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Browsing named entities in George Bancroft, History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent, Vol. 10. You can also browse the collection for Virginia Washington or search for Virginia Washington in all documents.

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his standard. Thus far the south rested on its own exertions. Relying on the internal strength of New England, and the central states for their protection, Washington was willing to incur hazard for the relief of the Carolinas; and, with the approval of congress, from his army of less than ten and a half thousand men, of whom Buffalo ford on Deep river, while he was still doubting how to direct his march, he received news of measures adopted by congress for the southern campaign. Washington wished Greene to succeed Lincoln; congress, not asking his advice and not ignorant of his opinion, on the thirteenth of June unanimously ap- 13. pointed Gates ment of Morgan as a brigadier-general in the continental service, and in this he was supported by Jefferson and Rutledge. He enjoined on the corps of White and Washington, and on all remnants of continental troops in Virginia, to repair to the southern army with all possible diligence. Upon information received at Hillsborough
ct parties, which at present count but few deserters. The division is attributed to moral and philosophical causes. He further reported that the cabal against Washington found supporters exclusively in the north. The French minister desired to repress the ambition of congress for the acquisition of territory, because it mightation, and the two great states came more and more to represent different classes of culture and ideas and interests. On observing congress thus rent by party, Washington raised his voice and called upon George Mason and Jefferson to come forth to save their country. In 1779, when the prosperity of New England had been shown t that God is just, that his justice cannot sleep for ever. The way, I hope, is preparing under the auspices of Heaven for a total emancipation. At that time Washington was a kind and considerate master of slaves, without as yet a title to the character of abolitionist. By slow degrees the sentiment grew up in his mind that to
rst week of June, those under the command of Washington, present and fit for duty, numbered but thretillery he took eight pieces. The army of Washington was encamped at Morristown. On the east of ops; and at five in the afternoon found that Washington, on hearing that they were out in force, hadif to take the Americans in the rear induced Washington to move his camp to Rockaway bridge, confidilf to escape down the river to the Vulture. Washington, who had turned aside to examine the conditie board, on which sat Greene, second only to Washington in the service; St. Clair, afterwards presidn the thirtieth the sentence was approved by Washington, and ordered to be carried into effect the stness that he might not die on the gibbet. Washington and every other officer in the American armydmired on the continent of Europe. Jay to Washington, 29 March, 1781, in Jay's Jay, II. 75. His kvinced that we are not afraid to punish. Washington sought out the three young men who, leaning [10 more...]
e several days without a single pound of it. Washington appealed to the president of the rich state and kept him at bay. Certain I am, wrote Washington in May, to his friend Joseph Jones, a delegaispleasure, and soon after, on the advice of Washington, appointed him to the command of the southerton, who for three and a half years had been Washington's most able and confidential secretary; and,ve of good were those in which he acted with Washington, who was the head. the leader, and the guididely extended territory. Two days later, Washington, with Duane at his side, gazed from Weehawkes. Again on the twenty-second of October, Washington, to guide his native state towards union, pod states, of which Knox was made the bearer, Washington laid open the aggravated calamities and distnger Laurens of South Carolina. To the agent Washington confided a statement of the condition of y assures me that there can be no doubt that Washington wrote the above letter. Written by H. B. G.[6 more...]
n return for the evacuation of New York. He had sounded Washington and others in America on the subject, and they all had rnicated to the French ministry his letter of advice from Washington. Franklin had lately written: If it is found unable to ger; but without more effectual support they must fall. Washington represented immediate and efficacious succor from abroadld bring the contest to a glorious issue. Writings of Washington, ed. Sparks, VII. 368. In pressing the demands of congreurse of the year, and conform himself to the counsels of Washington and Rochambeau. On the other hand, the great expense ofambeau by another detachment from the French army was on Washington's recommendation avoided; and America was left to hersel, and to put them as well as himself under the orders of Washington. To the sole direction of Washington, the French goveWashington, the French government would have gladly reserved the disbursement of its gift of six millions; but he refused a trust which would have rous
favorite to a court of inquiry, and, conforming to the advice of Washington, appointed Major-General Greene to the command of the southern de for the first time, the harmony and unity essential to success. Washington was in danger of being shortly without men; yet he detached for tnterprise among the black people who came out as volunteers. General Washington's influence, so he wrote to Hamilton, will do more than all tod of Fair Chap. XXII.} 1780. Dec. Forest, Morgan sent Lieutenant-Colonel Washington with his own regiment, and two hundred mounted riflemenm beyond all things to avoid an engagement. Marshall's Life of Washington, i. 402. With a noble confidence in himself and in his troops, hanies of approved Virginia riflemen were on each wing. Lieutenant-Colonel Washington's regiment of dragoons, consisting of eighty men, was ptheir ranks so that they fled with precipitation. The cavalry of Washington, hitherto unseen, sprang forward and charged success- Chap. XXI
skilful riders to strengthen the cavalry of Washington. Meantime parties sent out by Morgan broucted. Your retreat before Cornwallis, wrote Washington, is highly applauded by all ranks, and reflet of them in a forest. Marshall's Life of Washington, i. 412. The positions were so far apart tha were posted two six-pounders, and Lieutenant-Colonel Washington with an able corps of observation;one-half not at all. Greene in Letters to Washington, 266. Lee and Campbell with their troops wernto more open ground. Immediately Lieutenant-Colonel Washington, who had brought his cavalry once ue to its great advisers. Your state, wrote Washington to Jefferson, its governor, will experience from Virginia. Jefferson made the advice of Washington his rule of conduct, though accused in his o third day after the battle, Greene wrote to Washington: Virginia has given me every support I could wish. Letters to Washington, III. 267. In his report of the day of Guilford, Greene hardly d
small chances of re-enforcements or of sufficient subsistence. He knew the hazards which he was incurring; but, in case of untoward accidents, he believed that Washington and his other friends would do justice to his name. The possession of the interior of South Carolina depended on the posts at Camden and Ninety-Six in that s; and the Virginians under Campbell, and the Marylanders under Williams, charged with the bayonet. The British were routed. On a party that prepared to rally, Washington bore down with his cavalry and a small body of infantry, and drove them from the field. The victory was complete. Great numbers of the British had fallen, or cent wood of barren oaks, Washington was ordered to charge with his horsemen; and the close, stiff branches of the stubborn trees made the cavalry useless. Colonel Washington himself, after his glorious share in the campaign, at the last moment of this last encounter, was wounded, disabled, and taken prisoner. So there were at E
ple article of plunder. By a courier from Washington, Lafayette received information that Virginiu, attended by Chastellux, in a meeting with Washington at Weathersfield, on the twenty-first of Mayom his camp on Malvern Hill, Lafayette urged Washington to march to Virginia in force, and he predicllis took possession of York and Gloucester, Washington, assured of the assistance of de Grasse, ture in Chesapeake Bay; and, at the instance of Washington, he was to bring with him as many land trooped with a livelier or more manifest joy than Washington when he there learned that, on the last day scend by water from Elk river and Baltimore, Washington, with Rochambeau and Chastellux, riding sixto immediate danger. One peril yet menaced Washington. Count de Grasse, hearing of a re-enforcemef attack and approach. The French entreated Washington for orders to storm the exterior posts of tht signs of repugnance, made his surrender to Washington. His troops then stepped forward decently a[13 more...]
e death of a loyalist prisoner who had been shot as he was attempting to escape. Congress and Washington demanded the delivery of Lippincot as a murderer. Clinton, though incensed at the outrage andht be stayed. He treated captives always with gentleness; and some of them he set free. When Washington asked that the Carolinians who had been exiled in violation of the capitulation of Charleston enty-seven years old, received a mortal wound. He had not a fault that I could discover, said Washington, unless it were intrepidity bordering upon rashness. This Chap. XXVIII.} 1782. July. was thacts which he was obliged to dissolve from want of means to meet them, and could only write to Washington: I pray that Heaven may direct your mind to some mode by which we may be yet saved. By the paes, the army was rescued from being starved or disbanded. Their patriotism and distress wrote Washington in October, have scarcely ever been paralleled, never been surpassed. The long-sufferance of