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ays' battle, with the expectation of finally allotting to each one of forty brigades the proper credit, will probably not be successful. My report was called for late one evening, written hastily, without having before me the reports of my regimental commanders, and is incomplete, unsatisfactory to me, and unjust to my brigade. April, 13 General Thomas called for a moment this evening, to congratulate me on my promotion. The practical-joke business is occasionally resumed. Quartermaster Wells was astonished to find that his stove would not draw, or, rather, that the smoke, contrary to rule, insisted upon coming down instead of going up. Examination led to the discovery that the pipe was stuffed with old newspapers. Their removal heated the stove and his temper at the same time, but produced a coolness elsewhere, which the practical joker affected to think quite unaccountable. April, 14 Colonel Dodge, commanding the Second Brigade of Johnson's division, called this a
l spoil him. I have not ridden him much of late. He has a way of walking on his hind legs, for which the saddles in use are not calculated, and there is, consequently, a constant tendency, on the part of the rider, to slip over his tail. Captain Wells sent a colored teamster, who had just come in, tired and hungry, to his quarters for dinner. Simon Bolivar Buckner, who now has charge of the commissary and culinary branch of the Captain's establishment, was in the act of dining when the teCapin tole me fer to come and get my dinnah. Hell, shouted Buckner, does de Capin ‘spose I'm guiane to eat wid a d-n common nigger? Git out'er liar, till I'm done got through. Buckner gets married every time we move camp. On last Sunday Captain Wells found him dressed very elaborately, in white vest and clean linen, and said to him : What's in the wind, Buckner? Gwine to be married dis ebening, sah. What time? Five o'clock, sah. Can't spare you, Buckner. Expect friends here to dine a