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William Hepworth Dixon, White Conquest: Volume 2 134 0 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3. 1 1 Browse Search
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 4. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.) 1 1 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in William Hepworth Dixon, White Conquest: Volume 2. You can also browse the collection for Henry C. Warmoth or search for Henry C. Warmoth in all documents.

Your search returned 67 results in 5 document sections:

William Hepworth Dixon, White Conquest: Volume 2, Chapter 1: Louisiana. (search)
lawag county as their party candidate. General Warmoth, Governor of the State, was a Fusionist: ouisiana and her sister States by the sword. Warmoth's term of office was near an end. Jewell propJewell's advocacy failed. A second term for Warmoth, and no second term for Grant, proved a bad na; but as six or seven weeks remained of Governor Warmoth's term, there was plenty of time to sift ellogg dared not face a chamber meeting under Warmoth's orders; and Kellogg's movements brought abo commerce of the Gulf, are in his hands. Governor Warmoth is said to have found a fortune at the Stleaguers, and the Federal troops. From Governor Warmoth he had nothing to expect. Warmoth was trnor McEnery should be able to prove his case, Warmoth, the only legal officer, must continue to rulwas certain to be anarchy. Unable to trust Warmoth, and unwilling to meet a chamber opened by hihambers were to meet. A Chamber organised by Warmoth would proceed to verify the elections, and wo[6 more...]
William Hepworth Dixon, White Conquest: Volume 2, Chapter 2: reign of anarchy. (search)
r seats. The first thing was to depose Governor Warmoth and obtain possession of his official lisgg came to terms with him. Pinch was to upset Warmoth. If he succeeded, he was to be Acting Govern an air of burlesque not easily surpassed. Warmoth refused to recognise Pinchback, and Pinchback his man as coolly as he shoots his bird, General Warmoth was not a man for Pinch to bully. The Coem, met elsewhere in protest, and appealed to Warmoth, as the lawful Governor, for support against te might help to cover his illegal acts. Yet Warmoth stood unmoved. Pinch ran to Packard for advise; nor could he feel at ease, so long as Governor Warmoth stayed in New Orleans. This gentleman miovernor Warmoth, and prayed that the said Governor Warmoth should be declared deposed from his offic deposed. Refusing to recognize this decree, Warmoth appealed to the judges of Louisiana, who decinow agreed that the late elections were void, Warmoth remained, as he contended, the legal Governor[4 more...]
William Hepworth Dixon, White Conquest: Volume 2, Chapter 5: the State House. (search)
carry a party vote. In free popular assemblies the candidates usually sit and vote until their cases have been heard; but Kellogg thinks that rules which govern free assemblies everywhere else may be defied in New Orleans. If these five members take their seats on the opening day, the Conservatives will have a legal quorum of fifty-six, and a sure majority of three, a probable majority of five. What is to prevent that sure Conservative majority from indicting and deposing Kellogg, as Governor Warmoth was indicted and deposed? A House in which neither party counts a quorum is a body open to arrangements. Kellogg believes that some of the voters may be bought. Already, there are stories told of his having secured one vote. He only needs two others to make his quorum. He has every reason to bid brisk, for he is bound to either keep a show of legal order or confess his failure and retire. His faction in the country is getting sick of him — a man who brings them no substantial
William Hepworth Dixon, White Conquest: Volume 2, Chapter 8: the Conservatives. (search)
overnment, and restore a reign of peace. Have not the coloured people a majority of votes in the whole State-ninety thousand against seventy-six thousand? On the present lists, they have, replies the Governor; but the lists are drawn in fraud. How can the coloured people have more votes than we have? In numbers we are nearly equal-three hundred and sixty-two thousand Whites to three hundred and sixty-four thousand Blacks. These figures are not ours. The census was taken under Warmoth's government. We know that some of the returns are false-and false in favour of the coloured men. But take the figures as they stand. How can a difference of two thousand in the population, yield a difference of fourteen thousand in the voting lists? That is not easy to make out. Except by fraud; by manifest and unblushing fraud. The fact is, Negroes are registered in different names and different parishes. Dead Negroes are kept on the lists; Negroes under age are put on the lis
William Hepworth Dixon, White Conquest: Volume 2, Chapter 9: Governor Warmoth. (search)
Governor in New Orleans except myself. Henry C. Warmoth holds a position in this city, not only owith a pallid brow and deep-set student eyes, Warmoth has the grand style of domestic drama, and Sos charm of manner and his moderation of view, Warmoth has half-reconciled the upper classes to his dan to fight alone? Warmoth is the culprit. Warmoth is bowing to the Conservatives; seeking an ening remedies and discussing compromises. General Warmoth suggests, that cars might be started in Ct, cries Jewell, I will ruin you for ever. Warmoth prints his suggestion, and the two Conservatirning Jewell comes out with a leader in which Warmoth is described as Lazarus, raised from the deadrong man, but maimed of his left arm, follows Warmoth down Canal Street, where he assaults him withfriends, who bear him to a hospital close by. Warmoth gives up his knife, and yields himself prisonzens go to see him in a single day. Never has Warmoth found himself so popular. Nobody holds him g[25 more...]