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General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter 22: battle of Fredericksburg. (search)
g was made by the boats, he thought the city safe against artillery practice, and was pleased to hold till night could cover his withdrawal. Colonel Norman J. Hall, of the Seventh Michigan Regiment, commanded the troops working for a foothold on the west bank. After the several attempts to have the bridge built, he accepted General Hunt's proposition to load the boats and have the men push across. Lieutenant- Colonel Baxter, commanding the regiment, volunteered to lead the party. Captain Weymouth, of the Nineteenth Massachusetts, proposed to support the move. Under signal for artillery fire to cease, the command of Lieutenant-Colonel Baxter pushed across. Under the best fire the pickets could bring to bear only one man was killed and Lieutenant-Colonel Baxter and several men were wounded. The party of seventy were rushed up the bank, gained position, captured some prisoners, and were soon reinforced. The enemy's fire over the west bank was so sweeping that Barksdale could no
gaged at Glendale, its losses there and at Malvern Hill, amounting to 19 killed, 84 wounded, and 42 missing. At Glendale, Colonel Hinks was wounded, and Major Henry J. Howe was killed. The regiment was engaged at Antietam, in Sedgwick's contest in the woods around the Dunker Church, losing there 8 killed, 0108 wounded, and 30 missing; Colonel Hinks was again severely wounded. The loss at Fredericksburg was 14 killed, 83 wounded, and 8 missing. In this engagement, the Nineteenth--under Captain Weymouth--crossed the river in boats, together with the Seventh Michigan, acting as a forlorn hope. The boats crossed in the face of the enemy's fire from the opposite bank, which had hitherto prevented the laying of the pontoons. The Nineteenth, under Colonel Devereux, distinguished itself at Gettysburg, winning especial mention in the histories of that battle; its casualties there were 9 killed, 61 wounded, andl 7 missing, out of 141 engaged. During the Wilderness campaign it was in Webb's
nthrop's Journal, vol. II. p. 195, has the following note concerning Medford:-- Of so flourishing a town as Medford, the settlement of which had been made as early as that of any other, except Charlestown, in the bay, it is remarkable that the early history is very meagre. From several statements of its proportion of the public charges in the colony rates, it must be concluded that it was, within the first eight years, superior in wealth at different times to Newbury, Ipswich, Hingham, Weymouth, all ancient towns, furnished with regular ministers. Yet the number of people was certainly small; and the weight of the tax was probably borne by the property of Governor Cradock, there invested for fishing and other purposes. When that establishment was withdrawn, I suppose, the town languished many years. Simon Bradstreet and James Noyes preached. The consequence of their subsequent destitution of the best means of religion were very unhappy. The town was poorly inhabited, the peop
industry and economy of that age, that, while his oldest son, Simon, was at college, his father placed him in the family of Mr. Foxcraft, the County Register of Deeds, that he might pay for his board by writing in the office. Dr. John Thomas was a medical student under his care, and, at the commencement of the Revolution, commanded at Dorchester Heights, and afterwards at Ticonderoga, where he died of the smallpox. The following lines were from the pen of his son, Dr. Cotton Tufts, of Weymouth :-- Upon the death of my honored father, Simon Tufts, Esq., who died suddenly, Jan. 31, 1747, in the evening. Death seized, and snatched my tender father hence, To live enthroned in happiness immense. Religion, grace, and truth possessed his soul; And heaven-born love he breathed from pole to pole. His grateful country owned his signal worth, And gave him public life in civil birth. A friend to all mankind; true to every cause, Where bound by virtue or his country's laws. Sweet peac
, aged 71. His children were, by first wife,--  30-36Nancy, b. Apr. 6, 1757; m. Dr. Stevens. By his second:--  37Mercy, b. Sept. 3, 1763; m. Cotton Tufts, of Weymouth.  38Jonathan, b. Oct. 25, 1765; d. Mar. 18, 1847.  39Samuel, d. young.  40Samuel, b. Oct. 23, 1768; lost at sea.  41Isaac, d. young.  42William, d. young. named Lunt, and had--  78-135Francis, moved to Maine.  136John.  137Benjamin, moved to Ohio.  138William.  139Mary, m. Mr. Hopkinson. 55-91COTTON Tufts, of Weymouth, m. Mercy Brooks, Mar. 6, 1788, and had--  91-140Quincy, is a merchant in Boston.  141Lucy, m. Thomas Tarbell.  142Susan.  143Mercy. 65-104Daniel Tufts m. A36. He m., 1st, Ruth Thayer, who d. Dec. 29, 1793; leaving--   Sarah.   Jonathan.    Paul,b. Jan. 13, 1762. Silas,  1-2   He m., 2d, Sarah Kingman, of Weymouth. He d. Sept. 30, 1807. 1-2Silas wild m., 1st, Abigail Wild, who was b. Feb. 4, 1761, and d. Jan. 8, 1803; leaving children:--  2-3Silas, b.
State. A box will be ready to-morrow morning. Please tell the bearer where you will have it sent. Colonel Borden, of Fall River, writes, The Empire State will be let at a thousand dollars a day; the State of Maine, for eight hundred. George B. Upton, of Boston, writes that he had made a contract with the agents of the S. R. Spaulding to take troops to Fortress Monroe at twelve dollars each. The vessel will be ready in eight hours after notice is received. April 18.—E. C. Peirce, of Weymouth, writes, If the services of an active horse and rider as courier are required for any distance, great or small, let me know. Daniel Denny, of Boston, writes, I have three spacious lofts, No. 142, Fulton Street, quite light and airy, which I freely offer for the use of the military. Being considerably more than forty-five years old, I fear my personal services would not be accepted if offered. Captain Peard, of Milford, writes, I offer my company, the Davis Guards, all of whom are adopted
William Schouler, A history of Massachusetts in the Civil War: Volume 2, Chapter 12: Norfolk County. (search)
ed to borrow fifteen thousand dollars to pay the same. The selectmen were also instructed to receive in Boston, Company H, of the Twelfth Regiment Massachusetts Volunteers, on its return from the war, and escort it free of expense to Weymouth Landing; and that members of the Eleventh Regiment who enlisted from this town be invited to participate in the reception. 1865. March 26th, Voted, to appropriate twenty-five thousand dollars for State aid to soldiers' families during the year. Weymouth, according to the return made by the selectmen in 1864, furnished nine hundred and eighteen men for the war, which we think is about ninety in excess of the number that was credited. The town furnished its full quota upon every call made by the President, and had a surplus at the end of the war of thirty-eight over and above all demands. Thirty were commissioned officers. The whole amount of money appropriated and expended by the town on account of the war, exclusive of State aid, was on
Tisbury 168 Tolland 320 Topsfield 246 Townsend 458 Truro 51 Tyngsborough 460 Tyringham 106 U. Upton 686 Uxbridge 687 W. Wakefield 450 Wales 321 Walpole 524 Waltham 461 Ware 359 Wareham 577 Warren 689 Warwick 288 Washington 108 Watertown 463 Wayland 466 Webster 690 Wellfleet 54 Wendell 289 Wenham 249 West Bridgewater 578 West Brookfield 695 Westborough 692 West Boylston 694 West Cambridge (Arlington) 467 Westfield 323 Westford 469 Westhampton 361 Westminster 696 West Newbury 250 Weston 469 Westport 160 West Roxbury 525 West Springfield 325 West Stockbridge 109 Weymouth 529 Whately 290 Wilbraham 327 Williamsburg 362 Williamstown 111 Wilmington 471 Winchendon 698 Winchester 473 Windsor 113 Winthrop 600 Wrentham 531 Woburn 474 Worcester 699 Worthington 364 Y. Yarmouth 55
g engines weighing over one million pounds each. Among the prominent American cities using the Blake water-works engines may be mentioned: Boston, New York, Washington, Camden, New Orleans, Cleveland, Mobile, Toronto, Shreveport, Helena, Birmingham, Racine, La Crosse, Mc-Keesport, etc. A partial list of places in Massachusetts includes: Cambridge, Newton, Brookline, Woburn, Natick, Hyde Park, Dedham, Needham, Wakefield, Malden, Arlington, Belmont, Walpole, Lexington, Gloucester, Marlboro, Weymouth, North Adams, Maynard, Mansfield, Randolph, Foxboro, Cohasset, Lenox, Chelsea, Brockton, Franklin, Provincetown, Canton, Stoughton, Braintree, and Wellesley. These engines are also in use in foreign water-works, as for instance at St. Petersburg, Honolulu, and Sydney. The new United States Navy is practically fitted out with Blake pumps, a partial list including the following vessels: Columbia, New York, Iowa, Brooklyn, Philadelphia, Newark, Chicago, Boston, Atlanta, Massachusetts, Indi
Francis Jackson Garrison, William Lloyd Garrison, 1805-1879; the story of his life told by his children: volume 3, Chapter 15: the Personal Liberty Law.—1855. (search)
I dwell, dear friend, with inexpressible satisfaction upon the fact, that your last public act in the service of the slave was that of presiding at the 20th anniversary of the memorable mobocratic 21st of October, 1835. It will constitute a fitting crown of honor to a well-spent life. Nothing could have been more felicitous, or more beautifully and historically, as well as personally, appropriate. I have to communicate to you the death of Capt. Weston at Warren Weston. Nov. 2, 1855. Weymouth. He finished his voyage of life last evening, and has entered into the haven of rest. I have dictated a letter to Anne, conveying my sympathy to the family, in view of their A. W. Weston. bereavement, and communicating to them, also, the sad intelligence of your own dangerous illness. It will add much to their weight of sorrow, I know; but, at the same time, I felt sure they would wish to be apprised of the fact without any delay. The reference, in your note, to your parched lips is