miller) 9 1 Browse Search
Cambridge History of American Literature: volume 3 (ed. Trent, William Peterfield, 1862-1939., Erskine, John, 1879-1951., Sherman, Stuart Pratt, 1881-1926., Van Doren, Carl, 1885-1950.) 8 0 Browse Search
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 4 0 Browse Search
William F. Fox, Lt. Col. U. S. V., Regimental Losses in the American Civil War, 1861-1865: A Treatise on the extent and nature of the mortuary losses in the Union regiments, with full and exhaustive statistics compiled from the official records on file in the state military bureaus and at Washington 2 2 Browse Search
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ully, Your obedient servant, P. Kearney, Brig.-Gen. Commanding Third Division Heintzelman's Corps. Compliment to the Maine troops. headquarters Third division Heintzelman's corps, camp Berry, Barhamsville, Va., May 10. To His Excellency, Israel Washburn, Jr., Governor of Maine: sir: As Commanding General of this division, of which two of the Generals commanding brigades, (Gen. Jameson and Gen. Berry,) as well as two regiments, the Third Maine, Col. Staples, and the Fourth, Col. Walker, form a part, I take this opportunity of calling to your notice their meritorious conduct in the late fight, and to display the fact that, although these regiments were not sufferers in the late engagement at Williamsburgh, having been detached by Gen. Heintzelman to guard the left flank, by their steady and imposing attitude, they contributed to the success of those more immediately engaged. And I assure you, sir, that with such material, commanded by such sterling officers, nothing but
e living and the dead. Very respectfully, etc., Naglee, Brigadier-General. To Lieut. Foster, A. A.A. Gen., Casey's Division, Army of the Potomac. General Peck's report. Peck's headquarters, intrenched camp, near seven Pines, Va. Capt. F. A. Walker, Assist. Adjutant-General: On moving to the Seven Pines on the twenty-ninth of May, I was ordered to occupy and guard the left flank of the encampment with my command, this being regarded as the weaker part of the line. The greater parthe left of the railroad, and east of the New-Bridge, or Nine-mile road, as it is known in country parlance. Col. Jenkins commanded a brigade, composed of the Fifth South-Carolina regiment, Col. Bratton, and the Palmetto Sharp-shooters, Lieut.-Colonel Walker. The former commander, Brig.-General R. A. Anderson, commanded a division in the fight. He has not resigned. The Gen. Anderson who resigned is from Tennessee, and his place as commander of the Tennessee brigade was assigned to Brig.-Ge
g in considerable force, the enemy advanced in admirable order; but, suddenly facing to the right about, were quickly retreating, when the dismounted men poured a galling volley into them, emptying many saddles, and causing much confusion. Reforming, they were a second time reinforced, and came on to the charge up the rise in gallant style. Burning to distinguish themselves, the third squadron of the Ninth, (composed of the Essex light dragoons, Capt. Latane, and Mercer County cavalry, Lieut. Walker commanding, under command of Capt. Latane,) had received orders to charge the advancing enemy, and putting spurs to their steeds, dashed gallantly along the road, the brave Latane fifteen paces in front. Cut and thrust, shouted the Federal commander. On to them, boys, yelled Latane, and the meeting squadrons dashed in full shock together. The front of either column were unhorsed, and the fight became instantly hot and bloody. Capt. Latane singled out the Federal commander, and cut of
t considerable distance, which I did, passing over a fence, across a field, and through the woods, the rebels falling back before us. We still advanced through an open field. Here we advanced in line of battle, when a brigade of troops, dressed in our uniforms, and supposed to be our own, opened a terrific fire on our front and left flank, from which fire I lost my bravest and best men. In connection with this movement, I cannot speak in too high praise of Major Chandler, Capts. Baldwin, Walker and Adams, and Lieuts. Henry and Sutherland, who assisted greatly in cheering on the men. During this encounter, Major Chandler and Lieutenant Sutherland were wounded and fell, and were probably taken prisoners. The officers and men behaved with great courage during the whole time. The following is a list of casualties in the engagement: Major Chandler, missing, and supposed to be wounded and a prisoner. Company A--Killed--Private Julius A. Phelps, of Brookline, Mass. Wounded — H.
. More than thanks are greatly due to Captain J. Heron Foster of the One Hundred and Second Pennsylvania regiment, a member of my staff, for the gallantry and untiring energy with which he performed far more than his duties from early morning until late at night. He was the only staff-officer during most of the day I had, the other members of the staff being disabled early in the action. I am, Captain, very respectfully, your obedient servant, A. P. Howe, Brigadler-General. Captain Francis A. Walker, Assist't Adjutant-General Couch's Division, fourth Army Corps. Lieutenant Thourot's report. The following is the official report of the picket skirmish, in which companies of regiments in Gen. Howe's (late Peck's) brigade participated: headquarters Fifty-Fifth regiment N. Y. S. Volunteers, July 4, 1862. Brigadier-General Howe: sir: In accordance with your instructions received from you, my regiment was posted, on the first instant, on the brow of a hill opposite a wood
h the enemy at Legare's, in which Lieut.-Col. Capers drove back, for a half-mile and more, the enemy's troops in his front, though very much outnumbering him. Took twenty-three prisoners, and retired only on the appearance of the enemy in heavy force on the field, supported by a cross-fire from gunboats in the Stono and in Folly River. Enemy engaged said to have been Twenty-eighth Massachusetts and One Hundredth Pennsylvania volunteers. Our loss, several wounded and one taken prisoner. Lieut. Walker, Adjutant Charleston battalion, wounded in the leg, in an endeavor to bring off whom, it was said, Private Bresnan, Irish volunteers, was mortally wounded. Gallantry and discretion of Lieut.-Col. Capers marked. Capt. Ryan, Irish volunteers, Charleston battalion, distinguished himself by his gallant courage. Lieut. J. Ward Hopkins, Sumter Guard, Charleston battalion, wounded in shoulder. Our companies first engaged, were reenforced during the action by several others. All fell back a
d and fourteen men, including pickets. The attack was made at daybreak on the morning of the thirteenth inst., by the Second cavalry brigade C. S.A., Brig.-Gen. N. B. Forrest, over three thousand strong, consisting of one Texas regiment, Lieut.-Col. Walker, the First and Second Georgia regiments, Cols. Wharton and Hood, one Alabama regiment, Col. Saunders, and one Tennessee regiment, Col. Lawton. The noise of so many hoofs upon the macadamized roads at full speed was so great that the alarm rible havoc upon the enemy. During one of these foot charges, the colonel, being mounted and leading his intrepid band, received a severe flesh-wound in his arm. But, nothing daunted, he still retained command until some time after, when Lieut.-Colonel Walker came up, when he turned it over to him. He soon effected a union with the remainder of the regiment, and with Major Thomas Harrison, led until the final surrender at eleven o'clock. During these four bloody hours, this small number, so
of Birney's regiments — the Fourth Maine, Colonel Walker and Lieut.-Col. Carver; Fortieth New-York,ain disabled. The staunch Fourth Maine, under Walker and Carver, true men, of a rare type, drove one, arriving at one o'clock in the night. Capt. Walker, acting field-officer, had charge of the lens, was posted on the Maryland Heights, and Gen. Walker, with several brigades, on Loudon. Those dper's Ferry. On Wednesday, the division of Gen. Walker was sent down to destroy the canal aqueduct From this point he despatched a courier to Gen. Walker, then in possession of the Heights south ofin position, of which he promised to notify Gen. Walker. Meanwhile the divisions of McLaws and Ass of the Sabbath was broken by the opening of Walker's guns upon the fortifications of the enemy onr guns had unobstructed play. The shells from Walker's batteries and the impetuous attacks of Jacks Jackson's column suffered pretty heavily. In Walker's division we had five killed, three of these [3 more...]
nfiladed, that I might drive the enemy by an unexpected attack through the woods, I brought up additionally the most of Birney's regiments — the Fourth Maine, Colonel Walker and Lieut.-Col. Carver; Fortieth New-York, Col. Egan; First New-York, Major Burt; One Hundred and First New-York, Lieut.-Col. Gesner--and changed front to the Champlin and Major Pierce, lose one hundred and forty out of two hundred and sixty combatants. Col. Champlin is again disabled. The staunch Fourth Maine, under Walker and Carver, true men, of a rare type, drove on through the stream of battle irresistibly. The One Hundred and Fifth Pennsylvania volunteers were not wanting. Tht at this point, and were finally forced to retire, which we did in good order. Subsequently we moved to Centreville, arriving at one o'clock in the night. Capt. Walker, acting field-officer, had charge of the left wing, and rendered me much assistance by his coolness and the prompt carrying out of orders. Lieut. Sheridan's c
a corresponding degree of grief, while the soldiers were decidedly demonstrative in their manifestations of rage. Yet, what could be done? Rebel batteries were opened on us from seven different directions, and there was no hope of reinforcements reaching us. I afterwards ascertained from confederate officers that the forces which beleaguered us were not far short of one hundred thousand. Gen. D. H. Hill's army, consisting of several divisions, was posted on the Maryland Heights, and Gen. Walker, with several brigades, on Loudon. Those directly in front of us were commanded by Jackson and A. P. Hill, and consisted, among others, of Jackson's old division, now commanded by Gen. Stark, (at present under arrest,) Ewell's division, Gen. Gregg's South-Carolina brigade, numbering six regiments, Gen. Branch's brigade of North-Carolinians, Generals Pindar's and Archy's brigades, Second Louisiana, and Second and Third Virginia brigades. As soon as the terms of surrender were completed
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