Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: February 26, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Percy Walker or search for Percy Walker in all documents.

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Memminger upon the honor of his appointment to this responsible position in the New Confederacy, and the States upon having one so well fitted to perform its duties faithfully and upon sound principles. Secretary of War. Hon. Leroy Pope Walker is a lawyer of Huntsville, Alabama, a native of that county, Madison, and about forty-five years of age. He is the eldest son of the late Major Walker, and one of a family distinguished for talent and influence. Two of his brothers are Hon. Percy Walker, who recently represented the Mobile district in Congress, and Hon. Judge Richard W. Walker, of Florence, Chairman of the Alabama Delegation in the present Confederate Congress. Hon. L. P. Walker at one time practised law in South Alabama, and was for several sessions Speaker of the House of Representatives of the State. He has been a consistent Democrat of the State-Rights school. For the last ten years he has been located in Huntsville, and has the reputation of being the leading l