Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events, Diary from December 17, 1860 - April 30, 1864 (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for Timothy Webster or search for Timothy Webster in all documents.

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n forces before the town, leaving a quantity of baggage and supplies. Fifteen prisoners were taken by the Nationals, who returned to their camp near Pittsburgh, Tenn., having destroyed the rebel camp.--Secretary T. A. Scott's Despatch. Timothy Webster was executed as a spy at Richmond, Va. Webster is said to be the first spy executed by the rebel government.--Richmond Dispatch, April 30. President Lincoln sent a Message to the Senate to-day in answer to a resolution of inquiry as to Webster is said to be the first spy executed by the rebel government.--Richmond Dispatch, April 30. President Lincoln sent a Message to the Senate to-day in answer to a resolution of inquiry as to who authorized the arrest of Gen. Charles P. Stone, the ground upon which he was arrest ed, and the reasons why he had not been tried by court-martial. The President said the arrest was made by his order, upon good and sufficient evidence; and that the only reason why he had not had a trial was because the public interests would not permit it. The officers required to hold the court, and who would be called as witnesses, perhaps on both sides, were in the field, in the midst of active operatio