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Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 8. (ed. Frank Moore) 2 2 Browse Search
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dant at Cairo; Captain J. H. Odlin, his Chief of Staff; Captain Alexander M. Pennock, United States navy, Fleet Captain of Mississippi squadron; Captain James W. Shirk, United States navy, commanding Seventh district Mississippi squadron; Surgeon Horace Wardner, in charge of Mound City geneeral hospital; Captain Thomas M. Farrell, United States navy, in command of gunboat Hastings, (furnished by Captain Pennock to convey the Committee to Fort Pillow and Memphis;) Captain Thomas Pattison, Naval C the Seventh division Mississippi squadron? Answer. I can only repeat my answer to the last question. Lieutenant Shirk is an admirable officer, vigilant, brave, and of exceedingly safe judgment. Mound City Illinois, April 22 1864. Surgeon Horace Wardner sworn and examined: by the Chairman: Question. Have you been in charge of this hospital, Mound City Hospital? Answer. I have been in charge of this hospital continually since the twenty-fifth of April, 1863. Question. Will you st