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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Cabinet, President's (search)
liver Wolcott Feb. 2, 1795 Samuel Dexter Jan. 1, 1801 Albert Gallatin .May 14, 1801 George W. Campbell Feb. 9, 1814 Alexander J. Dallas Oct. 6, 1814 William H. CrawfordOct. 22, 1816 Richard Rush March 7, 1825 Samuel D. Ingham March 6, 1829 Louis McLane Aug. 2, 1831 William J. Duane May 29, 1833 Roger B. Taney Sept.23, 1833 Levi Woodbury June 27, 1834 Thomas Ewing March 5, 1841 Walter Forward Sept.13, 1841 John C. Spencer March 3, 1843 George M. Bibb June 15, 1844 Robert J. Walker March 6, 1845 William M. Meredith March 8, 1849 Thomas Corwin July 23, 1850 James Guthrie March 7, 1853 Howell Cobb March 6, 1857 Philip F. Thomas Dec. 12, 1860 John A. Dix Jan. 11, 1861 Name.Appointed. Salmon P. Chase March 7, 1861 William Pitt Fessenden July 1, 1864 Hugh McCullochMarch 7, 1865 George S. Boutwell March 11, 1869 William A. Richardson March 17, 1873 Benjamin H. Bristow June 4, 1874 Lot M. Morrill July 7, 1876 John Sherman March 8, 1877 William Windo
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Kansas, (search)
. Kansas is a very attractive State for enterprising settlers, and promises to be one of the finest portions of the Union. In 1900 the aggregate assessed valuation of taxable property was $328,936,054; the State tax rate was $5.50 per $1,000; and the bonded debt (Sept. 1) was $583,000, all held in State funds. See United States, Kansas, vol. IX. Territorial governors. Name.Term. Andrew H. Reeder. Pa1854 to 1855 Wilson Shannon, O.1855 to 1856 John W. Geary, Pa1856 to 1857 Robert J. Walker, Miss1857 to 1858 J. W. Denver1858 Samuel Medary1858 to 1861 George M. Bebee1861 State governors. Name.Term. Charles Robinson1861 to 1862 Thomas Carney1862 to 1864 S. J. Crawford1864 to 1868 James M. Harvey1868 to 1872 Thomas A. Osborn1873 to 1875 George T. Anthony1876 to 1878 John P. St. John1879 to 1883 George W. Glick1883 to 1885 John A. Martin1885 to 1887 Lyman U. Humphreys1887 to 1893 L. D. Lewelling1893 to 1895 E. N. Morrill1895 to 1897 John W. Leedy1897 to 1899
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Mississippi, (search)
ry term begins Jan. 1882 John M. Stone term beginsJan. 1890 A. J. McLaurinterm beginsJan. 1896 A. H. Longino term beginsJan. 1900 United States Senators. Name. No. of Congress. Term. Walter Leake 15th to 16th 1817 to 1820 Thomas H. Williams 15th 1817 David Holmes 16th to 18th 1820 to 1825 Powhatan Ellis 19th to 22d 1825 to 1832 Thomas B. Reed 19th to 20th 1826 to 1829 Robert H. Adams 21st 1830 George Poindexter 21st to 23d 1830 to 1836 John Black 22d to 25th 1832 to 1838 Robert J. Walker 24th to 29th 1836 to 1845 James F. Trotter 25th 1838 Thomas H. Williams 25th 1838 John Henderson 26th to 28th 1839 to 1845 Joseph W. Chalmers 29th 1845 Jesse Speight 29th to 30th 1845 to 1847 Jefferson Davis 30th to 32d 1847 to 1851 Henry S. Foote 30th to 32d 1847 to 1851 John I. McRae 32d 1852 Stephen Adams 32d to 34th 1852 to 1857 Walter Brooke 32d 1852 to 1853 Albert G. Brown 33d to 36th 1854 to 1861 Jefferson Davis 35th to 36th 1857 to 1861 [37th, 38th, 39th, 40th Con
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Protection. (search)
e free-trade tariff involves a contradiction of terms. It is used to designate that form of duty which is levied with no intention to protect domestic manufactures. as certainly as effect follows cause. One of the most suggestive experiments of that kind had its origin in the tariff to which I have just referred, passed in 1846 in apparent harmony with England's newly declared financial policy. At that moment a Southern President (Mr. Polk) and a Southern Secretary of the Treasury (Mr. Robert J. Walker) were far more interested in expanding the area of slave territory than in advancing home manufactures, and were especially eager to make commercial exchanges with Europe on the somewhat difficult basis of cotton at high prices and returning fabrics at low prices. Under ordinary circumstances the freetrade tariff of 1846 would have promptly fallen under popular reprobation and been doomed to speedy repeal. But it had a singular history and for a time was generally acquiesced in, e
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Tariff. (search)
passed containing the muchcontroverted and litigated similitude section (sec. 20), imposing duties on non-enumerated articles which may be similar in material, quality, texture, or use to any enumerated article......Aug. 30, 1842 Tariff bill passes the House by a vote of 114 to 95, and the Senate by the casting vote of the Vice-President, George M. Dallas. Average rate of duty 25 1/2 per Cent......July 30, 1846 Warehouse system established by act of Congress......Aug. 6, 1846 Robert J. Walker introduces the system of private bonded warehouses, which is confirmed by act of Congress......March 28, 1854 Free-trade policy declared in the platform of the Democratic party at Cincinnati......June 6, 1856 Tariff act passed lowering the average duty to about 20 per cent.......March 3, 1857 Republican Convention at Chicago adopts a protective-tariff platform......May 17, 1860 Tariff bill, raising the tariff of 1857 about one-third, introduced in the House by Mr. Morrill, p
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Tariff legislation. (search)
t. The law was modified in 1832, and further in 1833 by the compromise tariff promoted by Henry Clay. By this act duties were to be gradually reduced to 20 per cent. Parties had again crystallized; protection was a Whig doctrine, together with internal improvements. See American system. High protection was revived by the tariff of 1842, in which the duties averaged about 33 per cent. But in 1846 the Democrats passed the low Walker tariff, named after the Secretary of the Treasury, Robert J. Walker. The average rate was about 25 per cent., and under this law the country continued until 1857, when, with an overflowing revenue, the rate was still further reduced to about 20 per cent. From 1846 to 1861, accordingly, there was an approach to a revenue tariff. The Morrill tariff, named after the chairman of the ways and means committee, was enacted in 1861, having a protection character; the Civil War broke out; expenses of government enormously increased; in 1862 a stringent inter
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Trials. (search)
Henry Wirtz, commander of Andersonville prison during the war, for cruelty; trial begins Aug. 21; Wirtz hanged......Nov. 10, 1865 Conspirators for assassination of President Lincoln......1865 John H. Surratt......1867 In the case of William H. McCardle, of Mississippi, testing the constitutionality of the reconstruction act of 1867; Matthew H. Carpenter, of Wisconsin, Lyman Trumbull, of Illinois, and Henry Stanberry, Attorney-General, appear for the government, and Judge Sharkey, Robert J. Walker, of Mississippi, Charles O'Conor, of New York, Jeremiah S. Black, of Pennsylvania, and David Dudley Field for McCardle; reconstruction act repealed during the trial; habeas corpus issued......Nov. 12, 1867 Andrew Johnson impeachment......1868 Colonel Yerger, for murder of Colonel Crane, U. S. A., at Jackson, Miss.......June 8, 1869 William H. Holden, governor of North Carolina, impeached and removed......March 22, 1870 Daniel MacFarland, for the murder of Albert D. Richardso
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), United States of America. (search)
, March 4, 1857, to March 3, 1861. James Buchanan, Pennsylvania, President. John C. Breckinridge, Kentucky, Vice-President. Chief-Justice Taney, of the Supreme Court, delivers his decision in the Dred Scott case......March 6, 1857 Robert J. Walker, of Mississippi, appointed governor of Kansas, in place of Geary, of Pennsylvania, resigned......April, 1857 Second treaty with Japan; the third port, Nagasaki, opened to the United States......June 17, 1857 Shore end of the Atlantic s Thirty-fifth Congress, first session, assembles......Dec. 7, 1857 Stephen A. Douglas, of Illinois, in the Senate opposes forcing the Lecompton constitution on Kansas......Dec. 9, 1857 [He thus parted from the Southern Democracy.] Robert J. Walker, governor of Kansas, resigns......Dec. 15, 1857 The House of Representatives meet for the first time in the new hall of representatives in the south wing of the extension......Dec. 16, 1857 [By an act approved July 2, 1864, the old h
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Kansas, (search)
857 Free-State convention at Topeka resolves not to vote for delegates to the Lecompton constitutional convention......March 10, 1857 The number of immigrants to Kansas is very large......March 13, 1857 The newly appointed governor, Robert J. Walker, in his letter of acceptance, says that he understands that the government expects a fair and regular vote by actual residents of Kansas......March 26, 1857 First free-State victory at Leavenworth; election of a mayor......April 13, 1857 Frederick P. Stanton, secretary, who precedes Governor Walker to Kansas, announces the policy of the new administration in an address at Lawrence, and says that resistance to the bogus laws will mean war......April 24, 1857 Gov. Robert J. Walker arrives at Lecompton and reads his inaugural address......May 27, 1857 The Squatter sovereign, of Atchison, the most violent of the pro-slavery newspapers in the Territory, passes into the hands of free-State men......May, 1857 Governor Robi
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Mississippi, (search)
anctions the sale of stock for the bank......1839 Governor McNutt by message advises repudiating the Union Bank bonds sold to the United States Bank of Pennsylvania......1841 Legislature by resolution denies that the State is under any obligation, legal or moral, to redeem the Union Bank bonds......1842 State Treasurer Richard S. Graves arrested for embezzlement of State funds to the amount of $44,838.46. He escapes from the house of the sheriff and flees to Canada......1843 Robert J. Walker appointed Secretary of United States Treasury......March 6, 1845 Law passed establishing common schools......March 4, 1846 Mississippi regiment, under command of Col. Jefferson Davis, serves in the Mexican War......1846 University of Mississippi at Oxford, chartered in 1844, is opened......1848 Governor Quitman, arrested by the United States marshal for violation of the neutrality law of 1818 in abetting the expedition against Cuba, resigns as governor. He is acquitted, ren