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Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 1. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book I:—the American army. (search)
themselves vanquished after a defeat. It required, nevertheless, all the organizing mind of Washington, all his devotedness, all his tact and patience, to be able, almost without resources and in ts definitely organized, the regular army experienced a great many vicissitudes. In fact, when Washington found himself invested, in 1789, with the new title of President and commander of all the milingineers, with two professors and about forty cadets. It was only in 1812 that the project of Washington was taken up again, and that the West Point academy, of which he was the posthumous founder, b scarcely be considered as part of the army. The militia, more insubordinate still than under Washington, found constitutional reasons for refusing, even in the midst of active operations, to go beyored from all its prejudices. It was then that the project of a military school, bequeathed by Washington, was adopted. The President asked for ten thousand men for the regular army; he was authoriz
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 1. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book II:—secession. (search)
the mean time, the slave States which had not broken up their relations with Washington, oscillated between the two parties, undecided as to what course to pursue. stitution, have played even a more important part than she did in the days of Washington; but the servile institution had demoralized her; she had become a breeder ofakness, persuaded him to suspend the execution of an order just received from Washington, in consequence of which the Merrimac, of more value to him than all the othel the Federal troops west of the Mississippi, being without instructions from Washington, took the responsibility of forwarding to the capital, by passing round Baltiembled, in short, those militia troops that had caused so much anxiety to General Washington during the War of Independence. Some even went so far as to abandon theiolute chief all his daring. So long as that absolute despotism alluded to by Washington did not impose the same obligations upon the timid, to be found everywhere, a
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 1. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book III:—the first conflict. (search)
tly wafted upon their currents. There were no maps, or at least bad maps, which is even worse yet for the purposes of war. It appears that the drawings made by Washington during the leisure hours of his youth still constitute the best topographical charts of Virginia, and the only States which possess correct drawings of land-surequirements of a refined civilization, in the midst of a country yet so little cultivated, they encountered difficulties unknown in our European wars, and which Washington, Rochambeau, and Cornwallis had formerly escaped, owing to the small number of their soldiers. The population is too limited to supply, out of its husbanded resympathies of abolitionist England in her struggle with slavery, and upon those of the land of Rochambeau and La Fayette, in her efforts to preserve the work of Washington, only found in the governments of those two countries doubting spectators, who like the friends of Job were ready to take advantage of her misfortunes in order
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 1. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book IV:—the first autumn. (search)
sported by steamers to any point that was threatened, nor of withdrawing in time the garrisons of such posts as were too weak to defend themselves. Orders from Washington still further increased his uncertainty. He had, for instance, been again directed to send five thousand men fully equipped for the defence of the capital, wh which overlooks the course of the Potomac, and from which the dome of the Capitol may be seen, stands Mount Vernon, a dwelling at once modest and famous, where Washington lived and died. By a strange coincidence, the residence of the great citizen whose name both parties were invoking, and whose memory each was anxious to approp The moderate counsels of a few eminent men were not listened to; moreover, the government carefully concealed from the public the existence of a despatch from Washington, written immediately after the arrival of Wilkes, in which might have been seen the sure pledge of a friendly settlement. Indeed, the cabinet of the White Hous
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 1. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book V:—the first winter. (search)
all the armies situated west of the Alleghanies. The co-operation of the armies of Buell and Grant, which had hitherto been subservient to direct orders from Washington, was thus better assured. Grant resumed once more the command, of which he had been temporarily deprived, and received considerable reinforcements, which enablg these officers there were three who had just condemned the plan of their chief in a council of war. This was to substitute oligarchy for that despotism which Washington considered indispensable in an army. McClellan might have prevented this fatal decision by forming the army corps himself, but he had preferred to wait for the the Congress and the Cumberland, which was received on the morning of the 9th, caused all these preparations to be suspended, for it was no longer Richmond but Washington that was menaced. On the same evening, however, a despatch from Mr. Fox, who had gone to meet the Monitor, announced the success of that vessel and the retreat