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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 17. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 2 0 Browse Search
James D. Porter, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 7.1, Tennessee (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 2 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: may 5, 1862., [Electronic resource] 2 0 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 22. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 1 1 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: August 30, 1861., [Electronic resource] 1 1 Browse Search
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combined naval and military National force. Rear-Admiral D. D. Porter, hearing that General Johnston was fortifying the place and gathering troops there for the purpose of obtaining supplies for his army from the Yazoo country, and that the remainder of the rebels' best transports were there, consulted with Major-General Grant, and determined to send an expedition to capture and destroy them. The Baron de Kalb, National, Renwood, and Signal, were despatched, under command of Lieutenant Commander John G. Walker, with a force of troops, numbering five thousand, under Major-General Frank J. Herron. Pushing up to the city, the Baron de Kalb engaged the batteries, which were all prepared to receive her, and after finding out their strength dropped back to notify General Herron, who immediately landed his men, and the army and navy made a combined attack on the enemy's works. The rebels soon fled, leaving every thing in the possession of the Nationals, and set fire to four of their fine
and One Hundred and Seventy-fifth New-York, Colonel Bryan, who was killed. Then the Second brigade, under Colonel A. Fearing, and composed of the One Hundred and Thirty-third New-York, Colonel Currie<*> and the One Hundred and Seventy-third New-York, Major Galway, the rest of this brigade being detailed as skirmishers. After the Second came the First brigade, under Colonel Ferris, of the Twenty-eighth Connecticut, and composed of the Twenty-eighth Connecticut, the Fourth Massachusetts, Colonel Walker, and four companies of the One Hundred and Tenth New-York, under Major Hamilton. These were all followed up by the necessary number of pioneers and Nim's Massachusetts battery. At half-past 3 A. M. of Sunday, June fourteenth, the column formed.on the Clinton road and commenced moving. At about four A. M. the skirmishers moved right up to the scene of action, General Paine being with them in advancing, and the deadly work commenced, the enemy pouring in upon them the most terrible vo
tion of turning the enemy's left wing. They returned the fire of our artillery very vigorously for a time, but soon it slackened, and finally ceased altogether. When I arrived at the left of their position, I found it abandoned and the enemy fled. He had destroyed the bridges over the bayou to prevent our following. We found three of the enemy dead upon the field, two mortally wounded, and captured eleven prisoners and about sixty stand of small arms. The enemy was commanded by Major-General Walker, was a part of Kirby Smith's command, and consisted of two brigades, containing seven regiments, four thousand strong, with six pieces of artillery. They retreated toward Delhi, where General McCulloch is said to be posted with a command about equal in strength to the one we encountered. This was the same force that attacked the negro regiment at Milliken's Bend, a week before, and was repulsed. Our entire loss was three men wounded, one only dangerously. Gen. Mowry's command
erson accordingly. Sherman was moved forward on the Edward's Station road, crossing Fourteen Mile Creek at Dillon's plantation; Mc-Clernand was moved across the same creek, further west, sending one division of his corps by the Baldwin's Ferry road as far as the river. At the crossing of Fourteen Mile Creek, both Mc-Clernand and Sherman had considerable skirmishing with the enemy to get possession of the crossing. McPherson met the enemy near Raymond two brigades strong, under Gregg and Walker, on the same day engaged him, and after several hours' hard fighting, drove him with heavy loss in killed, wounded, and prisoners. Many threw down their arms and deserted. My position at this time was with Sherman's corps, some seven miles west of Raymond, and about the centre of the army. On the night of the twelfth of May, after orders had been given for the corps of McClernand and Sherman to march toward the railroad by parallel roads — the former in the direction of Edward's Stat
at once every one was impatient for our extra, giving to the public the account of the glorious victory won by the prowess of our arms in the Teche country. We are now able to lay before our readers the full particulars. General Taylor, with Walker's division, fought the enemy at Ashland, in North-Louisiana, on the seventh of June. Before starting on this expedition he had des. patched one of his staff-officers to South-west Louisiana to keep him advised of matters in that direction. InGibbons Point, on the island of the name, and immediately opposite Fort Buchanan. From this place his sharp-shooters could sweep the gunners from their positions at the heavy guns in the Fort. General Green with his old regiment, (Fifth Texas,) Walker's battalion, Second Louisiana cavalry, Valverde and Nichols's batteries, took position just before day in Berwick City, ready to open on all their camp, (which extended up and down the opposite bank for two miles,) also to keep in check their gun
B, G, and K--with a detachment of twenty men from company C, who nobly and fearlessly worked the guns on board the gunboat Enoch Dean. The little steamer Governor Milton, commanded by Major Strong, First S. C. V., was armed with two brass twelve-pounder Armstrongs from the Connecticut battery, commanded by Lieutenant Clinton, First Connecticut battery. The John Adams had on board two twenty-four pounder rifles and two twenty-four pounder howitzers, commanded by Mr. Edward Herron and Lieutenant Walker, First S. C. V. The Enoch Dean had two guns, one ten-pounder Parrott and one six-pounder howitzer, commanded by Captain George Dally, First S. C. V. On arriving near the bluff a contraband was seen on shore and a boat sent for him. He reported a battery of three guns on the bluff. The John Adams fired one gun and was answered by one gun from the bluff, when the rebels retired. Companies K, Captain Whitney, and G, Lieutenant Simpson, landed at the bluff and deployed their companies as
Doc. 57-the Yazoo expedition. Lieutenant Commanding J. G. Walker's report. United States steamer Baron De Kalb, mouth of Yazoo River, June 1, 1863. sir: I have the honor to report that I left this place on the morning of the twenty-fourth May, with the De Kalb, Forest Rose, Linden, Signal, and Petrel. I pushed up th which was lost on the Deer Creek expedition. I have as prisoners two engineers and a pilot in the service of the rebels, and several deserters and refugees, John G. Walker, Lieutenant Commanding United States Navy. To Acting Rear-Admiral D. D. Porter, Commanding Mississippi Squadron. Cincinnati Commercial account. Unitible point, and destroy every rebel transport found, we left the mouth of this river on the evening of the twenty-fourth, and proceeded rapidly up-stream. Captain J. G. Walker, of our boat, having been made Flag-Officer, proceeded on board the mosquito boat Forest Rose, in order to push ahead Ass rapidly as possible and press the
ps, General Rosecrans would have been left without provisions. To Captain Walke, Commander Woodworth, Lieutenant Commanders Breese, Greer, Shirk, Owen, Wilson, Walker, Bache, Murphy, Selfridge, Prichett, Ramsay, and acting volunteer Lieutenant Hoel I feel much indebted for their active and energetic attention to all my orders, enemy's works from Lieutenant Commander Selfridge's guns. His services being required up the river, I relieved him a few days before the surrender, and Lieutenant Commander Walker supplied his place, and conducted the firing with the same ability. Acting Master Charles B. Dahlgren was ordered to report to General McPherson for s to cause the battery to be greatly feared, and that it had done them much harm. On June twenty-fifth, agreeably to your orders, I turned my command over to Captain Walker. It gives me pleasure to bear testimony to the good conduct of my officers and men. The labor imposed upon them was very arduous-working their guns under a
from the river, if not to go away altogether. Lieutenant Commanding Selfridge divided his force on finding that the transports, which had been carrying stores to Walker's army, had escaped up some of the narrow streams. He sent the Mainton and Rattler up the Little Red River, (a small tributary of the Black,) and the Forest Rosethe Forest Rose and Petrel captured the steamer Elmira, loaded with stores, sugar, and rum for the rebel army. Finding that the steamers which had conveyed General Walker's army had returned up the Washita, the expedition started up that river, and came suddenly upon two rebel steamers; but the rebels set them on fire, and theyo inform me of it, but General Ransom, who had landed a few days before at Natchez, hearing of it, also sent a detachment of cavalry and captured the whole. Thus Walker's army is left almost without ammunition. The officers and men have shown great energy on this expedition, and have met with no mishaps. They procured a good
reaching Jackson, on the night of the thirteenth of May, I found there the brigades of Gregg and Walker, reported at six thousand; learned from General Gregg that Maxey's brigade was expected to arrivby the Raymond and Clinton roads upon Jackson. The resistance made by the brigades of Gregg and Walker gave sufficient time for the removal of the public stores; and at two P. M. we retreated by the of May the enemy made such demonstrations above the Big Black and toward Yazoo City, that I sent Walker's division to Yazoo City, with orders to fortify it; and the demonstrations being renewed, placed Loring's division within supporting distance of Walker's, and in person took post at Canton. Despatches arrived from General Pemberton, dated Vicksburgh, May twentieth and twenty-first. In that enemy, in expectation of an immediate assault. Major-General Loring occupying the right, Major-General Walker the right of the centre, Major-General French the left of the centre, and Major-General B
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