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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 19. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The First North Carolina Volunteers and the battle of Bethel. (search)
tizen came dashing in with the information that seventy-five marauders were on the Back River road. I called for Captain McDowell's company (E) of the First regiment of North Carolina volunteers, and in three minutes it was in hot pursuit. Lieutenant West, of the Howitzer battalion, with one piece, was detached to join them, and Major Lane, of my regiment, volunteered to assume command of the whole. After a weary march they encountered, dispersed and chased the wretches over the New Market bng after the skirmish, going into Hampton. We claim, in accordance with these facts, that the detachment under command of Major Lane, consisting of the whole of Company E, First Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, and a howitzer under Lieutenant John M. West (by-the-way, as clever a fellow as ever fired a gun), by their dash almost into the enemy's stronghold, provoked the battle at Bethel Church, and that the first prisoner captured by the regiment was the one taken by their advance squad.