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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Westminster Abbey. (search)
om whom the American abolitionists W. Lloyd Garrison and Wendell Phillips drew no small part of their inspiration. Among the statesmen in the north transept, next to the statue of Lord Beaconsfield, is the monument of the Irish admiral, Sir Peter Warren, who helped to take Louisburg from the French in 1745. He commanded on the American Station for years, and owned the tract of land in New York City once known as Greenwich Village. His house was still shown in 1863. Warren Street and Warre Vane. In 1737 the monument to Milton was erected by Auditor Benson. The admission of this monument here, a century and a half ago, is one more sign that the Revolution did not wholly fail even in England, and that there were Monument to Sir Peter Warren—Westminster Abbey. those who even then revered the names of Cromwell and Milton. But the principles of that Revolution, never wholly forgotten by Englishmen, were completely triumphant in America. The colonists carried to America, as Mr. G
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Wilderness, battle of the (search)
rain, began its march towards Richmond. The right was composed of the corps of Warren and Sedgwick, and the left of that of Hancock. Warren's cavalry, preceded by tWarren's cavalry, preceded by that of Wilson, crossed the Rapidan at Germania Ford on the morning of the 4th, followed by Sedgwick. The left, preceded by Gregg's cavalry, and followed by the entire flanks of the Nationals on their march. This movement failed. On the 5th, Warren, who was followed by Sedgwick, sent the divisions of Griffin and Crawford to maade at any great distance. Grant ordered up Sedgwick's corps to the support of Warren; while Hancock, who was nearly 10 miles away, on the road to the left, marched back to join Warren. Getty's division of Sedgwick's corps was posted at the junction of two roads, with orders to hold the position at all hazards until the arrival s. Burnside's corps was brought up in the night and placed between Hancock and Warren. Meanwhile Lee brought up Longstreet's corps to the support of Hill. And no
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), William and Mary, Fort (search)
ff the retreat to Cambridge. It is of tradition and some part of record that, until within even a few moments of the fusileers' charge, Stark was no better equipped with ammunition than was Prescott. But an ample supply of powder arrived in the nick of time. It had been brought over from Durham, 60 miles away, in old John Demeritt's ox-cart, and it was a part of the store that had been buried under Parson Adams's pulpit. Failing it, Prescott might on that day have shared the martyrdom of Warren, and Molly Stark might indeed have been a widow that night. It is interesting to note in Sullivan's correspondence that this lack of ammunition was a grievous care to Washington after he took command. Later on in the campaign Sullivan wrote to the New Hampshire committee of safety: General Washington has, I presume, already written you on the subject of this letter. We all rely upon your keeping both the contents of his letter and mine a profound secret. We had a general council day be
s the first dwelling-house on Stony Brook. After the Messrs. Roberts purchased the property the wooden buildings were burned, and the present establishment arose from their ashes. On Warren Street stood an old dwelling occupied in 1798 by Peter Warren, opposite Hagar's lane, once a road where many of the first settlers lived, now open merely as a cart path, and without a house upon it. On Beaver Street, near the Watertown line, is the house occupied by Captain Samuel Barnes in 1798. His fted their Representative to give his vote in favor of authorizing the Delegates from this State to ratify the same in ye Congress of the United States, that the same may become conclusive. September 28, 1778, Abner Sanderson, Elisha Cutler, Peter Warren, John Bright, and Jonas Child were chosen by the town a Committee to estimate the services of persons in the war either by bearing arms, or paying money to encourage others, and to apportion to the same by a tax upon the polls and estates of t
f name, 69; the place three leagues up Charles River, 15 n. 2; valuation of, 139; 108. Waltham-Abbey, 66-69. Waltham Agricultural Library Association, 140. Waltham Cotton and Wool Factory Co. incorporated, 92; description of, 128. Waltham Improvement Co., 136. Waltham plain, 26, 27, 38. Waltham roads model roads, 51-52. Wand, the constable's, 75. War of 1812, Waltham in, 109. Ward, Caleb, house of, 65. Warham, Rev., John, 13. Warping and dressing machine, 130. Warren: Daniel, 101; Eliphalet, 86; John, 82, autograph, 94; Joshua, 94; Peter, 93, 94, 103: Phinehas, 94. Warwick, Earl of, resigns grant of the New England coast, 10. Washington. George, entertained in Waltham, 80; lodged at house of Widow Coolidge, 107; visit to Eastern States, 108. Watch movements, grades of, 137. Watch Pivots, delicate measurement of, 137. Watches manufactured by machinery, 135; superiority of. 137. Water-mill at Watertown, 21. Water-works, 141. Watertown
luded the colonies, were intrusted to the Duke of Bedford. The new secretary was a man of inflexible honesty and good — will to his country, untainted by duplicity or timidity. His abilities were not brilliant; but his inheritance of the rank and fortune of his elder brother gave him political consideration. In 1744, he had entered the Pelham ministry as First Lord of the Admiralty, bringing with him to that board George Grenville and the Earl of Sandwich. In that station his orders to Warren contributed essentially to the conquest of Louisburg. Thus his attention was drawn to the New World as the scene of his own glory. In the last war he had cherished the darling project of conquering Canada, and the great and practicable views for America were said by Pitt to have sprung from him alone. Proud of his knowledge of trade, and accustomed to speak readily on almost every subject, he entered without distrust on the administration of a continent. Of the two dukes, who, at this
. Gov. Belcher to the Earl of Leven. To the Calvinist governor the Quakers of this province seemed to want orthodoxy in the principles of religion; but he parried for them the oppressive disposition of the Board of Trade, and the rapacity of the great claimants of lands, who held seats in the Council. I have to steer, he would say, between Scylla and Charybdis; to please the king's ministers at home, and a touchy people here; to luff for one, and bear away for another. Belcher to Sir Peter Warren. Sheltered by its position, New Jersey refused to share the expense of Indian alliances, often left its own annual expenses unprovided for, and, instead of showing zeal in assuming the burdens of war, its gentle and most obstinate enthusiasts trusted in the extension of the peaceable kingdom from sea to sea, and the completion of the prophecies, that nation shall not lift up the sword against nation, nor learn war any more. There, too, on the banks of the Delaware, men that labored f
e part of England, he proved that England could not but fail in her attempt at coercion, and that the ultimate independence of America was inevitable. I cannot think him serious, said Sandwich. Suppose the colonies do abound in men; they are raw, undisciplined, and cowardly. I wish instead of forty or fifty thousand of these brave fellows, they would produce in the field at least two hundred thousand; the more the better; the easier would be the conquest. At the siege of Louisburg. Sir Peter Warren found what egregious cowards they were. Believe me, my lords, the very sound of a cannon would send them off, as fast as their feet could carry them. He then abused the Americans for not paying their debts, and ascribed their associations to a desire to defraud their creditors. It is memorable, that when on the twenty-first, the debate was renewed and the bill passed, both Rockingham and Shelburne, the heads of the old whigs, and the new, inserted in their protest against the act, th