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General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter 7: Seven Pines, or Fair Oaks. (search)
n the right, in place of the detachment under Jenkins; Pryor's brigade next on the left; Kemper, Anderson, and Colston near the stage road (Williamsburg). They made blazing fires of pine-knots to dry their clothing and blankets, and these lighted reinforcing Union troops to their lines behind the railroad. The brigades of Huger's division (Armistead's and Mahone's) were near the left. Pickett was ordered to report to General Hill at daylight, also the batteries of Maurin, Stribling, and Watson. It was past eleven o'clock when all things were made ready and the killed and wounded cared for; then I rode to find the headquarters of our new commander. Summary of forces and losses. Union troops engaged on the Williamsburg road, reported by General Heintzelman, commanding Casey's, Couch's, and Kearny's divisions18,500 Hooker's division was at hand, but no part of it engaged. Confederates engaged on the Williamsburg road, of D. H. Hill's division8900 Previous returns give him 1
General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter 8: Sequels of Seven Pines. (search)
de fire from his artillery, would come into battle and give it cohesive power. I left Headquarters at three o'clock, and after an hour's repose rode to the front to find General Hill. Wilcox's brigade was on my right on the return front, Pryor's brigade on his left, and R. H. Anderson, Kemper, Colston, Armistead, and Mahone occupied the line between the Williamsburg road and the railroad. Pickett's brigade was ordered to be with General Hill at daylight, and Maurin's, Stribling's, and Watson's batteries, of Pickett's brigade, to take position on the right of Armistead's. I found General Hill before he had his breakfast, enjoying the comforts of Casey's camp. Pickett had passed and was in search of his position, which was soon disclosed by a fusillade from the front of Richardson's division. A party of bummers from Richmond had found their way into the camp at Fair Oaks, and were getting such things as they could put their hands on. They were taken in the gray of the mornin
General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter 19: battle of Sharpsburg, or Antietam (continued). (search)
N. J. Garrison. Artillery, Cutts's and Jones's battalions also under D. H. Hill's command at Sharpsburg. Maj. Pierson; Hardaway's (Ala.) battery, Capt. R. A. Hardaway; Jeff Davis (Ala.) Art., Capt. J. W. Bondurant; Jones's (Va.) battery, Capt. William B. Jones; King William (Va.) Art., Capt. T. H. Carter. Reserve Artillery, Brig.-Gen. William N. Pendleton:--Brown's Battalion, First Virginia Artillery. Col. J. Thompson Brown; Powhatan Art. (Dance's battery), Richmond Howitzers, 2d Co. (Watson's battery), Richmond Howitzers, 3d Co. (Smith's battery), Salem Art. (Hupp's battery), Williamsburg Art. (Coke's battery). Cutts's Battalion, With D. H. Hill's division at Sharpsburg. Lieut.-Col. A. S. Cutts; Blackshears's (Ga.) battery, Irwin (Ga.) Art. (Lane's battery), Lloyd's (N. C.) battery, Patterson's (Ga.) battery, Ross's (Ga.) battery. Jones's Battalion, With D. H. Hill's division at Sharpsburg. Maj. H. P. Jones. Morris (Va.) Art. (R. C. M. Page's battery), Orange (Va.) Art
General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter 23: battle of Fredericksburg (continued). (search)
pden (Va.) Art., Capt. W. H. Caskie; Lee (Va.) Art., Lieut. C. W. Statham; Lusk's (Va.) battery. reserve artillery,Majors Garnett, Hamilton, and T. J. Page, Jr., are mentioned in the reports as commanding artillery battalions, but their composition is not stated. Brig.-Gen. W. N. Pendleton :--Brown's Battalion, Col. J. Thompson Brown; Brooke's (Va.) battery, Dance's battery, Powhatan Art., Hupp's battery, Salem Art., Poague's (Va.) battery, Rockbridge Art., Smith's battery, 3d Howitzers; Watson's battery, 2d Howitzers. Cutts's (Ga.) Battalion, Lane's battery, Patterson's battery, Ross's battery, Capt. H. M. Ross. Nelson's Battalion, Maj. William Nelson; Kirkpatrick's (Va.) battery, Aniherst Art.; Massie's (Va.) battery, Fluvanna Art.; Milledge's (Ga.) battery. Miscellaneous Batteries, Ells's (Ga.) battery; Nelson's (Va.) battery, Hanover Art., Capt. G. W. Nelson; Breathed (Va.) battery, J. Breathed; Chew's (Va.) battery, R. P. Chew; Hart's (S. C.) battery, J. F. Hart; Henry's (Va.
General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter28: Gettysburg-Third day. (search)
d Ala., Col. C. A. Battle; 5th Ala., Col. J. M. Hall; 6th Ala., Col. J. N. Lightfoot, Capt. M. L. Bowie; 12th Ala., Col. S. B. Pickens; 26th Ala., Lieut.-Col. John C. Goodgame. Artillery, Lieut.-Col. Thomas H. Carter; Jeff Davis (Ala.) Art., Capt. W. J. Reese; King William (Va.) Art., Capt. W. P. Carter; Morris (Va.) Art., Capt. R. C. M. Page; Orange (Va.) Art., Capt. C. W. Fry. Artillery Reserve, Col. J. Thompson Brown; 1st Va. Art., Capt. Willis J. Dance; 2d Richmond (Va.) Howitzers, Capt. David Watson; 3d Richmond (Va.) Howitzers, Capt. B. H. Smith, Jr.; Powhatan (Va.) Art., Lieut. John M. Cunningham; Rockbridge (Va.) Art., Capt. A. Graham; Salem (Va.) Art., Lieut. C. B. Griffin; Nelson's Battn., Lieut.-Col. William Nelson; Amherst (Va.) Art., Capt. T. J. Kirkpatrick; Fluvanna (Va.) Art., Capt. J. L. Massie; Ga. Batt., Capt. John Milledge, Jr. Third Army Corps, Lieutenant-General Ambrose P. Hill. Anderson's division, Maj.-Gen, R. H. Anderson:--Wilcox's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Cadm
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., The ram Manassas at the passage of the New Orleans forts. (search)
makes no mention of any injury which could have been inflicted by a ram. (4) It seems impossible that the Manassas should have struck such a blow to the Hartford as Warley describes and have left no traceable injury. (5) It is exceedingly improbable that the Manassas would have struck the Hartford under such advantageous circumstances as Captain Kautz describes (when the Hartford was ashore) and have had no effect other than to turn the Hartford round so that she slid off the shoal. (6) Commander Watson informs me that he thinks it is a mistake to suppose that the Manassas touched the Hartford at any time. He goes on to say: Farragut thought it was the Manassas which pushed the fire-raft against the Hartford's port side, while the Confederate reports state that this was done by a certain tug-boat. The admiral never, to my knowledge, entertained the idea that such a blow as the Manassas is supposed to have given would have released the Hartford's bow. I believe that he ascribed her r
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., Opposing forces at Seven Pines, May 31-June 1, 1862. (search)
k, 149; w, 680; m. 37 = 866. Huger's division, Brig.-Gen. Benjamin Huger. Armistead's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Lewis A. Armistead: 5th Va. Battalion; 9th Va., Col. D. J. Godwin (w); 14th Va.; 53d Va., Col. H. B. Tomlin. Mahone's Brigade, Brig.-Gren. William Mahone: 3d Ala., Col. Tennent Lomax (k) ; 12th Va.; 41st Va. Blanchard's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. A. G. Blanchard: 3d Ga.; 4th Ga.; 22d Ga.; 1st La, artillery (not previously mentioned) La. Battery, Capt. Victor Maurin; Va. Battery, Capt. David Watson. Total loss of the Right Wing, as reported by Gen. Longstreet: 816 killed, 3739 wounded, and 296 missing = 4851. left wing, Major-General Gustavus W. Smith. Couriers: Capt. R. W. Carter's Co. 1st Va. Cav. Smith's division, Brig.-Gen. W. H. C. Whiting (temporarily). Whiting's Brigade, Col. E. McIver Law: 4th Ala.; 2d Miss.; 11th Miss.; 6th N. C. Brigade loss: k, 28; w, 286; m, 42 = 346. Hood's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. John B. Hood: 18th Ga., Col. W. T. Wofford, or Lieut.-Col. So
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., chapter 7.42 (search)
apt. W. G. Andrews; Va. Battery, Capt. J. H. Rives. reserve artillery, Brig.-Gen. William N. Pendleton. First Va. Artillery, Col. J. Thompson Brown: Williamsburg Artillery, Capt. John A. Coke; Richmond Fayette Arty., Lieut. William I. Clopton; Watson's Battery, Capt. David Watson. Loss: w, 1. Jones's Battalion (temporarily attached to D. H. Hill's Division), Maj. Hilary P. Jones: Va. Battery, Capt. P. H. Clark; Va. Battery (Orange Arty.), Lieut. C. W. Fry; S. C. Bat'y, Capt. A. Burnet RheCapt. David Watson. Loss: w, 1. Jones's Battalion (temporarily attached to D. H. Hill's Division), Maj. Hilary P. Jones: Va. Battery, Capt. P. H. Clark; Va. Battery (Orange Arty.), Lieut. C. W. Fry; S. C. Bat'y, Capt. A. Burnet Rhett. Loss: k, 5; w, 24 ==29. First Battalion (Fort Sumter), Artillery, Lieut.-Col. A. S. Cutts: Ga. Battery, Capt. James Ap Blackshear; Ga. Battery, Capt. John Lane; Ga. Battery, Capt. John V. Price; Ga. Battery, Capt. H. M. Ross; Ga. Battery (Regulars), Capt. S. P. Hamilton. Loss; k, 3; w, 6== 9. Second Battalion, Maj. Charles Richardson: Va. Battery (Fluvanna Arty.), Capt. John J. Ancell; Ga. Battery, Capt. John Milledge, Jr.; Va. Battery (Ashland Arty.), Lieut. James Woolfolk. Loss: k, 1
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., The opposing forces in the Maryland campaign. (search)
; w, 518; m, 184 = 831. Artillery, Maj. S. F. Pierson: Ala. Battery, Capt. R. A. Hardaway; Ala. Battery (Jeff Davis Art'y), Capt. J. W. Bondurant; Va. Battery, Capt. William B. Jones; Va. Battery (King William Art'y), Capt. Thomas H. Carter. Brigade loss: South Mountain and Antietam, k, 4; w, 30; m, 3 = 37. reserve artillery, Brig.-Gen. William N. Pendleton. Brown's Battalion (1st Va. Art'y), Col. J. Thompson Brown: Powhatan Art'y., Capt. Willis J. Dance; 2d Co. Richmond Howitzers, Capt. D. Watson; 3d Co. Richmond Howitzers, Capt. Benjamin H. Smith, Jr.; Salem Art'y, Capt. A. Hupp; Williamsburg Art'y, Capt. John. A. Coke. Cutts's Battalion, Lieut.-Col. A. S. Cutts: Ga. Battery, Capt. James Ap Blackshear; Ga. Battery (Irwin Art'y), Capt. John Lane; N. C. Battery, Capt. W. P. Lloyd; Ga. Battery, Capt. G. M. Patterson; Ga. Battery, Capt. H. M. Ross. Jones's Battalion, Maj. H. P. Jones: Va, Battery (Morris Art'y), Capt. R. C. M. Page; Va. Battery (Orange Art'y), Capt. Jefferson Peyto
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., Iuka and Corinth. (search)
Cross-land; Miss. (Hudson), Battery, Lieut. John R. Sweaney. Brigade loss: k, 25; w, 117 ; m, 83 = 225. Second Brigade (composition not fully reported), Brig.-Gen. J. B. Villepigue: 33d Miss., Col. D. W. Hurst; 39th Miss., Col. W. B. Shelby. Brigade loss: k, 21; w, 76; m, 71 = 168. Third Brigade, Brig.-Gen. John S. Bowen: 6th Miss., Col. Robert Lowry; 15th Miss., Col. M. Farrell; 22d Miss., Capt. J. D. Lester; Miss. Battalion, Capt. C. K. Caruthers; 1st Mo., Lieut.-Col. A. C. Riley; La. (Watson) Battery, Capt. A. A. Bursley. Brigade loss: k, 28; w, 92; m1, 40 = 160. Cavalry Brigade, Col. W. H. Jackson: 1st Miss., Lieut.-Col. F. A. Montgomery; 7th Tenn., Lieut.-Col. J. G. Stocks. Brigade loss: k, 1. Unattached: La. Zouave Battalion, Maj. St. L. Dupiere. Loss: k, 2; m, 14 = 16. Total Confederate loss (including Hatchie Bridge, Oct. 5th): killed, 505; wounded, 2150; captured or missing, 2183 = 4838. General Van Dorn says ( Official Records, Vol. XVII., Pt. I., p. 378): Field retu
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