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ed to their respective positions. On the seventeenth of December I made a report to General Halleck. I refer to this because it was understood by many that it was written at the suggestion of the President or Secretary of War. Such is not the fact. It was written at my headquarters, without consultation with anybody outside of my own personal staff, and is correct in all particulars. Immediately after the engagement on the thirteenth I sent Major William Goddard with despatches to Washington, and on the following morning forwarded others by Colonel Lloyd Aspinwall, requesting them both to give to the authorities at Washington verbal information of what had transpired. Preparations were at once commenced to refit the army, and I decided to make another movement against the enemy. On the twenty-sixth of December I ordered three days cooked rations, with ten days supply in the wagons, together with a supply of forage, beef cattle, ammunition, and other stores, and for the ent
e number of ambulances with wounded and wagons with the dead which we met on their way to Frederick. Took up 12 P. M. July 10.--Daylight start; our battalion as advanced guard; found a Colt's army repeater, No. 47,868, under a dead horse; marched beyond encampment — had to come back — making our march about twenty-six miles. The inhabitants are badly scared; our cavalry are driving all before them, and we have to make forced marches to keep within supporting distance. We now know that Washington is our destination, and we are only twenty miles from it. Saw Generals Early, Breckinridge, Elzey, Echols, and Vaughan to-day. July 11.--Into line at 4 A. M., and now lying here; expect to get to Georgetown to-day. The band is now enlivening us; we have just had a hasty, but good breakfast of coffee, sugar, butter, and bread; started about 11 A. M.; we, as rear, are making slow speed through Rockville; cannonading all day. Our forces have driven the enemy into their works, and given th
re the embarkation had commenced, I received, January fourteenth, an order from the Lieutenant-General commanding, through the Chief of Staff of the Army, to move with the Twenty-third Army Corps to Annapolis, Maryland. Accordingly the movement was commenced on the following day. The troops moved with their artillery and horses, but without wagons, by steam transports to Cincinnati, Ohio, and thence by rail to Washington, District of Columbia, and Alexandria, Virginia, a second order from Washington having changed the destination from Annapolis. Although in midwinter,and weather unusually severe, even for that season, the movement was effected without delay, accident, or suffering on the part of the troops. By the thirty-first of January the whole command had arrived at Washington and Alexandria. At Alexandria great and unavoidable delay was caused by the freezing of the Potomac, which rendered its navigation impossible much of the time for several weeks. Meanwhile I met the L
proves to have been a forgery of the most nefarious and villa-nous kind; therefore, Resolved, That in view of the present condition of our country, the authors of such a forgery, and the publishers of it (if knowingly), are unworthy of our support or confidence, and deserve the reprobation and denunciation of every loyal man in this community, and merit the severest punishment which either civil or military law can justly inflict. Pursuant, as was understood, to orders received from Washington for the seizure of the offices of the World and Journal of Commerce, the arrest of the publishers and proprietors, and the suppression of the papers, General Dix detailed a force of the Reserve Guard for the purpose. At a few minutes before nine o'clock, Lieutenant G. Tuthill, in command of twelve men, appeared at the World office; possession was taken of the publication office, a guard placed therein, and the lieutenant visited the editorial and composing-rooms. He made no arrests but
marauders. But I will not be drawn out in a discussion of this subject, but instance the case to show how difficult is the task become to military officers, when men of the rank, education, experience, nerve, and good sense of General Schofield feel embarrassed by them. General Schofield, at Raleigh, has a well-appointed and well-disciplined command, is in telegraph communication with the controlling parts of his department, and remote ones in the direction of Georgia, as well as with Washington, and has military possession of all strategic points. In like manner General Gillmore is well situated in all respects except as to rapid communication with the seat of the general Government. I leave him also with every man he ever asked for, and in full and quiet. possession of every strategic point in his department; and General Wilson has in the very heart of Georgia the strongest, best-appointed, and best-equipped cavalry corps that ever fell under my command; and he has now, by