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mes Boorman, Abiel A. Low, Edwards Pierrepont, Richard M. Blatchford, Alexander T. Stewart, Hamilton Fish, Samuel Sloan, John Jacob Astor, Wm. F. Havemeyer, Charles H. Russell, Rudolph A. Witthaus, Charles H. Marshall, Prosper M. Wetmore, Robert H. McCurdy, On motion, the name of Hon. John A. Dix was added to the committee. Mr. S. B. Chittenden offered the following resolution, which was unanimously adopted amid hearty cheers: Resolved, That New York adopts the widomith, August. F. Schwab, Wm. Lyell, Chas. P. Daly, W. H. Hays, Samuel D. Babcock, A. V. Stout, Geo. R. Jackson, Jno. T. Agnew, Francis Hall, Thos. A. Emmett, Wm. Allen Butler, Edwin Hoyt, Jno. E. Devlin, James W. Beekman, P. M. Wetmore, Geo. S. Coe, N. Knight, Jno. A. C. Gray, Cyrus Curtiss, Henry A. Smythe, David Thompson, T. H. Faile, Isaac Bell, Jr., Dan. P. Ingraham, W. M. Vermilye, J. L. Aspinwall, Richard Schell, Fred. Lawrence, J. G. Vassar, J.
treet, and as the boat came in view the most tremendous cheers rent the air. The troops were taken on board the Marion, lying in the North River. The following is a list of the officers: Colonel, Abel Smith; Lieutenant-Colonel, R. B. Clarke; Major, (vacant); Quartermaster, A Garrison; Paymaster, Boyd; Surgeon, Chase; Chaplain, The Rev. Mr. Lee; Commissary, Street; Sergeant-Major, J. H. Rosenquest; Quartermaster's Sergeant, Vail; Sergeant-of-the-Guard, Cheshire; Commissary Sergeant, Wetmore; Ordinance Sergeant, Carpenter; Right General Guide, Sherman; Left General Guide, Nash; Assistant Surgeon, Allingham; Colonel's Secretary, Brockway. Company Officers — A, Capt. Sullivan, Lieut. Mead; B, Capt. Sprague, Lieuts. Hay and McKee; C, Capt. Morgan, Lieut. Dodge; D, Capt. Balsden, Lieuts. Strong and Bennett; E, Capt. Jones, Lieut. Richards; F, Capt. Betts, Lieuts. Morton and Betts; G, Capt, Thorne, Lieuts. Johnson and Woodward. Engineer Corps, Sergeant Briggs. Company F, is comp
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 1. (ed. Frank Moore), Doc. 218.-N. Y. Seventh Regiment papers. (search)
w York State Militia, commanded by Col. Marshall Lefferts, and sharing so fully in the general feeling of gratification which pervades this community at learning that the commanding general of the U. S. Army, under the sanction of the President of the United States, has acknowledged, in special general orders, the important service rendered by that regiment in an hour of dark and trying necessity; the committee desire to unite their congratulations with those of their fellow-citizens, in extending a welcome hand to cheer the return of a body of soldiers who conferred such high honor on the city of New York. Resolved, That this committee will take pleasure in attending the reception to be given to the Seventh Regiment, on its arrival in this city to-morrow. Resolved, That these proceedings be published, and a copy furnished to Col. Lefferts. Extract from the minutes. J. J. Astor, Jr., Chairman pro tem. Executive Committee. prosper M. Wetmore, Secretary Executive Committee.