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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 1 1 Browse Search
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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Editorial paragraphs. (search)
ow the Secretary of the Southern Historical Society, and tender him a public reception at the time and place first mentioned. Resolved, That a committee of five aldermen and five citizens be appointed by the Mayor to carry out these resolutions. The Mayor appointed the following committee: Alderman G. W. Dingle, A. B. Rose, B. L. White, Samuel Webb, P. Moran, and the following citizens: Captain F. W. Dawson, E. L. Wells, Esq., Captain James Simons, Asher D. Cohen, Esq., and Captain J. J. Wescott. In accordance with the above resolutions we had a reception from twelve to two, during which a large number of the best people of Charleston (including a number of ladies) did us the honor to call, and be introduced by His Honor, Mayor Courtenay, who, by the way, was none the less courteous and cordial in all of his arrangements for the comfort and pleasure of his guests, because he had been a gallant Confederate soldier. At two o'clock we were escorted into an elegant collat