Browsing named entities in Allan Pinkerton, The spy in the rebellion; being a true history of the spy system of the United States Army during the late rebellion, revealing many secrets of the war hitherto not made public, compiled from official reports prepared for President Lincoln , General McClellan and the Provost-Marshal-General .. You can also browse the collection for Timothy Webster or search for Timothy Webster in all documents.

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ve placed the strength of the rebel forces at that time below 100,000 men. In this connection I must refer also to the valuable assistance rendered both General McClellan and myself by that indefatigable Aid-de-camp Colonel Key. Though he no longer mingles with the things of earth, the memory of his devotion and his intelligent services to the cause of the Union is imperishable. No truer, braver man ever drew a sword than did this noble and efficient staff officer, now deceased. Of Timothy Webster, who so ably assisted me in my various and delicate duties, and whose life was sacrificed for the cause he held so dear, I have only words of warmest commendation. Brave, honest and intelligent, he entered into the contest to perform his whole duty, and right nobly did he fulfill his pledge, No danger was too great, no trust too responsible, no mission too delicate for him to attempt, and though executed as a spy in a Richmond prison, his name shall ever be cherished with honor and fr
any dangerous deeds, I considered it best to be fully posted as to their movements, in order to prevent a catastrophe, if possible. I accordingly directed Timothy Webster, a daring and discreet man upon my force, to locate himself at this point, and to carefully note everything that transpired which had any relation to attempteas consequently enabled to talk familiarly of prominent individuals of that city whom he had met. The other man whom I selected for this important work was Timothy Webster. He was a man of great physical strength and endurance, skilled in all athletic sports, and a good shot. Possessed of a strong will and a courage that knew lle, under the guise of a company of cavalry, who met frequently and drilled regularly. Leaving Harwood to operate in Baltimore with the others, I dispatched Timothy Webster back to Perrymansville, and in twenty-four hours thereafter he had enrolled himself as a member of the company, and was recognized as a hail fellow among his
: The conspirators at work. detectives on their trail. Webster as a soldier. Every day reports would be brought to me from the his expressions but the reflex of others, more determined. Timothy Webster was still at Perrymansville, and by this time had fully identil, and when the company had been dismissed, the Captain addressed Webster and requested him to be present at his house that evening, as he do any one concerning the matter. Promptly at the time appointed Webster presented himself at the residence of the Captain, and was usheredh the solemnity and importance of their undertaking. They greeted Webster cordially, however, and made room for him at the table around which they were sitting. A few minutes satisfied Webster as to the nature of the meeting, and that it was a conclave of the conspirators, who ng them out. Among the most earnest in their protestations was Timothy Webster, and as he announced his intention to perform his duty in the
possible to discredit the truthfulness of what I stated to him. he yielded a reluctant credence to the facts. After he had been fully made acquainted with the startling disclosures, Mr. Judd submitted to him the plan proposed by me, that he should leave Philadelphia for Washington that evening. But, added Mr. Judd, the proofs that have just been laid before you cannot be published, as it will involve the lives of several devoted men now on Mr. Pinkerton's force, especially that of Timothy Webster, who is now serving in a rebel cavalry company under drill at Perrymansville in Maryland. Mr. Lincoln at once acknowledged the correctness of this view, but appeared at a loss as to what course to pursue. You will therefore perceive --continued Mr. Judd-that if you follow the course suggested-that of proceeding to Washington to-night-you will necessarily be subjected to the scoffs and sneers of your enemies, and the disapproval of your friends who cannot be made to believe in the
that I could implicitly rely upon him in any emergency in which he might be placed, and to perform any service for which he might be selected. This man was Timothy Webster, a faithful officer, a true friend, and an ardent patriot. I had known this man for years. He had been in my employ for a long time, and had been engaged l, perfectly at home in almost any society, whether in the drawing-room or the tavern, in the marts of trade, or laboring at the plow. From my knowledge of Timothy Webster, and my confidence in his wisdom and reliability, I had chosen him to be the bearer of the dispatches to Mr. Lincoln. I therefore called him into my office ae; the services of Miss Kate Warne, my female superintendent, were requested, and in a few minutes the important dispatches, some twelve in number, were securely sewed between the linings of his coat collar, and in the body of his waistcoat, and Timothy Webster was on his way to the capital of the country. A colored contraband
. rebel emissary. President Lincoln and Timothy Webster. Everywhere along the route the greate depot. After an interchange of salutations, Webster inquired of Mr. Dunn the condition of affairsI will esteem it a great favor. Certainly, Webster; anything I can do for you, or Mr. Pinkerton,dlord at once made known to him the wishes of Webster and the messenger of the British Consul. f Perrymansville, which had been the scene of Webster's first experience in military service, and wng friends, and this effect was not lost upon Webster, who had been furtively observing him. He turHere they engaged quarters for the night, and Webster's companion had by this time formed such an afor dinner, and while engaged at their repast Webster noticed at an opposite table a friend of yearning the slightest suspicion to fall upon Timothy Webster, and shortly afterwards the Lieutenant moent was depicted on the countenances of both Webster and his companion, but realizing that to parl[45 more...]
terribly fatigued by the journey he had made, Webster had retired almost immediately after he reacheatening the future of a great country. As Webster walked along Pennsylvania Avenue, carefully sans of redress. That is very true, replied Webster, but we will have a decided change before lone Sunny South. To all of these suggestions Webster yielded a ready assent, and not one among thet, replied the man. That is very bad, said Webster. I must get there this evening; it is of the After remaining in the saloon for some time, Webster noticed that the men were becoming intoxicateut two o'clock they were upon their journey. Webster's fears were proven to be well-founded, for aparently very well known along the route, and Webster arrived in Baltimore late that evening. He wss to assume any responsibility of that kind, Webster bade his entertainer good-bye, and entering tI left orders that should I fail to meet with Webster upon the way he should be directed to await m[7 more...]
le. At Philadelphia I ascertained that Timothy Webster had already departed for Pittsburg, accor Baltimore, had not abated in the least since Webster had passed through several days before, and tend seemed only to excite him still more, and Webster, feeling desirous of avoiding any controversyd his opinion of the matter. I think, said Webster, that the President and General Scott understemed to infuriate the man, and striding up to Webster, he asked, with an air of impertinence : ward where he stood. Drawing his revolver, Webster faced his angry assailants, who drew back invhat there would be bloodshed in consequence. Webster, whose relations with the government were of there need be no trouble about this matter; Mr. Webster can fully explain his position, and I thinke office of the chief magistrate of the city; Webster and myself walking together. The crowd incding his disengaged hand and warmly greeting Webster, who stood beside me. As the crowd noticed[14 more...]
e War. the secret service. a consultation. Webster starts for Rebeldom. At the outbreak of thly; my thoughts reverting first of all to Timothy Webster. Within six hours after the commander ling Green and Clarkesville on the way. In Webster's case it was not necessary to devote much ti. It was on the thirteenth of May that Timothy Webster left Cincinnati on his trip southward. H in general, and Abe Linkin in particular. Webster's talent in sustaining a role of this kind am agreeably adapt himself to circumstances. Webster represented himself as a resident of Baltimors they went. There's something up, thought Webster, as he boarded the train. Perhaps that fellon interested spectators of this incident, and Webster heard one of them inquire: What does th The rest of the conversation did not reach Webster's ear, and, being much fatigued by his day's ly, sir; certainly. Do you suppose, added Webster, that Kentucky will allow the Northern army t[12 more...]
n, and apparently satisfactory, glance at Timothy Webster, which was fortunately not observed by anhang 'em on suspicion. That's right, said Webster, coolly. I believe in hanging every Northernght here anyway. But cool and collected as Webster outwardly appeared, it must be admitted that nversation, now grasped the scout's hand. Webster, you'd make a good soldier, he said, bluntly.f I wouldn't like to have you on my force. Webster smiled good-naturedly. I have some familyke room for you. On his way down the river Webster found, to his relief, that the man with the bal way. When the train arrived at Jackson, Webster stepped out upon the platform of the depot, ad the same. The conductor stood near by, and Webster spoke to him in a tone which he meant his sha depot, and thanking him for the information, Webster turned away. He had spoken in a tone that hef her afterwards. As they entered the depot, Webster passed out at the rear end of the car, and he[7 more...]