Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 8. (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for Webb or search for Webb in all documents.

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e programme was not carried out. General Hayes led the advance with his division, followed by General Webb's, then General Caldwell's division. At Robertson's Tavern, General Hayes met a large body of rebels and drove them back. General Webb happened to be near at hand, and at once deploying his forces to the right of the road, drove them back in confusion toward Raccoon Ford. It was in this spin force. General Caldwell held the railroad to the plank road, and was obliged to call upon General Webb for assistance, the rebels having pushed their line of skirmishes between him and General Prince. General Webb's division had previously supplied one brigade to General Caldwell, which took position on the right of the corps in front. General Warren, in order to take his position in rear oivision, Second corps, extended his troops in two lines to the right, reaching the railroad. General Webb, commanding Second division, Second corps, joined General Hayes's forces, uniting with Genera
The men were supplied with three days rations, as were all the troops engaged in the reconnaissance. The corps reached the cavalry reserve within half a mile of the Rapidan, at ten o'clock A. M., when a consultation between Generals Cauldwell, Webb, and Hayes, commanding respectively the First, Second, and Third divisions, was held, and a crossing of the river decided upon. Brigadier-General Hayes, commanding the Third division, was directed to lead the advance, which he did in person, fordt instantly checked by the officers in command. The fight continued fiercely until half an hour after dusk, when the cannonading and musketry ceased, and all was quiet except occasional shots from the sharp-shooters. At half-past 8 P. M. General Webb's Second division was ordered to ford the river to support the Third. At midnight, General Warren, who had come down to the front in the afternoon, received orders to recross his troops, which he did in good order and without being molested by
occurred at an old saw-mill, ten miles beyond Pleasant Hill, in which Lieutenant-Colonel Webb, of the Seventy-seventh Illinois, was killed; but the enemy kept fallihing with him the entire distance. Here we lost the gallant and brave Lieutenant-Colonel Webb, of the Seventy-seventh Illinois, who was shot dead while leading his ur losses, as well as the enemy's, were very severe during this time. Lieutenant Colonel Webb, of the Seventy-seventh Illinois, shot through the head and instantly hteen field-guns and four howitzers, with caissons and equipments complete. Colonel Webb, of the Seventeenth Illinois, fell early in the day while skirmishing with tncing columns, but doing little harm. In one of these many skirmishes Lieutenant-Colonel Webb, commanding the Seventy-seventh Illinois volunteers, was shot through ield. He will recover, and after a few months be able to return to duty. Colonel Webb, early in the day, while leading a line of skirmishers in the woods, was sho