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brave men who peril their lives to do the State some service on the fields beyond. Preparations go rapidly forward for crossing the division (General Nelson's, which has the advance of Buell's army,) on the dozen or so transports that have been tied up along the bank. We have spent but a few minutes on the bluff, but they are the golden minutes that count for years. Well was it for that driven, defeated, but not disgraced, army of General Grant's, that those minutes were improved. Col. Webster, Chief of Staff, and an artillery officer of no mean ability, had arranged the guns that he could collect, of those that remained to us, in a sort of semi-circle, protecting the landing, and bearing chiefly on our centre and left, by which the rebels were pretty sure to advance. Corps of artillerists to man them were improvised from all the batteries that could be collected. Twenty-two guns in all were placed in position. Two of them were very heavy siege guns, long thirty two's. Where
Trial concluded. --The trial of the man called Timothy Webster, arrested here recently by the military authorities as a spy, together with his wife, was concluded, we learn, before the Court-Martial on Saturday. The "issue joined," as the law books have it, was nothing less than the life of the accused, which would be forfeited were the crime established against him. The proof, it is under stood, was very direct and positive. The result has not transpired. The prisoner was implicated by disclosures made by Lewis and Scully, already under sentence of death as spies, and he has been since his arrest incarcerated in Castle Godwin.