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The Daily Dispatch: February 16, 1861., [Electronic resource] 1 1 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing). You can also browse the collection for Anthony Wayne or search for Anthony Wayne in all documents.

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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Irvine, William 1741-1804 (search)
Irvine, William 1741-1804 Military officer; born in Fermanagh, Ireland, Nov. 3, 1741; was surgeon of a ship-of-war; came to the United States after the peace of 1763, and practised medicine at Carlisle, Pa. He was an active patriot, and raised and commanded the 6th Pennsylvania Regiment in 1776; was captured in the battle at Three Rivers, Canada; exchanged in May, 1778; served under Wayne, and in 1781 was stationed at Fort Pitt, charged with the defence of the Northwestern frontier. He was a member of Congress in 1786-88, and took a civil and military part in the task of quelling the Whiskey Insurrection. He was again a member of Congress in 1793-95. He died in Philadelphia, July 29, 1804.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Kelly, James Edward 1855- (search)
culpture of personages and events prominent in American history by modelling the well-known statuette of Sheridan's ride, for which the general posed. In the following year he made a portrait bust of Thomas A. Edison with the first phonograph; and in 1882 produced the Paul Revere statue. During 1883-85 he was engaged on the five panels for the Monmouth Battle Monument, representing the Council of War at Hopewell; Ramsey defending his guns; Washington rallying his troops; Molly Pitcher; and Wayne's charge. In 1886 he completed Grant at Donelson, for which the general furnished sittings and details. For the Saratoga Monument he produced the panels, Arnold wounded in the trenches; and Schuyler transferring his plans to Gates. For the National Cemetery at Gettysburg he was the sculptor of General Deven and the 6th New York Cavalry and the Buford Monument. In 1891 he produced the colossal figure, The call to arms, for the Soldiers' Monument at Troy, N. Y. In 1895 he furnished the Lon
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Kenton, Simon -1836 (search)
the wilderness west of the Alleghany Mountains, where he was the friend and companion of Daniel Boone in many daring feats. He was in expeditions against the Indians, was captured by them, and taken to Detroit. Escaping from a Brit- Simon Kenton. ish prison there in 1779, he distinguished himself in resisting the invasion of Kentucky by the British and Indians in that year. Finally, after an expedition against the Indians on the Miami, he settled (1784) near Maysville. He accompanied Wayne in his expedition in 1794. In 1805 he was seated near the Mud River, in Ohio, and was made brigadier-general of militia. In 1813 he served under Governor Shelby at the battle of the Thames. Beggared by lawsuits because of defective titles to lands, he lived in penury many years. In 1824 he appeared at Frankfort, Ky., in tattered clothes, and successfully appealed to the legislature to release the claim of the State to lands which were his. Congress afterwards allowed him a pension. He d
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Kickapoos, (search)
g afterwards. They were reduced in 1747 to about eighty warriors, and when the English conquered Canada in 1763 there were about 100 Kickapoos on the Wabash. They joined Pontiac in his conspiracy, but soon made peace; and in 1779 they joined George Rogers Clarke in his expedition against the British in the Northwest. Showing hostility to the Americans, their settlement on the Wabash was desolated in 1791; but they were not absolutely subdued until the treaty at Greenville in 1795, after Wayne's decisive victory, when they ceded a part of their land for a small annuity. In the early part of the nineteenth century the Kickapoos made other cessions of territory; and in 1811 they joined Tecumseh and fought the Americans at Tippecanoe. In the War of 1812 they were the friends of the English; and afterwards a larger portion of them crossed the Mississippi and seated themselves upon a tract of land on the Osage River. Some cultivated the soil, while others went southward as far as Te
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Lacey, John 1755-1814 (search)
Lacey, John 1755-1814 Military officer; born in Bucks county, Pa., Feb. 4, 1755; was of Quaker descent, but patriotically took command of a volunteer company, and became a captain in Wayne's regiment, with which he served in Canada. Becoming a lieutenant-colonel of militia, he joined Potter's brigade at Whitemarsh, with about 400 men. Before he was twenty-three years old he was made a brigadiergeneral, and was engaged in harassing duty while the British had command of Philadelphia. After the evacuation of that city by the British, he left military life and became active in the civil service of his State, being a member of the Pennsylvania Assembly in 1778, and of the council in 1779. He again entered the military service, and from August, 1780, to October, 1781, was active at the head of a brigade of militia. Removing to New Jersey, he was for many years a county judge, and a member of the legislature. He died in New Mills, N. J., Feb. 17, 1814.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Little Turtle, me-che-cun-na-qua 1809-1812 (search)
l vigor and great common-sense. Little Turtle was a brave and skilful military leader. He commanded at the defeat of Generals Harmar and St. Clair, the former in October, 1790, and the latter in November, 1791. He was present in the fight with Wayne at Fallen Timbers. The chief, who spoke of Wayne as the chief who never sleeps, urged his people to make peace with such a formidable warrior. He was one of the signers at the treaty of Greenville. Early in 1797 he visited President WashingtonWayne as the chief who never sleeps, urged his people to make peace with such a formidable warrior. He was one of the signers at the treaty of Greenville. Early in 1797 he visited President Washington at Philadelphia. There Kosciuszko, then on a visit to the United States, gave Little Turtle a pair of elegant pistols. He died in Fort Wayne, Ind., July 14, 1812. Livermore, George, antiquarian; born in Cambridge, Mass., July 10, 1809; received a common-school education; was greatly interested in historical research. He published numerous essays, including The New England primer; Public libraries; An Historical research respecting the opinions of the founders of the republic on negroes a
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Logan, John Alexander 1826-1886 (search)
will also find in the battle of Metaurus, where Nero, Lirius, and Porcius succeeded in taking Hasdrubal, the Carthagenian, marches made by these Romans were successfully made after night. Also his reading will tell him that, at the battle of Saratoga, Colonel Brooks after night turned Burgoyne's right, and Burgoyne had to escape by withdrawing his whole force. He will also find that the assault on and the capture of Stony Point, on July 15, 1779, was made at twelve o'clock at night by Anthony Wayne. He will find also that George Washington crossed the Delaware in small boats on the night of Dec. 25, 1776, when the ice was gorging, floating, and crushing everywhere, and on the 26th the surrender of Colonel Rolf was made. Would General Grant pretend to compare the march that Porter was required to make in the night-time with the crossing of the Delaware when the stream was gorged with ice? He will see also that on the night of Aug. 29, 1776, Washington withdrew from the front o
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Battle of the Maumee Rapids, or fallen Timbers, (search)
Battle of the Maumee Rapids, or fallen Timbers, At the Maumee Rapids, in northern Ohio, Wayne completely routed 2,000 Indians, on Aug. 20, 1794. The Americans lost thirty-three killed and 100 wounded. The battle ended the Indian war in the Northwest.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Medals. (search)
Medals. The following table is a list. of the medals awarded by the Congress of the United States. Date of Resolution.To whom presented.For what service.Metal. March 25, 1776Gen. George WashingtonCapture of BostonGold. Nov. 4, 1777Brig.-Gen. Horatio GatesDefeat of BurgoyneGold. July 26, 1779Maj.-Gen. Anthony WayneStorming of Stony PointGold. July 26, 1779Lieut.-Col. De FleuryStorming of Stony PointSilver. July 26, 1779Maj. John StewartStorming of Stony PointSilver. Sept. 24, 1779Maj. Henry LeeSurprise of Paulus HookGold. Nov. 3, 1780John PauldingCapture of AndreSilver. Nov. 3, 1780David WilliamsCapture of AndreSilver. Nov. 3, 1780Isaac Van WartCapture of AndreSilver. March 9, 1781Brig.-Gen. Daniel MorganVictory of the CowpensGold. March 9, 1781Lieut.-Col. William A. WashingtonVictory of the CowpensSilver. March 9, 1781Lieut.-Col. John E. HowardVictory of the CowpensSilver. Oct. 29, 1781Maj.-Gen. Nathanael GreeneVictory at Eutaw SpringsGold. Oct. 16, 1787Capt. J
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Miami Indians, (search)
ey were mostly seated upon the St. Joseph and the Maumee, near Fort Wayne, Ind. Miami and Maumee are the same, the latter simply showing the French pronunciation of the word. When the struggle for dominion began between the French and English the Miamis hesitated; and when the French power fell they would not allow the English to pass through their country for a while, and joined Pontiac (q. v.) in his operations. During the Revolutionary War they were friends of the English; and when, in 1790, General Harmar was sent against them, they put 1,500 warriors in the field, with the famous Little Turtle at their head. They defeated Harmar. but were crushed by Wayne, and were parties to the treaty at Greenville in 1795. When Tecumseh conspired they refused to join him, but favored the British in the War of 1812. Since that time they have rapidly declined. In 1822 they numbered about 2,500; in 1899, the remnant on the Quapaw reservation, in the Indian Territory, was only ninety-two.