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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., Naval operations in the Vicksburg campaign. (search)
r this movement were the iron-clads De Kalb, Lieutenant-Commander John G. Walker, Louisville, Lieutenant-Commander Elias K. Ot-Commander James P. Foster, and the DeKalb, Lieutenant-Commander John G. Walker, and the tin-clads Rattler, Forest Rose, Rom. Pushing on to Haynes's Bluff the De Kalb, Lieutenant-Commander John G. Walker, in advance, it was found that evacuation hae of great strength and covered a large area. On the 20th Walker with the De Kalb and Choctaw and three of the light-draughthen in course of construction. A second expedition under Walker, a few days later, struck out into the tributary streams, refuge there. Several steamers were sunk by the enemy on Walker's approach, and three were captured and burnt by his vesseked by naval crews, first under Selfridge, and later under Walker. At the same time the squadron was engaged in the duty oft under Bache in White River. General Herron and Lieutenant-Commander Walker also proceeded up the Yazoo and retook Yazoo Cit
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., Union vessels in the Vicksburg operations. (search)
eet Captain, Naval Station, Cairo. gun-boats.--Benton, Lieut.-Com. S. L. Phelps, Lieut.-Com. W. Gwin (Yazoo River, December, 1862), Lieut.-Com. J. A. Greer (Vicksburg, Grand Gulf), 16 guns; Essex, Com. W. D. Porter, Com. C. H. B. Caldwell (Port Hudson), Com. R. Townsend, 5 guns, 1 howitzer; July, 1862, 7 guns, 1 howitzer; June 10th, 1863, 8 guns, 2 howitzers; August 1st, 1863, 8 guns, 4 howitzers. Eads iron-Clads.--St. Louis (Baron De Kalb), Lieut. W. McGunnegle (St. Charles), Lieut.-Com. J. G. Walker (Yazoo River, Arkansas Post, Yazoo Pass, Haynes's Bluff, Yazoo City), 13 guns (reduced to 7, May, 1863); Cairo, Lieut.-Com. T. O. Selfridge, 13 guns, 1 howitzer; Carondelet, Com. Henry Walke (action with Arkansas, July 15th, 1862), Lieut. J. M. Murphy (Steele's Bayou, Vicksburg, and Grand Gulf), 13 guns, 1 howitzer; May 15th, 1863, 11 guns; Cincinnati, Lieut.-Com. B. Wilson (Vicksburg, July, 1862), Lieut. George M. Bache (Arkansas Post, Steele's Bayou, Vicksburg, May 27th), 13 guns,