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which affected the interests of our country, and interrupted the action of that of the Confederates. I would add that the conduct of H. B. M. 's subjects, both official and others, showed but little regard or obedience to her proclamation, by aiding and abetting the views and endeavoring to conceal the persons of the Commissioners. I have pointed out sufficient reasons to show you that my action in this case was derived from a firm conviction that it became my duty to make these parties prisoners, and to bring them to the United States. Although in my giving up this valuable prize I have deprived the officers and crew of a well-earned reward, I am assured they are quite content to forego any advantages which might have accrued to them under the circumstances. I may add that having assumed the responsibility, I am willing to abide the result. I am, very respectfully, Your obedient servant, Charles Wilkes, Captain. Hon. Gideon Welles, Secretary of the Navy.