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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 20. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Reunion of Company D. First regiment Virginia Cavalry, C. S. A. (search)
he old company who reside in the town, and the veterans ate as if they had regained the appetites which came from marching and fighting. With song, story, anecdote and jest, and with reminiscences of the past, the time passed rapidly away, during which a photographer came upon the ground, and we hope obtained a good photograph of the assembled soldiers. Company I of the Second Regiment Virginia Volunteers (the Washington Rifles) our splendid company of volunteers, commanded by Captain James C. Watson, marched to the grounds during the the afternoon, went through the evolutions of the drill and the manual of arms, and fired a salute of honor to the veterans. Cheer after cheer rent the air as the old soldiers gave the rebel yell in recognition of the cheers of their young friends. Altogether it was a most enjoyable occasion, and we but voice the sentiments of the community when we say that it was well to have the reunion and that it was well and joyously carried out. The old s
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 36. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), History of Chimborazo hospital, C. S. A. From the News leader, January 7, 1909. (search)
all. There was also a medical examining board, composed of the surgeons of divisions, to pass on questions of furloughs and discharges. The subjoined roster is not complete, but includes some who are alive and still in active work: First Division—Assistant Surgeon George Ross, of Richmond, Va., assistant medical director A. P. Hill corps; vice-president National Association Railroad Surgeons, etc.; commanded company of University students, April, 1861, at Harper's Ferry. Assistant Surgeon James C. Watson, of Richmond, Va., in charge first division at surrender; ex-surgeon of State penitentiary, etc. Assistant Surgeons John G. Trevillian, of Richmond, Va.; J. Prosser Harrison, of Richmond, Va.; George F. Alsop, W. H. Pugh, John G. Baylor, of Norfolk, Va.; Board Woodson, of Virginia; Samuel Smith, of Farmville, Va. Second Division—Assistant Surgeon H. Cabell Tabb, of Richmond, Va., medical L. I. Co., of Virginia; ex-president Medical Director's Association of the United States
Arrived. Steamship Jamestown, Skinner, New York, mdse. and passengers, Ludlam & Watson. Schr. E. A. Anderson. Cranmer, Philadelphia, coal, Crenshaw & Co. Schr. David Hale, Conkelin, Philadelphia, coal, Crenshaw & Co. Schr. J. B. Allen, Allen, Philadelphia, J. L. Statton. Schr. West Wind, Burnett, Philadelphia, Wirt Roberts. Schr. Charles Foulks, James River, lumber, I. J. Mercer.
The Daily Dispatch: November 8, 1860., [Electronic resource], Servants' Clothing--Servants' Clothing. (search)
Alvarado, Slover, White Point, gravel, Jno. Viles. Schr. Martha May, Waddleton, York River, Wheat. Schr. Ring Dove, Adams, Philadelphia, coal, W. F Cox. Schr.Mary Eliza, Moorecock, Chickahominy, billets. Schr. Wm. and James, Watson, Back River, oysters. Schr. W.S. Thomas, Johnson, Hampton Creek, oysters. Schr. Regulator, Watson, Warwick River, oysters. Sloop Elizabeth Bush, Richardson, Nansemond, oysters. Sailed, Schr. Laura Francis, Higgins, Salem, Watson, Warwick River, oysters. Sloop Elizabeth Bush, Richardson, Nansemond, oysters. Sailed, Schr. Laura Francis, Higgins, Salem, feed, W. D. Colquitt & Co. Schr. Amos Falkenbur, Wilbert, down the river, light. Schr. D. M. French, Stiles, down the river, light. Bremen, Oct. 19.--Arr'd, ship Elena, Richmond. Liverpool, Oct. 24.--Cl'd, ship Avon, City Point. Halifax, Oct. 30.--Arr'd, schr. Truro, Richmond. Salem, Nov. 2.--Arr'd, schr. E. L. Hammond, Norfolk. New York, Nov. 5.--Arr'd, schr. Sea Witch, Fredericksburg. Nov. 6. --Cl'd, steamship Jamestown, Richmond. Arr'd, schr. Amanda, Peter
The Daily Dispatch: November 25, 1861., [Electronic resource], Proclamation of General Dix to the people of Accomac and Northampton counties. (search)
C. S. District Court. --The case of the Confederate States against C. W. Purcell and others, to sequestrate the sum of $15,000 due by the defendant to Ashmead and others, alien enemies, occupied the attention of the Court on Saturday. Mr. Aylett, District Attorney, delivered his opening speech in behalf of the Government, and the further hearing of the case was postponed until 11 o'clock this morning. Confederate States against Richard G. Morriss, to sequestrate the property of an alien enemy. An order was entered referring the case to Commissioner Watson to take proof. The matter involved in this case is a certain note alleged to be due by the defendant to C. M. Fry & Co. Robert Ould and James Lyons have qualified to practice law in this Court.
their brethren, entered into the service of the army, and in such cases we respectfully request our Presiding Bishop in making the appointments of the preachers, to recognize their connection with the army in such way as in his judgment may seem best. Wm. A. Smith presented the report of the Executive Committee of the Trustees of Randolph Macon College, which was, on motion, referred to the Committee on Education. Wm. H. Camper, John G. Bayley, Jas. W. Grant, Jacob H. Proctor, Jas. C. Watson, Wm. W. Duncan, Edgar H. Pritchett, L. H. Greyhill, Joseph A. Crowder, Geo. C. Vanderslice, Wm. E. Allen, Geo. E. Booker, Chas. V. Bingley, Larkin H. Crenshaw, James A. Crowder, Wm. J. Hunter, Jas. C. Martin, John W. F. Jones, and Wm. W. Spain, who were continued on trial at the last Conference, passed in examination of character, were severally admitted into full connection, and with the exception of Geo. C. Vanderslice and Geo. E. Booker, elected to Deacon's orders. The remarks of
The Daily Dispatch: November 26, 1861., [Electronic resource], Proceedings of the Methodist Annual Conference. (search)
n attendance here upon the Virginia Conference. As would be inferred from a previous letter, the pulpits of the city and Portsmouth were very generally occupied by members of the Conference. The great point of interest in the morning, was Cumberland Street, Church, where Bishop Andrew preached, and, after the sermon, ordained Deacons. There was, I learn, a tremendous crowd in attendance. The following persons were ordained: Wm. H. Camper, John G. Bailey, Jas. W. Grant, J. H. Proctor, Jas. C. Watson, W. W. Duncan, E. H. Pritchet, L. H. Greybill, J. A. Crowder, W. E. Allan, C. V. Bingley, L. H. Crenshaw, W. J. Hunter, J. C. Martin, J. W. F. Jones, Jas. A. Crowder. I had the pleasure of hearing a capital discourse at 11 o'clock, at Granby street church, from Dr. Doggett, from the passage: "This is the victory which overcometh the world, even our faith." At the same church, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, Rev. H. B. Cowles preached an appropriate sermon from the words, "Knowin
. Doggett; State River, W. H. Camper; Cumberland, Cyrus Doggett. Henry District--Thomas A. Ware, P. E.--Henry, Thos. H. Boggs; Pittsylvania, Jacob Shough; Patrick, L. H. Greyhill; Patrick Mission, John G. Bayley; Smith's River, Charles D. Bingley; Franklin, Robert A. Gregory; Alleghany, James Shelton. Randolph Macon District.--P. W. Archer, P. E. R. M. Station, J. S. Lindsey; Danville, Frank Stanly; R. M. Circuit, B. C. Spiller, Union and Clarksville, S. V. Hoyle; Mecklenburg, James C. Watson; Charlotte, John J. Lafferty; Charlotte Mission, John D Southall; South Staunton, John W. F. Jones; Halifax, James J. Lamkin; South of Dan, Wm. Carter and — Wallace; Ringgold, W. A. Valden; R. M. College, W, A. Smith, President; Danville Female College,--Jameson, President. Farmville District.--J. R. Finley, P. E. Farmville, Nelson Head; Prince Edward, M. M. Dance; Colored Mission to be supplied; Powhatan, W. W. Spain; Chesterfield, Alfred Miles, and nominally, J. W. Connelly, T. S
Virginia Annual Conference. [reported for the Dispatch.] Second Day.--The Conference met at 9 o'clock this morning, Bishop Pierce presiding. The religious services of the morning were conducted by Rev. Mr. Rowzie. Revs. A. C. Bledsoe. Wesley C. Vaden, George W. Guy, and John W. Tucker, who have been on probation, were elected to deacons' orders. Revs. Wm. H. Camper, John G. Bailey, Jacob H. Pastor, James C. Watson, Edgar H. Pritchetts Lewis H. Graybill, Joseph A. Crowder, Wm. E. Allen, George C. Vanderbilt, Chas. V. Bingley, Larkin H. Crenshaw, James A Crowder, William J. Hunter, and John W. F. Jones, passed their examination of character and were graduated to elders' orders. Friday (to-day) was appointed as a day of fasting and prayer, and from 12 to 2 o'clock a prayer meeting will be conducted by the Bishop. Revs. Thos. C. Wise, Thos. M. Beckham, Wesley Hammond, Francis M. Edwards, and Wm. S. Williams, were admitted into the Conference on probation.