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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: July 24, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Washington or search for Washington in all documents.
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The great victory.increasing excitement.action of the Confederate Congress.&c., &c., &c.
The excitement in the city yesterday reached a height such as we never before witnessed.
The anxiety of many of our own citizens subsided on learning that their kindred were uninjured in the great battle at Stone Bridge, and all seemed to unite in the general exultation.
The intelligence from Washington, which we publish in our telegraphic column, was received at an early hour in the day, and immediately posted upon the bulletin board, around which a vast throng congregated, and so continued until night, cheering and otherwise giving expression to joyous feeling.
Ladies caught the enthusiasm of the hour, and stopped to listen to the glad news, while pleasure sparkled in every bright eye. While this was the state of affairs in the Capital of the Confederate States, how was it in the doomed city where Lincoln, and Seward, and Scott, and hosts of corrupt satellites, have been planning iniquito
Account from Washington."We have met the enemy and they are Curs!"the Federals acknowledge their defeat!Awful slaughter of troops!Ellsworth's "Pet Lambs" cut to pieces!all the Federal Batteries taken.gloom in Washington and evident Apprehensions of an invasion.a Glorious victory for the Southern cause!&c., &c., &c. Washington, July 22
--Noon.--Our troops after gaining a great victory on yesterday were repulsed, and commenced a retreat on Washington.
After this information was received last night from Centreville, a series of event took place here in the highest degree disastrous.
Many confused statements prevail, but enough is positively known to warrants the statement that the Federal forces have suffered to a degree which casts a deep gloom over the remnants of the army, and excites the deepest melancholy throughout Washington.
The carnage was tremendously heavy on both sides, and on the Federal side it is represented to have been frightful.
The Federals adv
Reception of the News in Louisville.the Southern-rights men rejoicing. Louisville, July 22.
--The news of the victory of the Confederate forces, near Manassas, on the 21st inst., creates the most intensexcitement here.
This news has startled the public mind, as the morning papers here published dispatches from Washington which proclaimed a brilliant victory for the Federal army.
There is great and unbounded rejoicing here among the Southern-Rights men.
The Daily Dispatch: July 24, 1861., [Electronic resource], New Publication — map of the Confederate States . (search)
When rogues fall out, &c.
--Our report from Washington in reference to the doings of Lincoln's Congress states that the House of Representatives, by a vote of eighty-one to forty-two, had passed a resolution to appoint a committee to investigate the Army and Navy contracts recently made by those paragons of virtue and honesty, Secretaries Cameron and Welles.
On all questions where the expenditure of money is concerned, the House was nearly unanimous, but when it comes to investigating the manner in which the money is spent, one-third of Lincoln's vassals have not courage to face the music.
A very reasonable supposition is that not a few of those who voted no on the resolutions, were deeply interested in some fat Government job, and did not like the idea of having their operations exposed to the gaze of an unfeeling world.
Messrs. Welles and Cameron who, while out of office, were a couple of the most disinterested patriots in the country, whose faces were constantly set as a fl
The Daily Dispatch: July 24, 1861., [Electronic resource], Where is the responsibility. (search)