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Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 12: Gettysburg. (search)
but resolves to stand in front of his antagonist to the last. What was left of the right of the assaulting troops struck the portion of the Federal lines held by Webb's brigade, Second Corps, and from the stone wall drove two Pennsylvania regiments, capturing the three guns in charge of Lieutenant A. H. Cushing and mortally wournett killed within twenty-five yards of the stone wall, while Armistead and Lieutenant-Colonel Martin, of the Fifty-third Virginia, fell thirty-three yards beyond Webb's line, moving on with a few courageous followers to attack the second line, which had been hurriedly formed. Brave old Armistead's behavior deserves more than a rs were killed-Reynolds, Vincent, Weed, and Zook-and thirteen wounded, viz., Hancock, Sickles, Gibbon, Warren, Butterfield, Barlow, Doubleday, Paul, Brook, Barnes, Webb, Stanard, and Graham. In the Army of Northern Virginia five general officers were killed-Pender, Garnett, Armistead, Barksdale, and Semmesand nine wounded, viz.,
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Index. (search)
14, 227, 230, 233; at Gettysburg, 290. Washington, Augustine, mentioned, 1. Washington, Colonel John A., 116, 117, 121, 122. Washington College, 403, 406, 407. Washington, General, George, mentioned, 1, 6, II, 169, 415. Washington, Lawrence, 1, 10, 11, 13, 26, 71, 80, 137. Washington and Lee University, 281, 413. Washington, Mrs., Mary, 26. Waterloo, battle of, 13. Waterloo Bridge, 182, 184, 186. Wellington, Duke of, mentioned, 171, 228, 247, 278; at Waterloo, 343, 420. Webb's brigade at Gettysburg, 295. Webster, Daniel, McClellan's horse, 211. Weed, General, killed at Gettysburg, 302. Weiseger, General, at Petersburg, 360. Weitzel, General, commands Eighteenth Corps, 365. Western armies, success of, 347. Westmoreland County, 146. Westover estate, Virginia, 164. West Point graduates, 24. Whisky Insurrection, 10. White House, 164, 167. White Oak Swamp, 153, 162. White, Professor, 281. White, William, of Lexington, 406. Whiting, General