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General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Chapter3 (search)
enant-general and major-general. It was partially adopted then, and four divisions formed of the thirteen brigades of the army. E. Van Dorn, G. W. Smith, J. Longstreet, and T. J. Jackson, were appointed majors-general to command them. Bonham's, Early's, and Rodes's brigades, formed Van Dorn's division; D. R. Jones's, Ewell's, and Cocke's, joined Longstreet's; those of S. Jones, Toombs, and Wilcox, G. W. Smith's; and Jackson's was composed of his former brigade, Elzey's, Crittenden's, and Walker's. No army composed of new troops ever had general officers of more merit than those just enumerated. This fact, and the admirable character of the troops themselves, justified me in the belief that it was practicable for us to hold our position against such a force even as General McClellan was supposed to command. It was important to do so, to avoid the discouragement that would have been caused by falling back to the line of the Rappahannock, to protect so many more of our people, a
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Chapter 4 (search)
y field-pieces; it was joined, not long after, by a division of twelve thousand men. The President was uncertain whether this army was destined for Fort Monroe, to invade Virginia by the peninsula, or for the invasion of North Carolina. I learned this at Gordonsville, where he summoned me to meet him to decide upon some measure of preparation for either event. The result was, an order to me to send two brigades to Richmond, to be held in reserve there under his direction. Brigadier-General John G. Walker's was sent from Fredericksburg, and that of Brigadier-General Wilcox from the Rapidan; neither was permitted to pause in Richmond, however, the first being sent on to join the Confederate forces in North Carolina, and the second to Magruder's army near Yorktown. Major-General Holmes having been assigned to the command of the Confederate forces in North Carolina, I transferred Major-General Smith to Fredericksburg, to command the troops there. Brigadier. General D. R. Jones
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Chapter 7 (search)
rt Hudson, and march toward Jackson. After General Pemberton's investment in Vicksburg, there was no longer an object for moving to the northwest; Gregg's and Walker's brigades were, therefore, ordered to march to Canton, that they might be joined by the reenforcements expected from the East, and where, while being equipped foinvested before the arrival of the courier who bore it. On the 24th such demonstrations were made by the enemy, beyond the Big Black and along the Yazoo, that Walker was sent with his division to Yazoo City, with orders to fortify that point. And these demonstrations being repeated, Loring's division was sent to Benton on thentry and artillery, and two thousand cavalry. was ordered to march next morning toward the Big Black River. In the afternoon of July 1st, Loring's, French's, and Walker's divisions bivouacked near Birdsong's Ferry, on that river, and Breckenridge's, with the floating-bridge, near Edwards's Depot. The cavalry, under General W. H.
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Chapter 7 (search)
road; Major-General Breckenridge's on the left, crossing the New Orleans Railroad; Major-General French's between Breckenridge's and the Clinton road; and Major-General Walker's between that road and Loring's. Brigadier-General Jackson was directed to observe and guard the fords of Pearl River above and below the town with his cag; so that there was no shadow of reason to keep two divisions in the town. Those two divisions, and four brigades detached, including Gregg's See page 175. and Walker's, ordered to Jackson, could and should have been in the battle of Baker's Creek, and would have increased the Confederate force on that field to nearly thirty-fit-General Pemberton assumes that the loss of the battle of Baker's Creek was inevitable. It certainly was made probable by the complete separation of Gregg's and Walker's brigades See General Pemberton's report, pp. 205, 206. from his army, and his detaching Vaughn's and Reynold's. The presence of these four brigades on the fie
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Chapter 9 (search)
ons formed two corps: one commanded by Lieutenant-General Hardee, composed of Cheatham's, Breckenridge's, Cleburne's, and Walker's divisions; the other, commanded by Major-General Hindman, was composed of his own, Stevenson's, and Stewart's divisions Dalton; Hindman's, two miles southwest of Dalton, except a brigade on the Cleveland road; Stevenson's, near Hindman's; Walker's, three miles east of Dalton; and Cheatham's, near and to the south of Walker's. The Federal army in our front — thWalker's. The Federal army in our front — that by which ours had been driven from Missionary Ridge to Dalton — was estimated by our principal officers, who had been confronting it for almost two years, at eighty thousand men, exclusive of cavalry. This was undoubtedly an over-estimate. This resident directed me, by telegraph, to dispatch Lieutenant-General Hardee to Mississippi with Cheatham's, Cleburne's, and Walker's divisions of his corps, with instructions to unite with Lieutenant-General Polk as soon as possible. This order was ob<
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Chapter 11 (search)
ing about a mile of the crest of the mountain; Walker's in reserve; Stevenson's across Crow Valley, hree divisions-those of Hindman, Cleburne, and Walker. On the 10th that officer reported that thr noon, intelligence was received from Major-General Walker, near Calhoun, that the report of the p to move forward, a second message from Major-General Walker gave positive information that the righteen brigades, Including those of Calhoun and Walker, six miles off. so that on the 11th and 12th ibranch of Nose's Creek that runs from Marietta-Walker's division on the right, Bate's next, then Cle Their right dashed through the skirmishers of Walker's right before they could be reinforced, and tir rifle-pits. The Federal troops approaching Walker's line on the south of the road were driven ba's Division267594195 Cleburne's Division2911 Walker's DivisionKilled or taken80 286 In Lordle of June, and a few taken from the right of Walker's and left of French's skirmishers on the 27th[4 more...]
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Letters. (search)
th. The light batteries will be distributed as follows: (1.) To General Ewell's command; Captain Walker's, six pieces. (2.) To Brigadier-General Jones; Captains Alburtis's and Stannard's batter Your dispatch of 30th received. By official returns, troops near Canton, including Gist's and Walker's brigades of Beauregard's army, Ector's and McNair's of Bragg's, and Gregg's of Pemberton's, hattack I had matured all my plans and arrangements (see following telegrams to Generals Gregg and Walker on this point, where it will be seen that, though General Gregg sustained the advance of the ene on flank. J. C. Pemberton, Lieutenant-General commanding. Vicksburg, May 11, 1863. Brigadier-General Walker, Jackson: Move immediately with your command to Raymond. General Gregg has been ordm in rear and flank. J. C. Pemberton, Lieutenant-General. Vicksburg, May 11, 1863. Brigadier-General Walker, Jackson: Enemy is reported advancing in heavy force on Jackson. Hold your command
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Memoranda of the operations of my corps, while under the command of General J. E. Johnston, in the Dalton and Atlanta, and North Carolina campaigns. (search)
a campaigns. Dalton and Atlanta. At the beginning of the campaign my corps consisted of Cheatham's, Cleburne's, Walker's, and Bate's divisions (about twenty thousand muskets), and four battalions of artillery. May 7th. Cheatham's and Ba8th. Cleburne's division moved to Dug Gap, and assisted Grigsby's cavalry to repel attack of part of Hooker's corps. Walker had to be sent to Resaca, and moved subsequently to left front of Calhoun, to meet advance of McPherson. May 12th. Atd seventy Confederate and seventeen hundred and ninety Federal dead. May 15th. Night of 15th moved to Calhoun, where Walker was already skirmishing all next day with McPherson. Polk's brigade of Cleburne's division had a sharp fight with a bodyd. On Cheatham's line enemy's loss still more severe. Cheatham's loss some two hundred and fifty. Fighting in front of Walker's, on right of Cleburne's, confined to skirmish-line held by Mercer's brigade, until many of the men bayoneted where they