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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 1,057 5 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 1. (ed. Frank Moore) 114 0 Browse Search
C. Edwards Lester, Life and public services of Charles Sumner: Born Jan. 6, 1811. Died March 11, 1874. 106 2 Browse Search
Benjamnin F. Butler, Butler's Book: Autobiography and Personal Reminiscences of Major-General Benjamin Butler 72 0 Browse Search
John Esten Cooke, Wearing of the Gray: Being Personal Portraits, Scenes, and Adventures of War. 70 0 Browse Search
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee 67 1 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 2. (ed. Frank Moore) 60 0 Browse Search
Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume I. 58 0 Browse Search
George Meade, The Life and Letters of George Gordon Meade, Major-General United States Army (ed. George Gordon Meade) 56 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Poetry and Incidents., Volume 1. (ed. Frank Moore) 54 2 Browse Search
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u know, gentlemen, that I am expected to produce a plan of dissolution in the event of certain contingencies.) To this the intruder. replied, in the coolest manner possible, Senator from South Carolina, will you allow me to look at your hand, your right hand? He rose, the cloak fell, and I beheld his face. Gentlemen, the sight of that face struck me like a thunder-clap. It was the face of a dead man, whom extraordinary events had called back to life. The features were those of General George Washington. He was dressed in the Revolutionary costume, such as you see in the Patent Office. Here Mr. Calhoun paused, apparently agitated. His agitation, I need not tell you, was shared by the company. Toombs at length broke the embarrassing pause. Well, what was the issue of this scene? Mr. Calhoun resumed. The intruder, as I have said, rose and asked to look at my right hand, as though I had not the power to refuse. I extended it. The truth is, I felt a strange thrill pervade me at
Washington, Dec. 20.--Orders have been issued to Major Anderson to surrender Fort Moultrie if attacked. Major Anderson telegraphs here that he had surrendered a large number of arms which had been removed from the arsenal to Fort Moultrie, to the authorities of Charleston, on a demand being made for them. This was done in obedience, as he says, to the spirit of orders he had received from Washington. The South Carolina ordinance of secession was received this afternoon by President Buchanan. A number of Southern men were with him at the time. He exhibited much agitation on hearing the news. The news of the passage of the ordinance produced intense excitement in Congress. The South Carolina members were congratulated by the Southern men.--N. Y. Times, Dec. 20.
Washington, Dec. 26.--I saw a letter from one of the soldiers at Fort Sumter to his mother to-day. He says the fort is in excellent condition for defence, full of ammunition and arms, and with a few more men, could defy any enemy that could approach it. He says, all hands expect a conflict, and feel greatly alarmed at the prospect, because their numbers are so small. They hope the Government will do something to aid them,--if not, they will defend the fort to the best of their ability. The closing words are quite touching and solemn. --Letter from Washington, Times, N. Y.
ion will be mustered and critically inspected at Governor's Island on Thursday next. Lest any man should be absent at roll-call the utmost strictness is exercised in making out the daily liberty lists; and no soldier can leave the island except by special permission. The order is supposed to have authorized the complete equipment and preparation for the road of all the troops in garrison.--N. Y. Times, Jan. 8. Jan. 9.--Reports of the suffering at Charleston continue. A dispatch from Washington confirms the previous accounts. It says; A gentleman arrived this evening from Charleston, in company with Corn. Shubrick. Both say the panic which prevails there is unparalleled. There is a great lack of food, business is prostrated; the people are idle, and patrols are wandering up and down to preserve order. On the day Com. Shubrick left there was unusual excitement, and upon inquiry he found that news had been received that the steamer Macedonian was on her way with eight hundre
on, Charleston, S. C., July 4th, 1831. Hail, our country's natal morn! Hail, our spreading kindred born! Hail, thou banner, not yet torn, Waving o'er the free! While this day in festal throng, Millions swell the patriot song, Shall not we thy notes prolong, Hallowed jubilee? Who would sever freedoms shrine? Who would draw the invidious line? Though by birth one spot be mine, Dear is all the rest;-- Dear to me the South's fair land, Dear the central mountain-band, Dear New England's rocky strand, Dear the prairied West. By our altars, pure and free, By our Law's deep-rooted tree, By the past's dread memory, By our Washington! By our common parent tongue, By our hopes, bright, buoyant, young, By the tie of country strong, We will still be one. Fathers! have ye bled in vain? Ages! must ye droop again? maker! must we rashly stain Blessings sent by thee? No! receive our solemn vow, While before Thy throne we bow, Ever to maintain as now, “Union--Liberty.” --Commercial Adverti
By the praying of our common prayer; By the Bible on which our people swear! Peace, brothers, peace! Would you rend our country's breast in twain? It lies bare to the mortal blow, But the sword that could drink her holy vein Should be that of a foreign foe. Not of her children, cradled free, Not of her home-born; never be Such written page of History! Peace, brothers, peace! Would ye part the river which north and south Rolls grandly its career? Sounds not a tone from its mighty mouth Teaching us, far and near, That the North and the South, like it, must be One power, one home, one unity; One time and one eternity? Peace, brothers, peace! Brothers, beware; the storm is high-- Our ship of state strains heavily-- And her flag, whose spangles have lit the sky, Is fluttering — tattered and torn to be. God of our Father Washington, Our trust is in Thy arm alone; Count Thou her stars, keep every one! Peace, brothers, peace! London, January 4, 1861. --Nationwal Intelligencer, Feb. 6
lem. The banner, 20 by 30 feet, was made entirely by the family of a former Senator of this State and city, (Hon. O. Newcomb,) who generously volunteered their services, as the unprecedented demand for flags rendered it impossible for the manufacturers to get one up in less than ten or twelve days. No less than four generations assisted in its construction. One of the ladies (having passed her sixty-seventh winter) is a great-great-grandmother, and was personally acquainted with General Washington. As the needle was plied by her not infirm hand, the big tears would fall copiously on the bunting, as she recounted her many reminiscences of Washington, and her vivid recollections of the war of 1812. When her eyes shall behold for the last time the sun in heaven, may she still see him shining on this gorgeous ensign of a United Republic; not a stripe erased or polluted, nor a single star obscured! The crowd dispersed with nine cheers for the Stars and Stripes, and nine cheers fo
The morning sun shone brightly o'er a brave and noble band, Who gathered there to bleed and die for their beloved land; They fought against a foreign power who strove, but strove in vain, To bring America's free soil beneath Oppression's chain. Then bravely rose her gallant sons,--they felt their cause was right,-- And the Stars and Stripes waved over them throughout the deadly fight; And foremost in the fearful strife there rode a mighty one, Whose name we reverence and love — our own George Washington. 'Tis over, and our freedom won — while glorious and fair, Above us the bright Stars and Stripes are floating high in air; No more we bow and tremble 'neath Old England's haughty sway; America stands nobly forth, a nation from that day. And God hath ever smiled upon our own, our blood-bought land, And blessings and prosperity we meet at every hand; Our Washington hath laid him down, and quietly doth rest, But he liveth in his people's hearts, in the broad lands of the West. But lo!
teries, That numbered near a score, Commenced to fire at Sumter's walls With an infernal roar. The Major and his seventy, By numbers undismayed, The rebels' iron compliments With shot and shell repaid! chorus — Cheer, boys, cheer! We shall not see again Such pluck as that which gave to fame The Major and his Men. For forty hours that gallant band Held Sumter from the foe, And gaily their columbiads Dealt ruin high and low; But when the fleet from Uncle Sam Made signals fair in sight, That Washington was safe enough, The Major stopped the fight. chorus — Cheer, boys, cheer! And pass the glass again; The “trick” that time was taken by The Major and his Men. The Major left the battered fort, A crumbling, empty pen, And ere the rebels can repair, We'll have it back again! Their harbor is blockaded now, And Anderson is here, With sword still girded by his side, And stranger still to fear! chorus — Cheer, boys, cheer! We'll have it back again! And who shall be our comrades but The Major
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Poetry and Incidents., Volume 1. (ed. Frank Moore), The Confederate flag in Havana. (search)
if he would make oath that the vessel was owned wholly by citizens of the United States he would give him a sea-letter, which would enable him to return to any port in the United States, but that he should retain his register and forward it to Washington. The case was an anomalous one; the owners might be really loyal citizens, but forced in absence of regular United States officers, to take out Confederate States papers, and in the absence of any instructions from Washington, Mr. Savage harWashington, Mr. Savage hardly felt willing to take the responsibility of entirely refusing to have any thing to do with the vessel, after she had hoisted the United States flag, and thus of condemning her to lie here, unable to leave, an indefinite time. Perhaps it would have been better to have assumed the responsibility, and have declined any connection with a vessel that could not prove her right to fly the United States flag, by her papers. But for a Vice-Consul, and so near home, and so easily within reach of inst