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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 8. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 72 2 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 9. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 26 4 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 18. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 20 2 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2. 11 3 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 5. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 10 2 Browse Search
A Roster of General Officers , Heads of Departments, Senators, Representatives , Military Organizations, &c., &c., in Confederate Service during the War between the States. (ed. Charles C. Jones, Jr. Late Lieut. Colonel of Artillery, C. S. A.) 9 1 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 17. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 6 0 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 20. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 5 1 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3. 4 4 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 14. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 4 2 Browse Search
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General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter 19: battle of Sharpsburg, or Antietam (continued). (search)
ter Turney; 7th Tenn., Maj. S. G. Shepard and Lieut. G. A. Howard; 14th Tenn., Lieut.-Col. J. W. Lockert. Pender's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. William D. Pender, Col. R. H. Brewer; 16th N. C., Lieut.- Col. Stowe; 22d N. C., Maj. C. C. Cole; 34th and 38th N. C. Thomas's Brigade, Col. Edward L. Thomas; 14th Ga., Col. R. W. Folsom; 35th Ga., 45th Ga., Maj. W. L. Grice; 49th Ga., Lieut.-Col. S. M. Manning. Artillery, Braxton's, Crenshaw's, McIntosh's, and Pegram's batteries engaged at Sharpsburg. Maj. R. L. Walker; Branch (N. C.) Art. (A. C. Latham's battery), Crenshaw's (Va.) battery, Fredericksburg (Va.) Art. (Braxton's battery), Letcher (Va.) Art. (Davidson's battery), Middlesex (Va.) Art. (Fleet's battery), Pee Dee (S. C.) Art. (McIntosh's battery), Purcell (Va.) Art. (Pegram's battery). Jackson's Division, Brig.-Gen. John R. Jones, Brig.-Gen. W. E. Starke, Col. A. J. Grigsby:--Winder's Brigade, Col. A. J. Grigsby, Lieut.-Col. R. D. Gardner (4th Va.), Maj. H. J. Williams; 2d Va., Capt
General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter 23: battle of Fredericksburg (continued). (search)
5th Ala. Battn., Maj. A. S. Van de Graaff, Capt. S. D. Stewart; 19th Ga., Lieut.-Col. A. J. Hutchins; 1st Tenn. (Pro. Army), Col. Peter Turney, Lieut.-Col. N. J. George, Capt. M. Turney, Capt. H. J. Hawkins; 7th Tenn., Col. John F. Goodner; 14th Tenn., Lieut.-Ccl. J. W. Lockert. Sixth Brigade, (1) Brig.-Gen. William D. Pender, (2) Col. A. M. Scales; 13th N. C., Col. A. M. Scales; 16th N. C., Col. John S. McElroy; 22d N. C., Maj. Christopher C. Cole ; 34th and 38th N. C. Artillery, Lieut.-Col. R. L. Walker; Branch (N. C.) Art., Lieut. J. R. Potts; Crenshaw (Va.) Batt., Lieut. J. Ellett; Fredericksburg (Va.) Art., Lieut. E. A. Marye; Johnson's (Va.) battery, Lieut. V. J. Clutter; Letcher (Va.) Art., Capt. G. Davidson; Pee Dee (S. C.) Art., Capt. D. G. McIntosh; Purcell (Va.) Art., Capt. W. J. Pegram. Ewell's division, Brig.-Gen. Jubal A. Early:--Lawton's Brigade, (1) Col. E. N. Atkinson, (2) Col. C. A. Evans; 13th Ga., Col. J. M. Smith; 26th Ga., Capt. B. F. Grace; 31st Ga., Col. C
General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter28: Gettysburg-Third day. (search)
Lee J. Lowrance; 13th N. C., Col. J. H. Hylnan, Lieut.-Col. H. A. Rogers; 16th N. C., Capt. L. W. Stowe; 22d N. C., Col. James Conner; 34th N. C., Col. William Lee J. Lowrance, Lieut.-Col. G. T. Gordon; 38th N. C., Col. W. J. Hoke, Lieut.-Col. John Ashford. Artillery, Maj. William T. Poague; Albemarle (Va.) Art., Capt. James W. Wyatt; Charlotte (N. C.) Art., Capt. Joseph Graham; Madison (Miss.) Light Art., Capt. George Ward; Virginia Batt., Capt. J. V. Brooke. artillery reserve, Col. R. Lindsay Walker :--:McIntosh's Battalion, Maj. D. G. McIntosh; Danville (Va.) Art., Capt. R. S. Rice; Hardaway (Ala.) Art., Capt. W. B. Hurt; 2d Rockbridge (Va.) Art., Lieut. Samuel Wallace; Virginia Batt., Capt. M. Johnson. Pegram's Battalion, Maj. W. J. Pegram, Capt. E. B. Brunson; Crenshaw (Va.) Batt.; Fredericksburg (Va.) Art., Capt. E. A. Marye; Letcher (Va.) Art., Capt. T. A. Brander; Pee Dee (S. C.) Art., Lieut. William E. Zimmerman; Purcell (Va.) Art., Capt. Joseph McGraw. Cavalry. Stu
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 5. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Leading Confederates on the battle of Gettysburg. (search)
e artillery of the several corps as follows: Extract special order no. 151.headquarters Department of Northern Virginia, June 4th, 1863. In accordance with the recommendation of the Chief of Artillery, made under par. II of General Order No. 69, current series, from these headquarters, the following-named officers are assigned to the command of the artillery under the recent organization: Colonel J. B. Walton, of the First corps; Colonel V. Crutchfield, of the Second corps; Colonel R. L. Walker, of the Third corps. By command of General Lee. W. H. Taylor, Assistant-Adjutant General. To Colonel J. B. Walton. On the 23d June, 1863, General Longstreet directed to Col. J. B. Walton, Chief of Artillery First corps, commanding, the following, as the order of march for Hlagerstown via Berryville: 1st. Pickett's division. 2d. Walton's Reserve Artillery (Alexander and Washington Artillery). 3d. Hood's division. 4th. McLaws' division. During the march to Ha
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 5. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), A review of the First two days operations at Gettysburg and a reply to General Longstreet by General Fitz. Lee. (search)
ay Walker, chief-of-artillery of Hill's corps, in a letter to me, says: Letter from General R. Lindsay Walker. Richmond, Va., January 17th, 1878. General Fitz. Lee: My dear sir: I cheerfulost us a great victory. I have the honor to be sir, Very respectfully, your obd't serv't, R. L. Walker. At daylight on the morning of the 2d General Longstreet was at General Lee's headquarte not to fire till further orders. Having further examined this ridge, and communicated with Colonel Walker, chief of artillery, Third corps, I returned across the battle-field and sent to inform the er Captain Dance, on the right, near the Seminary. Further to the right, on Seminary Ridge, Colonel Walker posted the artillery of the Third corps, except Poague's battalion and a portion of Garnett'rve. From the farthest occupied point on the right and front, in company with Colonels Long and Walker, and Captain Johnson (engineer), I soon after sunrise surveyed the enemy's position towards some
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., The opposing forces at Cedar Mountain, Va.: August 9th, 1862. (search)
Edward L. Thomas: 14th Ga., Col. R. W. Folsom; 35th Ga.,-----; 45th Ga.,-----; 49th Ga.,-----. Brigade loss: k, 24; w, 133 = 157. Field's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Charles W. Field: 22d Va. Battalion,-----; 40th Va.,-----; 55th Va.,-----. Brigade loss: k, 7; w, 6 = 13. Fender's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. William D. Pender: 16th N. C.,-----; 22d N. C., Lieut.-Col. Robert H. Gray; 34th N. C., Col. Richard H. Riddick; 38th N. C., Capt. John Ashford. Brigade. loss: k, 2; w, 11; m, 2=15. Artillery, Lieut.-Col. R. L. Walker; Va. Battery (Purcell Art'y), Capt. W. J. Pegram; Va. Battery (Middlesex Art'y), Lieut. W. B. Hardy; Va. Battery (Fredericksburg Art'y), Capt. Carter M. Braxton; N. C. Battery (Branch Art'y), Capt. A. C. Latham. Artillery loss: k, 2; w, 12 = 14. Third division, Maj.-Gen. Richard S. Ewell. Fourth Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Jubal A. Early: 12th Ga., Capt. William F. Brown; 13th Va., Col. James A. Walker; 25th Va., Maj. John C. Higginbotham; 31st Va., Lieut.-Col. Alfred H. Jackson (w); 4
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., The opposing forces at the Second Bull Run. August 16th-September 2d, 1862. (search)
F. Hoke; 37th N. C., . Brigade loss: k, 44; w, 280; m, 3 = 327. Fender's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. William D. Pender: 16th N. C., Capt. L. W. Stowe (w); 22d N. C., Maj. C. C. Cole; 34th N. C., Col. Richard H. Riddick (m w); 38th N. C., Capt. John Ashford (w). Brigade loss: k, 26; w, 197 = 223. Thomas's Brigade, Col. Edward L. Thomas: 14th Ga., Col. R. W. Folsom; 35th Ga.,-----; 45th Ga., Maj. W. L. Grice; 49th Ga., Lieut.-Col. S. M. Manning. Brigade loss: k, 33; w, 199 = 232. Artillery, Lieut.-Col. R. L. Walker: Va. Battery (Fredericksburg Art'y), Capt. Carter M. Braxton; Va. Battery, Capt. W. G. Crenshaw; Va. Battery (Letcher Art'y), Capt. Greenlee Davidson; Va. Battery (Middlesex Art'y), Lieut. W. B. Hardy; N. C. Battery (Branch Art'y), Lieut. John R. Potts; S. C. Battery (Pee Dee Artillery), Capt. D. G. McIntosh; Va. Battery (Purcell Art'y), Capt. W. J. Pegram. Artillery loss: k, 4; w, 8 = 12. Gregg's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Maxcy Gregg: 1st S. C., Maj. Edward McCrady, Jr. (w), Capt. C. W.
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., The opposing forces in the Maryland campaign. (search)
Pender's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. William D. Pender: 16th N. C., Lieut.-Col. W. A. Stowe; 28d N. C., Maj. C. C. Cole; 34th N. C.,----; 38th N. C.,----. Brigade loss: Harper's Ferry, k, 2; w, 20 = 22. Antietam, k, 2; w, 28 = 30. Shepherdstown, k, 8; w, 55 = 63. Thomas's Brigade, Col. Edward L. Thomas: 14th Ga., Col. R. W. Folsom; 35th Ga.,----; 45th Ga., Maj. W. L. Grice; 49th Ga., Lieut.-Col. S. M. Manning. Brigade not at Antietam; losses elsewhere not separately reported. Artillery, Lieut.-Col. R. L. Walker: Va. Battery, Capt. William G. Crenshaw; Va. Battery (Fredericksburg Art'y), Capt. Carter M. Braxton, Lieut. E. A. Marye; Va. Battery (Letcher Art'y), Capt. Greenlee Davidson; Va. Battery (Purcell A rt'y), Capt. W. J. Pegram (w); S. C. Battery (Pee Dee Art'y), Capt. D. G. McIntosh. Artillery loss not separately reported. Division loss (in the campaign) : k, 99; w, 605; in, 6 = 710. Jackson's division, Brig.-Gen. John R. Jones (w), Brig.-Gen. William E. Starke (k), Col. A. J. Gr
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., chapter 8.68 (search)
ns was ineffective, the shells bursting in mid-air without reaching the enemy. From my position on Loudoun Heights my guns had a plunging fire on the Federal batteries a thousand feet below and did great execution. By 5 o'clock our combined fire had silenced all the opposing batteries except one or two guns east of Bolivar Heights, which kept up a plucky but feeble response until night put a stop to the combat. During the night of the 14th-15th, Major (afterward Brigadier-General) R. Lindsay Walker, chief of artillery of A. P. Hill's division, succeeded in crossing the Shenandoah with several batteries, and placing them in such a position on the slope of Loudoun Mountain, far below me, as to command the enemy's works. McLaws got his batteries into position nearer the enemy, and at daylight of the 15th the batteries of our five divisions were pouring their fire on the doomed garrison. The fire of my batteries, however, was at random, as the enemy's position was entirely conceale
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., The surrender of Harper's Ferry. (search)
such an order. Be this as it may, it is certain that the enemy could easily have taken it with the force at his command whenever he chose. On the same day General Walker, with a force of the enemy estimated at eight thousand, had taken possession of Loudoun Heights, and General Jackson with a much larger force had reached a poincluding the force under General McLaws, engaged in the movement against Harper's Ferry. Distinguished officers of the Confederate army [Generals Longstreet and Walker and Colonel Douglas, see pp. 604, 620, 663] describe the situation of that part of Lee's army north of the Potomac during the 14th, 15th, and 16th of September asghts could be maintained, even for half an hour, against the greatly superior force massed for the assault, supported if necessary by an attack on our rear by Generals Walker and McLaws. Third. Great as was the disparity in numbers, the disparity in position was greater. Harper's Ferry and Bolivar Heights were dominated by Mary
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