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ple repeatedly wrote to his heirs. No answer was received; and such commissioners as had authority from 1647-8 Europe gradually withdrew. There was no relief for the colonists but in themselves; and the inhabitants of Piscataqua, Gorgeana, and Wells, following the 1649. July American precedent, with free and unanimous consent i. Mass. Hist Coll. i. 103. formed themselves into a body politic for the purpose of self-government. Massachusetts readily offered its protection. The great chd to all inhabitants; and the whole eastern country gradually, yet reluctantly, submitted to the necessity of the change. When the claims of the proprietaries in England were urged before Cromwell, many inhabitants of the towns of York, Kittery, Wells, Saco, and 1656 Cape Porpoise, yet not a majority, remonstrated on the ground of former experience. To sever them from Massachusetts would be to them the subverting of all civil order. Documents in Maine Hist Coll. 296. 299. Ms. Letter of G