Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: November 18, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Wells or search for Wells in all documents.

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The Harmoneans continue their exhibitions at Metropolitan Hall, giving all the attractions of Ethiopian minstrelsy, burlesque, and farce. The Misses Partington appear every night in songs and dances, and the merry humor of Wells and company loses none of its freshness. Go and see them.
were shot in neck and shoulder; Rets D, wounded in shoulder; Saffarraus Capt. J, shot in the body and through the lungs; Stith A shot in the breast; Sweeney Patrick, shot in arm and hand; Slatterly M, shot in thighs Taylor C, shot in lungs; Twy Dennis, shot in leg and arm; Teate James, wounded in shoulder; Waltree Lt. James, shot through hip and bowels; Walsh Thos, shot in leg; Welsh Fatrick, shot in leg; Ware Patrick, shot in leg; Welsh Jas, shot in knee; Walden Gilbert, wounded in leg; Wells E, wounded in leg; Williams John, shot in hand; Wilson John, shot in knee; Yaet A W. shot in neck and sides Young Frederick, wounded in shoulder. Wiley Doyle, died on the way down. Lieut. James Walker, son of A J. Walker, Esq., of this city, was taken home and died soon after reaching there. Dr. Keller last evening reported the patient in hospital at the Overton Hotel to be generally doing well; no deaths had occurred. Charles Taylor, who had a capable or shot pass through his right